Chapter 420 Meiyi is really carefree

Our weapons have no effect on it!

It's really endless, this pervert who keeps chasing after girls!

Compared to the quiet-looking black-haired girl, the white-haired girl with twin tails was indeed more outspoken. She made no secret of her dissatisfaction with the monster and complained while trying her best to dodge the monster's attacks.

Target locked.

There was no emotion, but a slightly childish voice came to mind in mid-air. Looking at the partners they had known for less than a few days but had fought side by side for a long time, the two girls showed surprised smiles.


He didn't pay attention to Raiden Mei and Kiana, or the little girl now named Bronya had put all her thoughts into the battle.

Reloaded Bunny 19C.

A robot holding a metal shield in one hand and a knight's gun in the other appeared behind the little girl amid sparks. The huge body fell faster and faster under the influence of gravity. The monster that was terrifying before was unscathed under the hail of bullets. , was cut in half by a blow from the knight's spear, and fell to the ground, but no blood flowed out.

mission completed.

Bronya, who was holding a rabbit doll that was clearly not a serious one at first glance, behaved completely inconsistent with her childish appearance and was extremely calm, but Mei Raiden didn't care at all, and a smile appeared on her face.

You showed up just in time, Bronya, thank you!

Then the white-haired girl Kiana exploded.

What's there to be thankful for! Just show up and chop me off!

It was clear that she was helpless against the monster before, but now she was yelling at her savior, as if she had a hatred for taking away her wife. Kiana pointed her green finger at the expressionless Bronya and said.

You almost got me involved, you useless little thing!

Kiana's safety priority is zero, and the system determines that there is no need to care about life or death.

As expected, Bronya already made a name for herself without even making a sound. Just one word made Kiana's breath hitch.

Do you want to start a war?

Bronya's winning probability is confirmed to be 99.999%

Then mine is 100%! No, 200%, 300%, 10,000%!

Raiden Mei looked at the corpse of the fallen monster, letting the two girls bicker on the side, with a melancholy look in her eyes. Because of her life experience, she had some understanding of this kind of thing. If such a monster appeared, the situation would only be It's getting worse.

Sister Mei, are you injured?

Bronya, who was not losing any ground in the quarrel with Kiana, looked worried when she saw the scars on Mei's hands. Bronya had two different personalities when facing Kiana and when facing Raiden Mei.

It's okay, just a minor injury.

After being reminded by the girl, Mei Yi saw the bleeding wound on her arm and shook her head slightly. As an injured person, Mei Yi comforted her companions.

It's okay, just a minor injury.

Chance! Kiana's eyes burst out with a strange look, and she quickly came to Mei Yi, trying her best to suppress her restless mood, and grabbed Mei Yi's jade hand with a serious look on her face.

Come, let me see.

Feeling Mei's body temperature, Kiana had an uncontrollable smile on her face.

If it's an injury of this level...


Heavy Rabbit 19C, lock the target, Kiana!

Bronya summoned the robot with an expressionless face, except for the robot that easily killed the monster, her eyes full of indifference.

Sister Mei showed obvious resistance to Kiana's behavior. If it doesn't stop, the attack order will be executed immediately.

Tsk, Kiana curled her lips in displeasure and temporarily let go of Mei, but she was muttering to herself.

What's the conflict? Meiyi obviously feels very comfortable being licked by me!


Raiden Mei's stable and reliable big sister temperament disappeared instantly. After hearing Kiana's words, her face turned red, but she obviously didn't lick it!

Are you really comfortable, sister Mei?

Of course it's very comfortable, right Mei?


Hearing the first word that Mei Yi uttered, Kiana smiled expectantly and started to move around, planning to do something to make Mei Yi feel more comfortable.

How is it possible to be comfortable?

I can finally rest after running all day.

Almost everyone in Changkong City became the walking zombies and ran to an empty house to hide. Using their thighs as pillows for little Bronya, Mei was temporarily relieved.

Fortunately, even if the collapse comes and kills everyone, Changkong City's power system is still working normally. There are street lights on the streets, and some buildings will light up neon lights. There is no need to worry about individual lights attracting monster attacks, otherwise it will be dark. The environment will make people more and more depressed.

Huh, liar, it's obviously just very comfortable.

Kiana sat opposite Mei and kept thinking about it. She actually had a strange persistence in this aspect and was still thinking about what happened during the day.

Glancing at Bronya, who was sleeping soundly on Mei Yi's black silk thighs, the resentment in Kiana's heart almost turned into reality. The knee pillow, that's a knee pillow, damn it.

How dare you sleep on Mei Yi's lap, you really shouldn't have picked her back up!

Don't say that. If it weren't for Bronya, our journey wouldn't have been so smooth.

Yes, yes, Bronya is amazing, Mei Yi likes her the most!

Kiana spoke with a lifeless voice through her dead eyes, but she saw Mei nodded softly and actually admitted her angry words.

Yeah, I like it the most.


My heart hurt so much that I couldn't breathe. Kiana almost burst into tears. Mei Yi was just snatched away.

She was obviously about the same age as herself, but sometimes, no, most of the time, she acted more childish than Bronya. Looking at Kiana like this, Raiden Mei's voice became gentler.

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