As long as the grimoire is sent to the guild, it should become a public thing like dungeon monster information, although you may have to wait in line for a long time to see it once.

The flying dragon disappeared, and the anger of the dungeon also disappeared. What should I do if the child is naughty? Just give him a beating.

Igarashi nodded in agreement, preparing to let Fluder dissipate after placing a grimoire on the fifty-sixth floor. As for the grimoire that he had agreed to place on the thirty-sixth floor, he would leave it to Hephaestus is fine.

Igarashi, that great magician...who are you?

Nazha was really shocked. Igarashi was like a bottomless treasure box. He could always show her miracles. He would throw something into the sky and summon a strong man. The girl's curiosity could not be suppressed now. The attack occurred.

Igarashi had long known that girls who were not affected by the law would be curious, and had prepared answers. However, at this time, loyalty was the most important thing in their hearts.

He was once the guardian of a country. By chance, I have a good relationship with him.

It turns out he's not an adventurer from Orario, no wonder I haven't heard of him.

Nazha nodded clearly. The world is a big place. Although Orario is the most exciting stage in the world, there are also strong people in other places.

If Lyu hadn't noticed Igarashi's mood at the beginning and carefully observed the relationship between Fluder and Igarashi, he would have really believed Igarashi's lies. If Lyu hadn't read it wrong, Fluder just said What Igarashi showed was fanatical faith and respect, coupled with his strange calmness in the face of powerful enemies. Even after being pushed by monsters, he was unscathed, and the floor owner on the seventeenth floor was killed.

Igarashi is a god, right? The god of magic in Fluder's words. He entered the dungeon against the guild's rules and pretended to be an adventurer. He was really a bad guy.

After knowing this, Lyu felt strangely happy. If Igarashi was not a human, his lifespan would not be so short...

Chapter 409 Progress

Thanks to the gift of the great magician Fluder, the guild will temporarily keep the grimoire. During this period, if any adventurers want to view the magic in the grimoire, please submit an application. Each time the application is successful, you will have one hour to read it under the supervision of the guild. , a family member can only submit two applications per level per week, that is, 2 LV1 adventurers, 2 LV2 adventurers, and so on.

Although the guild has imposed strict restrictions, those who have experienced the Eighteen-Level Flying Dragon incident are filled with joy. As long as the application is successful, they can also read the magic book. The magic with gorgeous and huge damage range will finally not be a minority. Is it patented? That thunder and lightning, if I continue to study the magic book, I can also send out the thunder and lightning that defeated the flying dragon.

One hour is not enough at all! What can be done in one hour? Even if it is an advanced magic book, it will take at least several hours.

Standing next to the bulletin board, a LV2 adventurer complained. Upon hearing his complaint, some people nodded in agreement, while others made different noises.

There is a LV2 adventurer named Modo. He is the one who brought the magic book to the guild under the orders of the great magician. He didn't know magic originally. Just ask and you will know that now, he knows a kind of wind element. Magic can seriously injure several LV2 monsters with one strike. It is said that he read the grimoire and understood it in just a moment!

A moment?! That grimoire...

Of course the grimoire can still be used. It is not a simple magic book, but the guild says that the more advanced magic takes longer to master, the whirlwind that Modo can use to defeat LV2 monsters is actually just a low-level magic.

That's right...the great magician...the grimoire...

The adventurer's murmur made another LV1 newcomer look longingly.

That great magician must be very strong, right?

The adventurer who had experienced the flying dragon incident showed a longing expression and nodded.

Qiang, he is the strongest person I have ever seen, at least LV7.

A flying dragon suspected to have reached LV7 appeared on the 18th floor of the dungeon... Igarashi was also there before.

After hearing the report from her family members, Freya stood up in a panic, and the seal of divine power began to tremble faintly. Then she saw that there was no strange color on the faces of her family members, so she sat down again.

He's okay, right? Otherwise you know the consequences.

Yes, a group of adventurers on the 18th floor organized together to defeat the flying dragon...

Seeing that the family members seemed to want to describe what happened in detail, Freya waved her hand boredly.

Okay, just omit the things that have nothing to do with him and tell me the result.

A mysterious strong man appeared and used thunder magic to destroy the flying dragon. Lord Igarashi has returned safely.

A mysterious strongman? Besides myself, is there anyone else paying attention to Igarashi? Is it good intention or malicious intention?

Freya frowned, and the negative emotions appeared on that beautiful face, which was enough to make anyone who saw it burst into anger. However, Freya's family members did not react much like puppets.

Tell me about that mysterious man.

Yes, that is a white-robed magician named Fluder. He has been recognized as the strongest magician after destroying the flying dragon with instant magic. He also left behind a magic book. It is said that it is a book left by the God of Magic. It can Allowing people to comprehend magic without limit, one is now in the guild, one is on the thirty-sixth floor, and one is on the fiftieth floor.

...Go and tell Loki that I will not compete with her for the grimoire. I will give her the fifty-level grimoire. But if I need it in the future, I will lend me that grimoire. She owes me a favor.


Did you write the grimoire? Did you also write the previous pharmacopoeia?

Hephaestus looked at Igarashi with a smile. She was not wearing a mask at this time. The goddess now could face Igarashi more frankly.

Well, this one is for you. The magic book is not omnipotent. If a weak person reads it for a long time, it will fall into chaos. Please pay attention to this.

Igarashi directly took out a copy and handed it to Hephaestus. As for the pharmacopoeia, the Hephaestus family is a professional blacksmith family.

Hephaestus did not refuse Igarashi's gift. After turning a few pages, he sighed helplessly.

I really don't understand how you can make so many things suitable for the creatures in the lower world.

In this world, gods are born as gods. Standing on the top of the mountain, they don't care about what is at the bottom of the mountain. The adventurers' magic and skills are nothing more than ingenious tricks to the gods and are not worth mentioning.

Is this the fourth book?

No, this is the one that was originally going to be placed on the thirty-sixth floor.

Igarashi's words made Hephaestus raise the corners of his mouth slightly and asked calmly.

Then you broke your promise?

It doesn't count. Your Familia can reach the thirty-sixth floor, so I'll just give it to you in advance. As for the Loki Familia and Freya Familia, don't they still have one on the fifty-sixth floor?

Hephaestus, who was originally a little happy because of Igarashi's gift, groaned slightly when she heard the word fifty floors.

You won't let Fluder reach the 50th floor alone, will you? There are many dangers along the way. If there is no one to help him, even if he is LV7, he may not be safe.

Now that Igarashi is already a god in the eyes of Hephaestus, Fluder is probably his familiar-like existence. He knew about this kind of thing, and Hephaestus should have found out to prevent Hestia from doing so. Miyabi was harmed by Igarashi, but now, Hephaestus is worried about Igarashi.

Don't worry, I used teleportation magic to get him directly to the 36th floor. The journey after that shouldn't be a problem for him.

Teleportation magic...

Remembering that he had sealed his divine power last time and worked hard to reach the thirty-sixth floor with Igarashi, Hephaestus's eyes suddenly became profound. He had teleportation magic, but he didn't use it last time? !

Well, my teleportation magic can only go to places it has been.

Igarashi noticed Hephaestus's amusement and quickly explained.

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