Why did it fail?!

The Archbishop, who was extremely humble in front of Igarashi, friendly in front of Cecilia, and very fair in front of everyone else, looked at the people in the Science Ministry showing obvious anger.

Both people's cells are there, why did it fail?

Feel sorry.

The people in the research institute lowered their heads tremblingly and explained.

The cells from one of these people are so weird. If you don't touch them, they will be no different from ordinary people's cells. Once touched, unpredictable mutations will occur.

how come……

Those are Igarashi-sama’s cells. Sure enough, he has some hidden disease...

The Archbishop sighed secretly, thought silently for a while, and then raised his head.

What suggestions do you have?

Several researchers from the Science Department in charge of this matter looked at each other in confusion and watched the Archbishop tentatively speak.



...We can change the DNA of another person's cell and let it develop in a better direction based on existing excellent examples. It will be quite different from the original owner of the cell, and it is not considered a clone.

The archbishop clicked his fingers irritably. Although this could give birth to a perfect warrior, his most important purpose, to give Lord Igarashi a child, was not accomplished. No, as long as it is kept secret, this will be Lord Igarashi's child. , who dares to say otherwise! No one will ever discover Igarashi-sama’s hidden illness.

“What’s a good example?”

The most powerful Valkyrie hundreds of years ago, Kallen Kaslana, the Science Department was lucky enough to obtain her DNA structure diagram. With Destiny's current technology, we can give it a try.

Just do it, I will allocate the maximum resources to assist you, and you can enjoy the best life.

But after that, just die.

Only the dead can keep secrets.

The archbishop is willing to act as a villain for once for the sake of the person he is sworn to be loyal to.

Chapter 444 There is cause and effect


Yes, Lord Igarashi, he is your child.

Although he already has a close relationship with Cecilia, the child...

Igarashi frowned and activated the law to wrap around the archbishop in front of him.

People who are affected by his own laws and whose strength is lower than his own have almost everything under his control. Igarashi is watching the archbishop's memories of this period.

What is unspeakable is the modified DNA, and the baby that is gradually taking shape in the culture tank.

His eyes wandered, and after a long time, Igarashi sighed helplessly, blaming himself for not making it clear before.

Thinking of the satisfaction Cecilia showed from time to time during this period, Igarashi finally understood where it came from. However, this is not his own child. The embryo that survived countless failed attempts will have both in the future. Cecilia and Kallen have some characteristics of people.

Do you know that I really want to kill you now?

Dare to target his and Cecilia's cells, Igarashi gritted his teeth secretly, looking at the archbishop in front of him with murderous intent.

Everyone who knew about this matter and was involved in it, except me, is already dead. Even Lady Cecilia just thought this was her and your child.

Having fulfilled his wish, the Archbishop lowered his head and his voice became weaker and weaker.

My mission has been completed, whether it is for you, sir, or for the future of mankind.

The fire of life was extinguished, and the archbishop, who was in his prime, died without any illness or injury in front of Igarashi.

This strange scene made Igarashi apply the law to the extreme, and then discovered the little bit of noble will that had quietly escaped from the archbishop - the will of the world.

The expressionless Igarashi clenched his fists. No wonder the archbishop affected by his own laws would do so many things. No wonder he couldn't control his whereabouts sometimes. It turns out that he has been controlled by two things, his own laws and a trace of it. The will of the world, is this matter also under the control of the will of the world?

Looking at the cultivation tank not far away, Igarashi, who was shrewd and enlightened, seemed to see what the baby would look like when he grew up. His originally stern look gradually relaxed, and after a long time he sighed softly.

Cause and effect?

Archbishop Tianming died.

Turbulence occurred as expected, but everything was eliminated by Igarashi's overt or covert actions.

Cecilia bit her lips tightly, remembering what the Archbishop had told her back then. Did her and Igarashi's children also disappear with the Archbishop's disappearance, or was this attempt a failure in the first place?

Igarashi, on the other hand, came to a European country with the baby in his arms and knocked on the door of an elderly family.

How about a deal?

Raise this child for a period of time to ensure that you are in good health and free from disease.

Seeing that the other party showed surprise and astonishment, but no objection, Igarashi used the law to make them strictly abide by the contents of the deal.

Looking at the baby in his arms kindly, the old man asked Igarashi.

Has the child been named yet?

Kiana, her name is Kiana.

Igarashi does not regard Kiana as his and Cecilia's child. She will be his classmate, his friend, and the fool he is familiar with in the future. But now, she cannot regard Kiana as her and Cecilia's child. Celia's love child, after all, she is the product of Cecilia's genetic modification. Perhaps one day in the future, her identity will be exposed. If she is raised as her own child, what will happen to Kiana herself and to Kiana herself? Neither Cecilia does much good.

Three months later, the old man who raised Kiana died. Before that, the department destined to recruit the Valkyrie was about to arrive at the area where the old man lived. Due to some strange combination of circumstances, the pair of Honkai that had been inherited by Cecilia could not be allowed. Kiana, who has super resistance, enters Destiny.

Five months later, Igarashi found another elderly family and determined in advance that their vitality was still strong. However, this family died in the earthquake and the house collapsed. Kiana was not dead, and Igarashi was not triggered. The protection mechanism set up by Lan did not suffer any harm during the earthquake, and the child with the talent of Valkyrie was also not discovered by the people related to Destiny.

Later, due to various reasons, Kiana was unable to stay in any house in Europe for a long time. After Igarashi fixed her living place in the Far East, accidents no longer happened.

I see.

Kiana in the future was originally a student in Changkong City, and her life changed drastically until the collapse. However, Igarashi did not think that Kiana's fate would still be the same after adding her as a butterfly that deliberately flapped its wings. The fact is exactly the opposite. Everything is developing in a certain direction. It is indeed the will of the world that is secretly manipulating things.

But this also made Igarashi see something strange.

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