Fu Hua shouted subconsciously, and then remembered the fighting prowess of the girls present now, and smiled weakly. Even the three fighting spirits of thunder, fire and ice summoned by the Xuanyuan Sword were no match for them.

When Igarashi brought Kiana, Mei and the others over, what they saw was the three energies dissipating in front of Kallen, Yae Sakura, and Hitamaru.

Then, the Xuanyuan Sword floating in the air began to tremble violently, as if it wanted to fly away. If the Xuanyuan Sword, which is the most critical part of the seal, breaks away, the seal will be greatly weakened. As long as the sealed thing still has consciousness, I will never give up this opportunity.

Boom, boom, boom.

The dull sound was like thunder, and the vibration caused by that sound not only made the air tremble, but also the Honkai energy began to tremble. Different from being expelled by Igarashi's law before, the Honkai energy is now excited, just like it is about to The emperor-like excitement and the increasingly rich Honkai energy made Bronya, the weakest person present and without much protection, frown in discomfort.

Get out first.

Grabbing the Xuanyuan Sword, Igarashi used teleportation magic and took all the girls directly out of the cave and returned to the beach. Although the scenery here is pleasant and can be called a tourist attraction, there are no idle people. Wu Shilan had already asked Tianming to block the area around the South China Sea at this time, and no one could get close to it.

Looking at the surroundings blankly, Kiana felt a little strange when she found that she was back at the beach again.

Hey, why are you leaving?

It's not good if the seal is lifted and it stays in someone else's belly again.

Chapter 473 Ancient times


As soon as Igarashi finished speaking, a huge roar came from the bottom of the sea, and a mountain raised its head.

That's... the Chiyou beast?!

Looking at the somewhat familiar structure, Yayi made a sound in silence. Just now, everyone actually entered Chi You's stomach from his mouth.

At this time, Igarashi looked at the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand blankly. Unlike the original Ksitigarbha Yuhun, the Xuanyuan Sword behaved very calmly when he did not suppress it with laws. More than that, it should It's fair to say that they are cheering. In addition, the sword vaguely contains the feeling of one's own laws and spiritual power. Who is in the Xuanyuan Sword?

When Igarashi tried to unlock the contents of Xuanyuan Sword, it was like opening a certain mechanism. The will of the world descended silently, causing the small area where Igarashi was located to flow at a different speed from the outside world.

Go back nearly five thousand years ago and create the first warrior to fight against Honkai for this civilizational era.

Igarashi expressed his approval that the World Will did not teleport him away without asking any questions this time. He looked at the seal on the Xuanyuan Sword. Although the World Will can create some things, it absolutely cannot create its own laws. Then It is an existence on the same level as this world, so in the end, did you accept it? Under the operation of the will of the world, if you go back to the past and then return, there will be no time passing, so there is no need to think about it again.

Let's go, world will, remember, I will not pay unilaterally.

Ancient times.

At this time, human beings have not been able to grasp the power of technology. Even when facing ordinary beasts, they are bound to pay some casualties. Honkai is synonymous with death in this era. Why is it called Honkai? Humans don’t know. They only know that this has always been the case. A term that has been popular since.

Xuanyuan Sword, according to legend, is a weapon given by the gods. It is definitely not a stone weapon and can be compared to a bone weapon.

On the land of China, there is the Xiong clan, which owns the Xuanyuan Sword. When hunting with this sword, you can get twice the result with half the effort. However, with awe of the unknown, the entire Xiong clan has not overstepped its bounds and has always enshrined it as a treasure. .

In the south of China, monsters often appear. Different from the ordinary beasts that are hunted, the monsters there are larger and more cruel. Just one can kill a tribe. People call it Jiuyou in awe.

When Jiuyou's monsters appeared, even if they had the Xuanyuan Sword, the Xiong family could not survive. Looking at the wave of Jiuyou monsters, the patriarch Shaodian's eyes filled with despair. He grabbed the Xuanyuan Sword and used it to He handed it to his daughter, a petite girl.

The Xiong clan... is going to be destroyed, Xuanyuan. Maybe it's because of my selfish desires. The original name of the Xuanyuan Sword was the Key of God. I didn't know its meaning, so I rashly called it after my daughter. , but, child, can you understand my wish?

Shaodian did not wait for his daughter to answer, but pushed her aside, in the opposite direction from where the Nine Nether Monster was attacking.


Although the Xuanyuan Sword is extremely sharp, Shaodian knows that the monster in front of him cannot be killed by cutting off a certain part. Shaodian decides to let his daughter escape with the Xuanyuan Sword and face the fate of annihilation alone.

One step, two steps, dozens of steps, hundreds of steps.

Behind are the destroyed tribesmen, and in front is an unknown thorny road.

The girl named Ji Xuanyuan was still young. The double oppression of her body and mind made her quickly fall to the ground. Before she fainted, she seemed to see a future in which she was eaten by the Nine Nether Monster. Growing up, a girl who didn't even know much about hunting was supposed to survive in an area infested with monsters.

Boom, boom, boom.

The Nine Nether Monster, which had completely destroyed the Xiong clan, ran towards the direction of Ji Xuanyuan, ate the girl, and then continued to erupt further, bringing destruction to the entire world. This was eroded by Honkai. The only instinct inside the monster.

Igarashi, who was teleported by the will of the world, stood in the sky and saw the fainted girl at his feet, as well as the ferocious Honkaimon. Unlike the Honkaimon of later generations, the Honkaimon at this time was even more brutal, not just normal. Life, everything except mountains, rivers and vegetation is the target of their destruction.


With a slight false slap, the ground sank several meters, and the previously invincible Honkaimon was directly beaten into powder by Igarashi.

His mental power gradually expanded, and he soon discovered the destroyed tribe. Igarashi had already guessed why the girl in front of him was in such a mess, but he could not compare the coma girl on the ground with hesitation and despair on her face to the one who had been in Destiny Virtual In reality, the soldier's face of determination is associated with the coldness of the warrior.

What the World Will said about cultivating warriors to fight against Honkai, it turned out to be true.

At this time, Ji Xuanyuan was just a little girl. Even if she gained extraordinary power, she did not have the willpower to control it. Is this her mission?

Taking the unconscious girl out of this hell on earth and letting her lie on a beautiful grassland hundreds of kilometers away, Igarashi used recovery magic to wake up the unconscious girl.

Is this the world after death? It's so beautiful.

Ji Xuanyuan looked at the surrounding environment blankly and murmured.

No, you're still alive.

Looking at the girl whose eyes widened when she heard the human voice, Igarashi smiled.

Want to gain power? The power to kill those Honkai beasts.

Ji Xuanyuan stared at the person in front of him blankly. In this era where people were willing to sacrifice their lives for food and were attacked by monsters, people like Igarashi who were indifferent and simple did not exist at all.

Are you a god?

No, I'm human.

Please teach me.

Whether he is a god or a human being, Igarashi has become Ji Xuanyuan's life-saving straw. The young girl does not even know how to hunt. She has no idea how to survive in this world alone, and then , carrying forward his father’s last wish and protecting everyone.

Xuanyuan Sword is resonating with Ji Xuanyuan. Igarashi can be sure that even without him, Ji Xuanyuan will be able to exert some of the power of Xuanyuan Sword after a while, but before that, he will have to suffer as much as he wants. It's something that can be expected.

Looking at the girl who would leave a glorious legend in the future, Igarashi touched her head.

My name is Igarashi. I will take care of you for a while from now on.

Chapter 474 The Emperor

What does brother mean?

Ji Xuanyuan tilted his head and looked curiously at the person in front of him who asked him to call him brother.

Hmm...a more intimate term.

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