Today is a day off. If it weren't for the make-up exam, Kiana would have gone to play games and enjoy herself. Seeing Igarashi, who didn't seem to intend to leave, pushing himself and others, Kiana blinked strangely.

Hey, haven't you finished the exam? Why aren't you leaving?

I have nothing to do. I'm just wandering around here. You can concentrate on your exam.

Wandering around here? What is there to see here?

Kiana scratched her head, feeling that she could not understand Igarashi Qingqi's brain circuit at all. She turned back to the classroom that was used as the examination room, trying to adjust her state and try to find the feeling of clarity again.

Starting the exam in the morning seemed to be a deliberate punishment by Theresa. Even during the original lunch time, Kiana still had one exam to take. In this way, the exam continued until the evening, with only ten short seconds between each exam. After a minute's rest time, at the end, Kiana was already in a semi-confused state, her mind was in chaos, but she could still subconsciously write the correct answers on the test paper with a pen.

Mei and Bronya came to pick up Kiana, but Yae Sakura did not come. Although she had not established any bonds with Kiana and the others in a short period of time together, they still had a good relationship. The reason for this was naturally She is now concentrating on learning the knowledge of St. Freya Academy to prevent herself from becoming a failure. After all, listening to Igarashi's description is quite scary.

Looking at Igarashi sitting not far from the classroom, doing nothing, Mei's eyes widened slightly.

You've been waiting for Kiana to finish the exam?

I'm just wandering around here, cough.

After saying that, even Igarashi couldn't pretend anymore. He walked around here for a whole day and was really speechless. He controlled his mental power so that Kiana wouldn't find it, and he couldn't let his too strong mental power hurt the girl. I still have to answer the questions. Igarashi is really working hard. It’s hard to try so hard to help an idiot.

You... really care about Kiana.

At noon, Mei was still thinking about preparing lunch for Kiana. Later, she found that the principal did not give Kiana time for lunch, so she gave up. From a distance, she saw Igarashi sitting in this position. Now he has It's almost night. He must have been sitting there all day. That guy Kiana is really worrying.


It seems that Mei found out and found that she had been sitting here all day, but she just didn't realize that she was helping Kiana cheat.

Most of the plot takes place after Kiana becomes the Valkyrie, so the sooner the better. Igarashi is promoting the development of things. In fact, Igarashi, who does not have a comprehensive understanding of the world, should observe in secret for the time being. right.

Wow, you are all waiting for me.

Kiana, who had had a good rest during the exam, left the boring classroom and was full of energy. She saw Mei, Igarashi, and Bronya who were always against her. Yana was touched.

Full of energy? After a day of exams, Kiana turned out to be in high spirits?

Mei, who was very aware of Kiana's easy-to-lalax character, spoke tentatively.

How did it feel to take the exam?


Kiana tried hard to recall her previous state. While half asleep and half awake, she seemed to be answering the questions well. Later, she woke up a little when it was time to close the papers. She looked at the test paper and found that many questions had been answered. The invigilator looked at her His eyes were surprised, but not angry. He should have done well in the exam.

It feels okay, but I'm not sure.

not sure?

Meiyi frowned and couldn't help but give advice.

Kiana, you should work harder. This is an exam, and it is no longer your business alone. Igarashi-san has been waiting for you outside the classroom all day just to cheer you up, but you still look nonchalant.

Hearing Mei's words, Igarashi blushed. In fact, he was helping Kiana cheat. However, since he was found out, this was the best excuse. After thinking about it, Igarashi did not refute. .

He?! Waited for me all day?!

Kiana's eyes widened and she pointed at Igarashi. After receiving another affirmative answer from Mei, the originally casual girl became a little unnatural and turned her gaze elsewhere.

Thank you, thank you. Well, Mei, I'm home.

Hey, don't pull me, I was thinking of inviting Igarashi-san over for a meal.

Kiana was forced to leave without looking back. Mei tried to dissuade her, but to no avail. After sending an apologetic look to Igarashi, the surroundings fell into silence again.

St. Freya Academy is a closed Academy City. It is very large. It has everything from classrooms and playgrounds necessary for teaching to daily necessities stores, shopping streets, etc., but students are not allowed to leave at will. Ordinary people from the outside are not allowed to come in. On the so-called rest days, apart from shopping and staying home, there really are not many ways to entertain.

Returning to the boys' dormitory where he was alone, Igarashi suddenly remembered something.

System, how do you get experience points in this world?

As long as the host completes the transaction of world consciousness, the power of all things will naturally increase. Moreover, with the promotion of world consciousness, it will obtain more than what was obtained in the previous single world.

Chapter 434 No need to go on a mission, just command (watch)

Igarashi, come with me.

To be honest, in the dead of night, seeing Himeko, who had always been full of mature charm, come to the door of his dormitory, Igarashi's heart really felt ripples.

Following Himeko with expectation and anxiety, Igarashi thought there would be some wonderful story. However, he came to Gnaku in silence all the way.

This is……

The aerial battleship, the crystallization of Destiny's technology, is the fortress on the front line against Honkai Impact—the Hyperion.

Looking at Igarashi who was obviously disappointed, Himeko had a playful smile on her face.

What, why did you think I came to you late at night?

Is this considered teasing? No, it's a provocation.

Looking at this A-level Valkyrie who has a short lifespan, Igarashi is not dissatisfied at all, only pity. At the last moment, he will take action, use the law, use the power of all phenomena, and even ask for help from the will of the world, even if this is It will tip the balance that is no longer balanced even further.

I didn't think anything of it.

My heart is full of purity, and I have been studying the laws before.

Himeko, who originally wanted to see Igarashi's embarrassed and shy expression, sighed with regret, but stopped teasing her.

What are your plans in the future?

Plan? Become a Valkyrie and save the world.

Igarashi is very serious. Whether it is for Kallen, for experience points, or for this world full of beautiful girls, he still has to play the role of a savior.

Saving the world? This is not something that can be accomplished just by talking about it.

However, this is indeed the dream of all Valkyries.

Remembering the notice from the Tianming Headquarters that Theresa had conveyed to her before, Ji Zi had a faint look of indignation on her face.

This time, I'm bringing you here to get familiar with Hyperion. You may have to deal with it for a long time in the future.

Among the Valkyries Igarashi has seen so far, perhaps only the squad leader named Fu Hua of his own class can break through the solid alloy armor that can resist powerful forces. From this point of view, except for the Hyperion, it seems that In addition to being strong, Fu Hua is also very strong. Is she an S-class Valkyrie specially sent by destiny to protect St. Freya Academy? Well, if you think about it carefully, Theresa who only eats snacks, drinks bitter melon juice and reads comics is indeed very unreliable.

Hidden in various parts of the battleship are countless weapons with powerful firepower, dormitories for the Valkyries to rest temporarily, engineering halls for repairing equipment, logistics warehouses for storing various spare supplies, and a slightly weird elevator.

Although the elevator ride was not long, Igarashi felt that if certain conditions were not met, the elevator would rise infinitely and never reach the end, which was really scary.

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