Thinking of the past, Ji Xuanyuan felt a little sweet, but also a little angry.

Then why is he so powerful? He was able to kill Chi You with one sword, and I think his sword was even more powerful than the God's Key. It's really strange. Is there any weapon stronger than the God's Key in this world? Tell me more. It’s a little about him.”

At this time, thousands of years have passed since ancient times. Although under the leadership of Ji Xuanyuan, Nuwa Fuxi, who was unable to escape because she had to guard the seal, entered the illusion created by Igarashi in the Xuanyuan Sword, but in order to fight against Beng Being evil, they really don't know how to entertain themselves. The illusion is constructed according to their wishes. The girls' poor imagination only makes them bored after spending hundreds of years in the Xuanyuan Sword where the passage of time is blurred. In the end, she spent the whole day sleeping to kill time. Now she finally came out. Nuwa asked questions energetically. Fu Hua also looked at Ji Xuanyuan silently on the side, and glanced at Igarashi gratefully from time to time.

Sirin, Cecilia and others are currently in the south of China.

The news from the World Will made Igarashi curl his lips. He closed his eyes and felt it for a while. He quickly found the place where the person with his own divine contract was located hundreds of kilometers away.

It's safe here. The scenery on the seaside is nice. You can enjoy it for a while. I'll pick up someone else, Xiao Xuanyuan, and get to know everyone well. Brother will be back soon.


Seeing Igarashi disappear without a trace in a flash, Heihua Xier said unhappily.

Brother will definitely bring back a beautiful sister I don't know.


Ji Xuanyuan turned around sharply and stared at Xi'er. Igarashi once said that brother is a term of endearment, which means that this girl is also someone close to her brother.

Wuliangta Jizi looked at Ji Xuanyuan curiously. Before Igarashi gave her the God's Contract, Jizi had been thinking about the stigma. No one wanted to die early, and according to legend, Ji Xuanyuan had a With the original stigmata, even if she dies, the stigmata should remain. Jizi can use this to ensure that she lives for a few more years.

However, for Ji Zi now, the stigmata is no longer important. Feeling the body that is now full of vitality, Ji Zi's lips curled up.

On the other side, Kukai City.

Cecilia and several Valkyries looked at Sirin not far away with a little wariness. They probably knew that it was more than ten years later. As for why they came here, except for Cecilia and Sirin, Except for the person who has the contract of God, the other Valkyries will subconsciously avoid this problem every time they think about it.

Ci Lin...

Cecilia clenched the spear named Black Abyss White Flower in her hand and looked at the Second Herrscher in front of her with vigilance. Although her teammates in her team told her that the Second Herrscher in front of her had been defeated by Igarashi, and She gave up destroying the world, but now she is in a city. Although it is not a busy city, there are still a lot of people. If Xilin causes trouble here, there will be heavy casualties.

Little sister, let's get to know each other!

Although the spear in Cecilia's hand looks quite intimidating, and the costumes of the girls in front of her are also a bit special, there is no Honkai alarm here at all, and there is no news that a Valkyrie is coming. Beautiful girls can always Attracting the wild bees and butterflies, a man with red stars in his eyes ran over as if he had lost his mind.


With a dull sound, the man was directly knocked away by the invisible force, hit the bushes in the distance, and then fell into a coma. The bystanders who were about to move retreated at this time. This must be the Valkyrie. Although they look like She is beautiful, but ordinary people cannot mess with her at all. The passers-by who understood this instantly dispersed, while Siren clapped her hand with a look of disgust, causing Cecilia to frown when she saw this scene.


Don't worry, he's not dead. Your name is Cecilia, huh. He doesn't look that strong. Even if I am weakened, you are no match for me. Okay, tell me, where is Igarashi?

Chapter 477 How about becoming a Herrscher?

I'm already here.

At the same time as Igarashi's voice came, a figure also appeared in front of the girls. Cecilia and Sirin were expected to be here, but the three Valkyries Shub, Salomé, and Patrick were also here, which was beyond their control. Igarashi was surprised.

Hey, I've been weakened, help me get revenge.

Xilin glanced at Igarashi with an indignant look. Her Herrscher core was more than weakened by the will of the world. If it weren't for the ghostly talisman he wrote on her back, she might not even know about it.

It's good to weaken it, so that no one can stop you when you are willful.

Siren's power in the imaginary space can be used to attack and defend. Once she loses her temper, it will cause terrible turmoil. Now, it seems that Sirin cannot bring the things in the imaginary space to reality for a short time. Thinking of this, Igarashi He comforted Siren again.

Okay, come with me to St. Freya Academy, and I'll provide you with delicious food and drinks, how about that?

Anyway, the cost of food and drink has nothing to do with you.

Seeing that Sirin had no rebuttal, Igarashi came to Cecilia, gently stroked her long, silky white hair, opened his mouth, but hesitated to speak.

Cecilia smiled softly and winked at Igarashi with a hint of playfulness.

Of course I will go to St. Freya Academy with you. In this day and age, it doesn't matter if destiny lacks me, my great hero.

Reunited after a long separation, the two hands were held together again.

Sabu, Salome, and Patrick didn't quite understand the meaning of this era, but they knew that something happened that they couldn't understand. When they saw Igarashi crushing the second Herrscher Sirin, he even directly asked Sirin to Giving up on destruction, their three views had been shattered and they quickly accepted the reality.

Sabu secretly glanced at her two comrades and guessed that their inner thoughts were similar to hers. She, who had always been carefree, begged Igarashi cautiously.

Well, can we follow you?

Igarashi turned his eyes and looked at the three A-level Valkyrie. Apart from meeting Patrick before, Sabu and Salome had really only met once. They actually wanted to follow him? That's right, if the Valkyrie who has been missing for so long returns to the Tianming Headquarters, she will inevitably be teased. Instead of being constantly tested in Europe, it is indeed better to be in St. Freya Academy where aliens gather.

Of course, you are very welcome.

It turns out that there is not one sister, but five.

Heihua Xier looked at the girl following Igarashi with a broken smile.


Theresa was full of surprises. Originally, she was on the Hyperion. When she heard that Igarashi said that she was going to bring someone back, Theresa had some ideas. Sure enough, Igarashi really brought Cecily to her. Ya brought back.


The school principal, who had always been full of majesty, now threw himself into Cecilia's arms like a child. Cecilia noticed the reactions of the other girls she didn't know and guessed what Germany was doing. What is Lisa usually like?

Second Herrscher?!

When Cocolia saw Sirin, she made a slightly panicked sound. It is said that Walter, the leader of the Anti-Entropy Alliance, is not the opponent of the Second Herrscher, let alone herself. However, the fear she just had, after her eyes touched Igarashi, disappeared again. After calming down, even the Second Herrscher was defeated by his men.

Oh? There are still people who know about me.

Siren glanced at Cocolia and was slightly happy. Siren was just a girl after all, and her temperament was not mature enough. Her mood would change when others knew her.

Kallen secretly pinched Igarashi, Teresa, Kiana, Cecilia, and herself. If it weren't for other girls, Kallen would have thought Igarashi was a white-haired man.

Igarashi feels like he is in a country of girls now.

Like a collector, Igarashi has many Valkyries and Herrschers gathered around him.

Now, the results are almost there.

Looking at the faintly cheering Honkai Impact in the sky, Igarashi's lips curled up slightly.

Similar to the world will, Honkai energy also has a Honkai will. This Honkai will has a certain degree of intelligence and has a higher control over Honkai than the Herrscher. Under its control, the Herrscher It can call upon a large range of Honkai energy and command Honkai beasts, but once Honkai will does not recognize the Herrscher, the Herrscher loses most of its power and can only use the energy of its own Herrscher core.

But now, with the arrival of Siren, Honkai Will's mastery of Honkai Energy has become even lower. The highest leader of Honkai Energy in this area has become the Herrscher girls. If there are a few more The Herrscher will be the last straw that breaks the camel's back. The owner of the control over the collapse of the world will change from the Honkai Will to the Herrscher.

What are you looking at me doing...

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