Herrscher? I have many.

The raging Honkai energy, the opening and closing of the anti-entropy Titan, the Valkyries who were originally clearing out the Honkai beasts have now gathered here, looking at the stationary Titan, and Wen, who has cyan energy wings on his back. Di.

After Igarashi finished speaking, Yae Sakura, Hitamaru, and Raiden Mei stood up consciously, and Mei, who understood that Igarashi did not want to eliminate Wendy, began to persuade her.

You are Wendy, the Fourth Herrscher, right? I am Raiden Mei, the Third Herrscher. I was a student of St. Freya Academy before, and now I am a Valkyrie. The Herrscher does have the power of the taboo, but it does not necessarily mean that Messenger of destruction, Wendy, are you willing to be our companion?

Chapter 461 Control

Ah, if you don't agree, we will take you away by force, and we will do this and that to you in the future.

Igarashi's serious supplement made Mei dumbfounded. Since he had adopted a gentle strategy, there was no reason to threaten, and this threat was really hard to make people feel afraid.

Looking at Igarashi's face, the corners of Wendy's mouth curled up slightly. The previous resentment towards Igarashi also disappeared. However, Wendy's attitude towards Tianming was still not friendly.

Becoming a companion? You want to do some experiments again, right? Compared to the Valkyrie, the Herrscher is a more precious experimental material, isn't it?

no, I can not.

Mei Yi shook her head repeatedly and tried to explain to Wendy. Unfortunately, Wendy didn't listen to her. The wind's wings fluttered and seemed to want to fly away.


The soft one is not enough and the hard one is not enough.

Igarashi knocked Wendy unconscious with a single blow. He supported the girl's body to prevent her from falling directly to the ground. He turned his head and saw the Valkyrie lying down quite innocently with looks of surprise and reproach. Spread your hands.

I can't help it. I've said hello to her before.

The girls who know the Herrscher's combat power understand the power of Igarashi, but Kiana and the others don't have a clear idea of ​​the Herrscher. They are not too impressed when they see Igarashi easily subduing the Herrscher. Himeko expresses his intention. With a deep smile, he spoke.

Then, Captain, should we continue to clean up the Honkai Beasts, leaving you with room to do such and such things to Wendy?

Kiana on the side even showed a look of disgust. This guy who talks about eating pretty girl-flavored instant noodles and drinking Mei's girl juice all day long actually has the nerve to dislike me?

Igarashi forcibly suppressed his inner restlessness and showed an ugly smile.

Haha, let's go back to Hyperion. The biggest threat here is gone. If the Oceania branch can't solve the remaining Honkai beasts, there's nothing I can do.


Seeing Himeko's expression of pity for him, Igarashi showed a serious and upright expression and nodded firmly.


Who are those big guys?

Seeing what happened, Kiana curiously pointed at the robots that had stopped all actions and looked like scrap metal. Although she didn't see them in action, the color, the metallic texture, and the overwhelming weight on the ground It looks like a dent. Sure enough, this is a more powerful robot than the robot used for the academy exam.

That's the anti-entropic Titan.

Anti-entropy? Is that destiny's nemesis?

Rivals are not considered rivals, they should be considered competitors. The main force of Destiny's fight against Honkai is the Valkyrie, and the anti-entropy is these Titan robots. Although their utilization rate of Honkai energy can only reach 20%, they still have not tried the human body. experiment.

Counter-Entropy was founded by the First Herrscher at the end of the 20th century. Kallen, Yae Sakura and others did not know about this new organization, while Kiana did not know much about it. Himeko gave a rough explanation. In fact, compared to Destiny, the anti-entropy method is very humane, and would rather consume huge resources than sacrifice a few people to save the majority. However, Valkyrie was already prepared to give her life to fight against Honkai.

Mei's eyes became a little erratic. She was once the daughter of the president of ME, a subsidiary of Counter-Entropy. However, her father Raiden Ryoma was imprisoned for economic crimes and had lost his position as a leader. Now, as Mei is facing Honkai and the true nature of the world As she learned more about the powerful organization, she suddenly felt that her father might not have been involved in something as simple as economic crimes.

Bronya's face was expressionless. She had lost a lot of emotions because of an accident. It was difficult for others to judge her mood from her performance. So even if Bronya trembled because of the word anti-entropy, No one saw it, including Igarashi who was observing secretly.

Although Wendy was brought to Hyperion, it was necessary to think about the follow-up measures. Even if Kallen, Fu Hua, and Yae Sakura all had the power to subdue Wendy alone, once a fight broke out, Hyperion would not be able to bear it. That repair fee is not a small amount either.

Brother, leave it to me!

Hitamaru patted his chest and recommended himself to Igarashi. During this period, he was addicted to fried tofu and various delicacies. The fox girl who only threw fireballs as a joke when facing Honkaimon finally remembered that she was once a powerful person. The Twelfth Herrscher of the Civilized Era had no problem dealing with Wendy, a guy who was not only immature, but even had an incomplete concept.

Um, can you subdue Wendy without causing damage?

In fact, Igarashi can do it, as long as he puts mental shackles on Wendy, but Wendy has never made any attack on herself, not even making bad words, so Igarashi is a little unable to do it.

Okay, I used to be the Herrscher of Corrosion, and the flame I just used was just a small trick. I can corrode Wendy's wind, and it won't have much impact.

Hitamaru is very impressive, but unfortunately her lolita tone, which has not matured for fifty thousand years, is really not very convincing.

Forget it, you should go eat the fried tofu. I will watch over Wendy when she wakes up.


Although he wanted to prove his strength, compared to the job of guarding, the temptation of fried tofu was greater, and Hitamamaru lost his voice in an instant.

On the other side, the room where the unconscious Wendy was.

Accept the order and confirm that the initiator has the highest authority.

Bronya's figure suddenly appeared in the room. Although the girl originally lacked expression, she did not lack spirituality. However, at this moment, Bronya's eyes were colorless, like a machine.

The Heavy Rabbit was called out, picked up Wendy, and Bronya left quickly. Although Hyperion was flying in the air now, the Heavy Rabbit had the ability to fly for a short period of time, so he could take the cloth with him. Ronya landed safely on the ground.

Hey, what are you doing? Bronya.

Bronya opened the door and saw Igarashi standing at the door with a smile.

Chapter 462 If you lose all courage, let me do it

Counter entropy, between arks.

In the room, which is dominated by dark tones and looks like an alien space, there are dark blue squares covered with lines floating in it. Each one is standing with one person. They are high-level anti-entropy people, most of whom are scientists.

Looking at the scene in front of the light screen transmitted back through the chip-controlled Bronya, the senior officials of Anti-Entropy fell into silence. After the leader of the alliance Walter's whereabouts was strange, Cocolia, who had the power of Anti-Entropy, was mature with blond hair and purple eyes. The woman looked slightly disdainful when she saw the reactions of the elders.

Why, you all, all powerful people, are you planning to surrender without a fight because of one person?

...Kokolia, you have never seen the battle in Siberia with your own eyes, so you have no idea how powerful the opponent is.

Yes, I have never seen it, but you haven't seen it either. The only person who participated personally was the leader.

Cocolia glanced at the person who was almost discouraged and tried to encourage her.

But the Third Herrscher was born under my plan, and the Fourth Herrscher is no match for the Titans. Even those Titans are not the strongest. We still have a Heavenly Father who is enough to suppress S-class, even if this one is called Igarashi We have defeated the Second Herrscher, so what does it matter? Our leader is the First Herrscher.

The Third Herrscher and the Fourth Herrscher are far from reaching the level of true Herrschers. When the alliance leader and the Second Herrscher fought...

Before the other party finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by Cocolia.

There are no images, no large-scale destruction. The Siberian incident that is not known to be true or false has made you lose your spirit. Stop fooling yourself and others. Since you have no courage, then let me do it.

Cocolia turned around and looked at the light screen.

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