Looking at the motionless guy in front of her, Theresa sighed softly.

It's painful, isn't it? The Honkai Energy has eroded your body, but there is still a little bit of consciousness left. I'm here to free you.

Several identical spears emerged from the cross named Judas's Oath, and she grabbed one of them. Theresa did not hesitate, and looked at the girl with huge Honkai energy in front of her with the hand holding the spear.


It wasn’t from the Herrscher girl in front of me, but from Theresa.

The spear failed to penetrate the opponent's heart as expected, but was blocked by the opponent's vines, and Theresa's arm was penetrated by another vine.

Igarashi, who was secretly observing, wanted to take action, but then he thought that it would be difficult to explain to Teresa that he appeared now. The vines were poisonous. He should wait until she fainted before appearing again.

You also said it was more than enough, but I was attacked by the opponent as soon as I came. During the month I was in coma, while I acted as your sandbag, it also made you feel that no matter what you do, others will not react.

Chapter 430 嘤嘤嘤嘤嘤嘤嘤嘤

how come!

Using the power of the opponent's vines to retreat quickly, Theresa frowned and looked at the person in front of her. How could she attack so easily?

Stupid guy, those guys I hate are all dead, and I have gained power beyond everyone else, so go die too!

What? It turns out that it has been dominated by Honkai for a long time.

I originally thought that the other party's will was fighting against Honkai, so she was half-kneeling there without making any move. Now it seems that she planned to make a sneak attack from the beginning.

Facing countless incoming vines, Teresa easily lifted the extremely heavy Judah's Oath and blocked all the vines with the extremely strong soul steel material specially designed for the Herrscher.

Don't underestimate this lady!


As soon as she finished speaking, the heavy cross hit the ground, but Teresa could no longer lift Judas's oath. All the strength she had disappeared, and Teresa quickly reacted to the discomfort in her body.

The vines are poisonous? Damn it, you have to get out of here quickly and find a way to detoxify it!

Abandoning the heavy cross that only she could use but now unable to pick up, Theresa, who had made constant mistakes since arriving in Changkong City, finally made the right judgment, opened the window, and jumped from the third floor.

Ah la ah la, you are such an arrogant brat, but the poison on my vines will soon render you speechless. Next, let's collect more energy and cleanse this dirty world. .”

The Pseudo Herrscher did not pursue him, but just turned around and left, but he unexpectedly escaped with his life.

In the silent classroom with only dead bodies and broken glass, a figure suddenly appeared. Igarashi looked at the giant cross in front of him that Theresa had not had time to take away, and directly lifted it up.

Ah...am I still alive?

Theresa opened her eyes with some pain and sat up with difficulty, only to see a woman she didn't recognize sitting next to her.

She has pink hair, but has rabbit ears or fox-like animal ears on her head, and is wearing a miko costume that does not match the modern style.

Who are you?

The wound should have been cured by the other party, but the poison has not been cured. Theresa is now struggling to even speak. She is panting after just uttering a few simple words.

The witch did not answer Theresa's question, but silently picked up the soup in her hand and fed it to Theresa who was unable to resist.

Give up. There is no way to save yourself from the Herrscher's poison.

The huge dark red fire fox almost filled the entire room as soon as it appeared. She seemed to be composed of Honkai energy. She looked at Theresa who fell into a coma again, but she was uttering words.

A new Herrscher has been born near us. We must leave as soon as possible, otherwise we will also be attacked by her. Just let me bite this woman's neck off and free her as soon as possible!


The ferocious huge mouth that was half open near Theresa's neck was forcefully closed by a hand. The fire fox dissipated in an instant and reshaped two meters away, looking at the room. The suddenly extra man bent down tensely.

Who are you?

Don't be nervous, I'm here to save people.

Igarashi waved his hand and directly suppressed the fire fox who was trying to attack, unable to move. Then he looked at Teresa apologetically. Igarashi, who had become stronger again and could easily defeat gods like Apollo, did not move at all. The Herrscher, who is far less than a god, takes it seriously. I didn't expect the Herrscher to have such great restraint on other people who use Honkai energy in this world, even if he is just a fake Herrscher.

Save people? It's impossible to break the Herrscher's poison. You're lying!

The fire fox grinned and struggled wildly, but was completely unable to escape from the shackles of the invisible power. It could not even be energized. Feeling the power of Igarashi, she yelled at the miko.

Yae Sakura, leave quickly, we are no match for him!

As long as Yae Sakura, who is the core of the Herrscher, does not die, he will not die. Fire Fox did not hesitate to let Yae Sakura leave before the other party made a move.

Can you really save her?

Yae Sakura had no intention of running away. Except for looking a little tenderly at Theresa, the miko's eyes were lifeless at other times. At this time, there was a slight light of hope in her eyes.

Without answering, Igarashi directly controlled the law of supreme strength and crushed all the Herrscher poison in Theresa's body. Theresa, who was originally in a coma with pain on her face, improved at a speed visible to the naked eye.


The fire fox, who had been roaring before, seemed to feel something from the moment Igarashi used the law. He suddenly became extremely timid, lying on the ground and huddled up. When Igarashi untied the shackles of his mental power, he suddenly It is directly transformed into energy and returned to Yae Sakura's body.

Her name is Teresa. This is Judah's oath and Teresa's weapon. Also, don't mention me.

During the previous coma, Igarashi knew that Teresa always carried a giant cross, and in the virtual reality transformed by world consciousness, she had heard the name of Judas's Oath. Now take a closer look, although De Lisa herself is only between the A-class Valkyrie and the S-class Valkyrie, but if you include Judas's oath, she is definitely an S-class.

By the way, this miko's name is Yae Sakura... the girl Kallen met after she stole the Honkai Crystal and fled to the Far East? Could it be that the will of the world has already constructed the past?

With all kinds of expectations, Igarashi looked at Yae Sakura and asked.

Karen Kaslana, do you know her?

You know her?! She's still alive? Where is she?!

Yae Sakura's eyes suddenly widened. Even if Igarashi showed extraordinary power, she did not fluctuate much. She seemed to be a different person at this time. She grabbed Igarashi excitedly and asked questions one after another.

It seems she doesn't know either.

Igarashi turned around silently.

I know she...she must still be alive!

Kallen has become a bargaining chip for world consciousness to allow herself to save the world. She will never die, but when can I see her again...

Due to his deliberate actions, the poison of the Pseudo Herrscher had no effect on Theresa. Coupled with the Miko who was also a Pseudo Herrscher, it was no problem to deal with that guy. With this thought, Igarashi simply He turned around and left. As the only male student of St. Freya Academy, he couldn't disappear for too long.


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