What does Fu Hua have to do with you...?

Could it be that it is an impure relationship like Yae Sakura? Are all members of the Kaslana family Lily? Kiana, who is genetically similar, is like this, and Kallen, who looks normal, is like this.

After giving Igarashi an annoyed look, Kallen explained.

I used to be Destiny's strongest Valkyrie. She protected China. We had a battle. The Valkyrie unit I led was repelled by her alone.

I didn't expect you to act as the aggressor.

Kallen's word was repulse. Igarashi easily understood the roles played by both parties, which also made Kallen a little embarrassed.

That's not true. At that time, we thought that China was being ravaged by Honkai beasts and wanted to clean up the Honkai beasts. Unexpectedly, we met Fu Hua.

Thinking about Fu Hua's current physical fitness and comparing it with Kallen, Igarashi discovered a blind spot.

Although Fu Hua's power cannot be underestimated, it shouldn't be that powerful.

She seems to have lost most of her strength for some reason. However, the fact that she has only lived for five hundred years is very surprising.

Five hundred years? The years Fu Hua spent are much longer than five hundred years.

So, do you want to find a chance to explore the secret of Fu Hua?

Chapter 458 The Immortal of the Past

In 1470 AD, as Honkai spread in Europe, the world's largest anti-Honkai organization, Tianming, successfully intervened in the political circles of various countries on the grounds of protection. The expansion of power brought greater prestige and power to the organization. But at the same time, it also corrupted the hearts of the top leaders of Tianming.

The heart that protected humanity from collapse was gradually replaced by ambition and greed.

Subsequently, in order to capture more countries, the leaders of Destiny planned a large-scale Eastern Expedition. The Knights of Destiny, who conquered the entire Europe, were full of ambition. With their experience in war and superb martial arts, they created weapons to fight against Honkai. Super powerful weapons, in their eyes, make fighting humans a breeze.

But on the way to conquer, they encountered a powerful enemy, the Ming Empire that dominated the land of China. After several battles, they finally launched a decisive battle on the Qinchak grassland.

In the beginning, the two sides were evenly matched. In order to break the deadlock, Destiny ordered the soldiers to use secretly developed Honkai energy weapons. They endured the pain of being eroded by Honkai energy and were able to control the forbidden power for a short time. Destiny's knights let the victory balance Lean towards them.

But the situation of the battle was reversed because of her appearance.

No one knows her true identity. They only know that the soldiers of the Ming Empire respectfully called her Immortal. Legend has it that during the long years, she alone guarded this land of China from the threat of Honkai. In front of her, Honkai also Vulnerable.

In order to stop her, Destiny used the last resort, the strongest S-class Valkyrie Kallen Kaslana and her Valkyrie team, on the pretext of helping China from being invaded by Honkai.

The strongest Valkyrie who wielded the strongest weapon, the Key of God - Judas's Oath, was no match for the Immortal. She single-handedly defeated Kallen, the Valkyrie team, and the user Beng. An army of knights with bad weapons.

Afterwards, Kallen stole the Honkai Crystal that allowed Destiny to touch the taboo. She first went to China to seek help from the Immortal, but found that the Taixu Mountain where she lived had been reduced to ruins. Then she fled to the Far East, and Destiny was about to discover it. The seriously injured Kallen was recaptured, but the Honkai Crystal disappeared. On the day when the strongest Valkyrie was about to be executed, divine wrath descended, sweeping away the filth, and Kallen gained divine favor.

Due to unknown events, the immortal who protects Shenzhou lost his power and fell from immortality to human. Shenzhou lost its guardian angel and was exposed to the danger of collapse. For this reason, she made a deal with Tianming to protect the safety of Shenzhou. She will work for Tianming. .

The new leader of Destiny, Arthur and the Round Table Council agreed to her request, and she became the Valkyrie and blossomed.

Then, the clone of God's Favored One - Theresa was born by accident. Destiny was afraid of God's punishment and knew not to harm Theresa, so he had no choice but to reduce Theresa's presence as much as possible, even if Theresa had Even though she was extremely talented, she did not let her perform the task. Instead, she asked Theresa to go to the Far East, the farthest place from the Destiny Headquarters, to establish the Far East branch, and sent her to secretly protect her.

Her name is Fu Hua.

After quietly reading the information on the light screen that could only be viewed with the highest authority, Igarashi did not expect that Fu Hua would have such a glorious deed. It was difficult for him to describe the immortal who thoroughly implemented the word guard in the text description and what he was doing. The monitor of a small class at St. Freya Academy contacted each other.

However, Igarashi had to be thankful that he had used the law to influence the top management of Tianming. Otherwise, Tianming might agree to the deal proposed by Fu Hua, but that would not be the only amount she would have to pay.

Originally, Igarashi saw that Fu Hua had extraordinary combat power and excessive vitality, but because of this, Igarashi did not have too much interaction with Fu Hua. He was not sure about Fu Hua's camp and did not know What attitude should I take to face it? Now it seems that there is no doubt that this is a guardian. He is simply a role model among guardians. In order to protect, he sold himself.

But why wear glasses?

As long as you reach the category of B-level Valkyrie, all physical qualities will improve. And Fu Hua, who is known as the immortal and defeated the S-level Valkyrie, definitely has no vision problems. Could it be that the glasses sealed her strength?

Captain, are you thinking about the mission?

The sudden sound shocked Igarashi physically and mentally. When he saw Fu Hua not far away, Igarashi, who was complaining secretly, quickly stopped his divergent thoughts and showed a serious expression.

Ah, yes, what do you think we should do tomorrow?

Hyperion will return to St. Freya Academy in the evening. Although there is still a lot of time left, Igarashi will not do this kind of thing diligently. Now, without the collapse disaster caused by Herrscher, Although there will still be Honkai beasts and dead warriors all over the world, they are just two or three kittens. The local destiny branch can solve them. And in this far east place, to be honest, Igarashi can do it with just one thought. Let all the Honkai beasts roaming the wilderness now die.

Captain, this is against the rules.

How could a superior let his subordinates decide the next plan? Fu Hua sighed softly and looked at this mysterious guy who suddenly appeared in front of him.

If you want Kiana and the others to grow up, it's not enough to just be the weakest B-level Death Soldier. Even the anti-entropy Titan has a greater training effect on Kiana and the others than the Death Soldier.

The anti-entropy Titans... I don’t know what’s going on with Walter now. I’ll find an opportunity to ask him how many Titans he wants to use as training robots. Igarashi recalled the missions revealed by destiny before, but he didn’t have any plans.

Fu Hua saw Igarashi's face and knew what he was thinking, so he spoke.

The Desire Gem, a Honkai energy crystal obtained by Destiny, was used to conduct some experiments in New Zealand, and then the experiment failed. I don't know why you were not notified of such an important matter, but if there is a place that needs the most help right now, it is It’s New Zealand, and that place is now full of Honkaiju and Death Soldiers.”

Fu Hua's words made Igarashi lower his eyes. Although in order to fight Honkai, human experiments are inevitable, but those who participate in the experiments must be willing. This is the bottom line that Igarashi and those senior executives of Tianming who are affected by his own laws abide by, but Now, the experiment has caused a catastrophe. Arthur and the Council knew the power of St. Freya Academy at this time, but did not reveal any information. Sure enough, they were hiding something. A cold light flashed in Igarashi's eyes.

Tomorrow, go to New Zealand.

Chapter 459 The Fourth Herrscher

Somewhere in New Zealand, under the bright sunshine, there are empty streets. The figures of Honkai Beasts can be faintly seen. It is not a purgatory on earth, because Honkai Beasts only attack living beings, including high-rise buildings. Ordinary people did not fall prey to Honkai beasts. When Honkai came, they either turned into walking corpses or became higher-level dead warriors. This was an empty city with no living people.

The Destiny Oceania branch discovered Hyperion's signal and made a communication request to Igarashi.

A girl named Wendy, who was once the best Valkyrie in the Oceania branch, was considered to have the potential to become an S-class existence. The desire gem was implanted in her calf bone. Both Destiny and Wendy herself hoped to obtain the law with it. the power of the person.

However, New Zealand, where there is almost no normal life now, is the result of this experiment.

Then, although there should be no survivors here, please clean up the Honkaimon and regain the territory.

Igarashi's words made the Valkyrie nod, while Kiana, who also heard the content of the communication, scratched her head.

Then what's going on with Wendy now?

what's the situation……

Igarashi pondered for a while, his eyes seemed to look through many obstacles to a corner on the ground.

I think it should be the same as Mei Yi.

You mean Wendy became the Herrscher?!


Raiden Mei didn't see it as superficially as Kiana did. Wendy became the Herrscher because she longed for gems and caused Honkai. So... could it be because of a certain gem?

Kiana, Mei, Bronya, Fu Hua and Himeko, you five are a Valkyrie team, Kallen, Yae Sakura, Hitamaru are a team, now start cleaning up the Honkaiju and Death Warriors Bar.

New Zealand is very dangerous now. Not only is Wendy who is suspected of being a Herrscher, but there are also countless Honkaiju and Death Warriors, and there may even be emperor-level Honkaimons. Considering the combat prowess and connections of these people, Igarashi That’s why we decided to divide the teams like this.

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