What did you say?!

Theresa, who was mumbling to herself, was startled by Igarashi who suddenly became excited. She puffed up her face, but she repeated it anyway.

I said, I don't know what Grandpa Arthur and the people in the Council are thinking!

Arthur...has world consciousness shaped the past?

Igarashi's eyes kept flashing and he took a deep breath. Can his spiritual power span thousands of miles and spread from the Far East to Europe? The answer is no, but the law can!

Regardless of responding to Theresa's questioning, Igarashi closed his eyes and devoted himself to manipulating the laws. Then, he felt that less than half of the council members who were affected by his laws in the virtual reality were now in destiny. The headquarters is alive and well in action.

Karen Kaslana, where is she?

The elders of the Council, who had lived for five hundred years relying on Destiny Technology and Honkai Energy, suddenly heard a voice. Five hundred years had made their memories a little blurry, but there were some things that some people could never forget. , not to mention, that is the master of the law.

Are you here? Kallen Kaslana disappeared suddenly after being rescued by you five hundred years ago. We tried our best to search for her, but to no avail. We thought she was taken away by you. Could it be...

The congressman who became anxious waited for a long time, but there was no longer any response. The old man beside him, who was not affected by the law at the beginning and did not rely on technology to survive like others, felt something that he could not understand, but was somewhat familiar. The mystery gradually dissipated, and Arthur slowly raised his head.

The will of the gods has gone.

Arthur, that one...

He is far more powerful than any Herrscher in the record, but don't be too afraid. Haven't we always been protecting mankind as we did before?

Witnessing spiritual power and laws, seeing a higher scenery, and being the first to comply with the gods' wishes in the original incident, thus having the resource support of destiny, Arthur, who has vaguely surpassed the S-level category, carefully recalled the various aspects of destiny at present. .

The gods favor Kallen, and Teresa and Kiana who are related to it will also benefit. I am optimistic about Otto. Although he has made many contributions over the years, he seems to have some plans for Kiana. If necessary, We should make a choice.

Chapter 436 Fei Yuwan

You know Grandpa Arthur?

Igarashi opened his eyes again and heard Theresa's questioning again. He took a breath and smiled apologetically for not answering her immediately.

Well, I saw it once.

Have you seen this once?

Thinking of Igarashi closing his eyes and completely ignoring herself just now, Theresa felt a little uncomfortable.

I beat you every day for the month you were in coma...I saw you every day, but I didn't think there was anything extremely outstanding about you...

Halfway through her words, Theresa was speechless. She recalled that she hit the unconscious Igarashi to vent her emotions without any scruples. Could she have gone too far?

Huh, not bad, how do you take off this combat uniform?

Loud noises were heard from time to time in the training room. The door opened at this moment, and Kiana came out with a smooth forehead covered with sweat. Although she seemed to have spent a lot of energy, she looked refreshed. She was fifty. Lan even felt that if she took the exam in her current state, she might be able to... answer a few more questions correctly without her own help.

You take it off wherever you put it on. It's so stupid.

Seeing Kiana's well-developed limbs and simple mind, Theresa let out a soft tsk, then looked at Igarashi.

Although you have been appointed captain, you'd better wait a little longer for Kiana and the others to complete their studies and become qualified Valkyrie.

Kiana, who only felt the power of Bai Lian in the training room and didn't know about Theresa and Igarashi's conversation or what happened in that short period of time, was confused.

Captain? What captain?

He is your future boss. You must listen to him in everything.


Kiana thought about it carefully and found that everything seemed to go smoothly after she met Igarashi. When Mei turned into a Herrscher, Igarashi accidentally tore off her wings to make Mei return to normal. Later, she took the make-up exam herself. Igarashi has been waiting for him outside the classroom. He has also performed strangely and abnormally, and now he has obtained domain equipment and white training.

Oh, that's fine, but you can't let me do anything I don't want to do.

Igarashi didn't expect that Theresa said that deliberately, and that Kiana could accept it so easily. The mood that was a little boring because he couldn't find Kallen relaxed, and with a smile on his face, he watched Bai Lian being replaced. The girl who was wearing a combat uniform, revealing her St. Freya Academy uniform underneath, and showing off her good figure due to sweat, spoke.

Tell me, what are you not willing to do?

Let me think about it...

Kiana thought about Igarashi's question seriously and stretched out her fingers to count the things she didn't like.

Not willing to study, not willing to run errands, not willing to do housework, not willing...

Seeing that Kiana wanted to continue talking and obviously didn't intend to stop easily, Igarashi said playfully.

Okay, just say what you want, eat, drink and have fun, right?

Ah, yes!

Theresa on the side couldn't stand it anymore, jumped up and slapped Kiana on the chest.

Are you a Paramecium?

of course not!

Kiana felt that Theresa was jealous of herself, her height and figure, but these were not important anymore, Kiana's eyes sparkled when she looked at Bai Lian.

Did I take this combat uniform with me?


Well, it's obviously a reward for me!

You are still just a student now. You are not allowed to use the battle suit at will. There is no place in the school where you need to use it. Leave it with me for safekeeping. When you truly become a qualified B-level Valkyrie, you can use it as you wish.

On the way back to her residence from the principal's office, Kiana was obviously depressed and complained to Igarashi from time to time.

If I were wearing that battle suit, I could dismantle the test robot I used for the actual combat test with my bare hands, and I would be even more handsome than you were back then!

Okay, okay, believe in yourself, Kiana, you are strong.

Igarashi felt that he had been taking care of Kiana recently, but it was quite interesting to take care of this idiot. It wasn't until they reached a fork in the road that the two parted ways.

Just now, I didn't lie to comfort others.

When he arrived at the door of his dormitory, Igarashi stiffened when he saw the two girls standing there without saying a word, with a vague aura.

Himeko, Yae Sakura, what a coincidence, you are both here.

It's no coincidence, I'm just here to find you.

Himeko hugged her chest and glanced at Yae Sakura who was silent next to her.

I'm here to date you. Yae Sakura is the same as me, right?

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