Igarashi's explanation made Qiong relax his brows and continue to eat snacks in small bites.

Although it is boring on the train, watching Qiong eat is a pleasant thing. Unfortunately, the girl's character determines that once Igarashi pays attention to her for a long time, the girl will become shy and dissatisfied, and Igarashi can only remain silent. Waiting quietly, he even came up with the bold idea of ​​secretly using his mental power to speed up the train.

There are dense shrubs on both sides of a not-so-wide cement road, and further away there are grasslands, forests, and hills covered with green trees.

This is the countryside, a place that is very different from the city and very close to nature.

After coming out of the train station, I walked for almost forty minutes. Based on Qiong's movements, although these forty minutes were very long and I didn't actually cover much distance, but...

I'm tired.

Igarashi has heard this sentence said many times by Qiong. Before, it was just a simple complaint. Now, Igarashi can clearly see the fine beads of sweat on the girl's forehead.

I'll carry you.

No, how embarrassing.

Don't worry, no one will see it.


After a slight silence, Qiong gave in and climbed onto the back of Igarashi who was squatting down. He thought that Igarashi's back should be soaked with sweat, but unexpectedly, it was still clean.

Chapter 484 Cleaning up

Sweat is not something that makes people feel comfortable, and in most cases, other people's sweat will make people feel sick if it comes into contact with them. However, I was already prepared to be intimate with Igarashi's sweat-soaked back. Qiong, who was ready for contact, was surprised to find that not only did Igarashi not sweat, but he also felt comfortable when he was close to him.


Qiong's slightly pale face blushed slightly, and then she silently let Igarashi carry her on her back. She was really tired.


Qiong on his back let out a small exclamation, and Igarashi's body trembled.

What's wrong?

Something jumped out of the grass.

Using his mental energy, he swept towards the grass pointed by Qiong's white and tender finger, and Igarashi discovered that it was just an insect.


Well, let's go.

Feeling that his little body was about to move on his back, Igarashi quickly left the grass without teasing Qiong, who hated bugs.

Carrying Qiong on his back, he no longer had to worry about the girl being too tired to walk. Igarashi secretly speeded up his pace. After spending ten minutes, he quickly reached his destination, a house with only one floor but multiple rooms. It's connected, it's quite big, but it's a little shabby.

The old plaque hanging in front of the door reads: Kasugano Hospital.

Igarashi feels like he is occupying a magpie's nest. Perhaps with the help of the system, although he has become Qiong's brother, his name is still Igarashi and Kasugano. This is a surname that belongs exclusively to Qiong.

Grandpa is the doctor in the town and grandma is the midwife. A long time ago, when they were still alive, they ran this hospital. As the only hospital in the town, the residents of the town loved them.

Before coming here, I had entrusted the local housing bureau to clean the house and went through the procedures for using water, electricity and gas, so Igarashi didn't have to do too much cleaning work.

I've already bought the internet and air conditioner. Someone will install it tomorrow at the latest, but I may have to aggrieve you a little today, Qiong.

Hearing that there was no internet, Qiong, who had just taken out his cell phone, paused. He turned around and met Igarashi's eyes. Remembering that he had been carrying her on his back all the way, the girl sighed feebly.

All right.

In fact, the Internet and air conditioning are relatively expensive. For minors who have no ability to make money and rely on compensation to maintain their lives, not having an Internet connection or air conditioning is the best choice.

But how could Igarashi make Qiong suffer? Moreover, for him, money has not been something worth worrying about for a long, long time. Even if he does not use any extraordinary power, he just writes novels like he did in the world of passerby heroines. Living the day can also give Qiong a good life.

Qiong chose the innermost room, feeling Igarashi's gaze, Qiong asked.

Is there any pesticide?

Not yet, but there shouldn't be any bugs here.

Qiong hates bugs. In such a place with lush vegetation, there are naturally no shortage of mosquitoes. But while Igarashi was talking, he had already set up a weakened version of the keep out of sight barrier. Although it has no effect on people, mosquitoes and the like , but will not go near this house.

Go buy it quickly, there are snacks too.

Raising the empty snack box in his hand, Qiong made a request.

There is no TV, no Internet, and no books. It is quite boring. Thinking of Qiong carrying a laptop, Igarashi suggested.

Well, how about you read a novel while I'm out?

What novel? Where is it?

Well, I'm leaving.

Handing the USB flash drive containing the adapted version of Sword Art Online that he wrote to Qiong, Igarashi left the room. As for whether leaving Qiong alone as a weak girl at home would encounter any danger, Igarashi had already used the law to The whole house is protected, let alone anyone with ulterior motives, even the so-called god of disobedience, if they dare to come, they will die.

Although he was not familiar with the environment, with the feedback from his mental power, Igarashi quickly found the supermarket. He calculated that it would probably take dozens of minutes to get there at a speed acceptable to normal people. After Igarashi made sure that there was no one around, , using teleportation magic.

A more powerful version of a vegetable store. This word is probably the most suitable to describe the so-called supermarket. In addition to the variety of vegetables that are comprehensive and of high quality and low price, the variety of snacks is pitifully small. Igarashi, who does not intend to save money, simply buys one every day. I bought some snacks. Anyway, these kind of things have a long shelf life.

I'm back.

Igarashi, who used teleportation magic again to return home, saw Qiong sitting attentively in front of the computer. When he heard his own voice, he turned his head slightly, and then focused his eyes on the computer screen.

Virtual reality, what does it mean?

Qiong was frail and sick, and had been living in the hospital before. After she recovered, she received the bad news that her parents had died. She had not seen many new things, and lacked imagination. She was a little confused about the virtual reality described in the novel. curious.

He patiently explained it to her. It was funny to see Qiong, who always had a calm expression and a little bit of anger, and used teleportation magic to go out. However, after more than ten minutes, Qiong actually sent a text message to urge him. It was obvious that the novel was attractive. His strength should be quite strong.

I'm hungry.

What to eat?


In addition to asking himself questions, Qiong's eyes kept staring at the big bag in Igarashi's hand. The various snacks deeply attracted the girl's attention.

Okay, it's up to you today.

Although using snacks instead of normal meals is not good for the body, with Igarashi watching, Qiong will naturally not have any physical problems. Since Qiong likes it, let her do it today, but after tomorrow, it is better to return to the normal track. good.

Qiong was huddled in the room alone, eating snacks and reading novels, feeling quite at ease.

Igarashi took this opportunity to pack his luggage. Although there was only one small bag on the train, since it was a move, a lot of furniture was naturally moved back by the moving company. This job would have taken half a day to complete, but after working tirelessly Igarashi's subordinates, and after dozens of minutes, everything was done.

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