The members of his own family begged to withdraw. For the gods, this was a more tragic thing than financial constraints, poverty, being laughed at by the gods, etc. However, Soma still maintained his previous actions, without any A little response.

Sannis is dead.

Igarashi's brief words finally made Soma move slightly, and then he raised his head.

How did you die?

I tried to kill others, and then others killed me in return.


Sumo nodded, surprisingly accepting the news of the death of his clan leader so easily, but at least he had begun to respond, and Igarashi was able to continue the conversation.

Why don't you manage the Familia? I have seen many gods. Some are high-spirited and overlords of Orario, some are living in poverty and running around to save a little money, and some give up their dignity and seek help from other Familia. But without exception, the expressions on their faces There was always a smile on their faces and they were having a great time.”


Sumo understood the meaning of Igarashi's words, which were nothing more than accusations against himself, but now, facing the accusations, he still didn't react much and spoke calmly.

Those who are addicted to divine wine have no need to waste time on them.

In the past, Somo was also a diligent god, and the Somo family was also prosperous. But after he rewarded the children with divine wine, everything changed. The divine wine is not a poison, and it has no effect on people's minds. It just intoxicates the soul. That's all. The children who were valued by him before were so easily intoxicated that they never woke up.

Tsk, I didn’t expect that one day I would be able to enlighten others as my close brother, and he was still a male god. Igarashi felt a little headache and knocked on his head, motioning to Lily beside him to keep quiet.

You know that Sonnis is not a good person, right? He is not immersed in your divine wine. In your eyes, he is very important. The criterion for judging a person is just whether he is addicted to the divine wine?

Although he had never drank the divine wine, even Sonnis was able to resist the temptation in a short period of time without falling into madness. Igarashi did not think that it was something terrible.

A guy who wanted to withdraw from his own clan, a guy who seemed to want to persuade him to revive his spirit. Sumo glanced at Lily and Igarashi, knowing that now without Sannis, if he didn't give them a clear reply, he would He would be harassed endlessly. After standing up, Somo took out a wine bottle from the cabinet next to him.

This is the divine wine. If you can stay awake after drinking it, I will fulfill your request. If not, please leave.

Just a failed product of the divine wine, it was sold to an unimaginable price in the outside world, and what Sumo had in his hands was undoubtedly the real divine wine, so he simply took it out just to make a small confirmation.


Igarashi took the divine wine and saw Lily trying to stop him as expected, because she understood how terrifying the divine wine was. The entire Soma family could be said to have been destroyed by the divine wine. However, Igarashi was shocked when Lily spoke out. Before, he drank the divine wine in one gulp.

Even people who don't drink can enjoy something. It's not the body that gets drunk, but the soul. The ultimate beauty, because Igarashi drank a large amount at one time, it enveloped his entire soul in an instant, making people unable to drink. Extricate yourself.

Igarashi just stood there without moving. Soma, who was looking forward to it, withdrew his gaze. Was he drunk by the divine wine? Like those people, if he drinks so much at once, even if he is a god, his mind is not strong. You'll be intoxicated too.


Igarashi, who had not moved for a long time, breathed a long sigh of relief and stretched his body under the surprised gaze of Soma who turned around suddenly.

You are not affected by the divine wine?!

No, it has affected me. To be honest, this kind of spiritual enjoyment is really hard to extricate myself from.

However, this feeling is similar to Igarashi's substantial increase in mental power. It is an ultimate enjoyment. Therefore, even if Igarashi deliberately allowed himself to sink into it and feel it to his heart's content, he was not deprived of the drug-like divine wine. The mind, even without relevant experience, can still reach the point where it is not disturbed by external objects with Igarashi's mental strength.

Even Sonnis does not treat the divine wine like Igarashi. He only drinks a small sip at a time to barely satisfy his desire for the divine wine and at the same time prevent himself from falling into madness. Igarashi is like a big open city. After letting all the army enter the city and take it for themselves, they could easily annihilate it. It was unbelievable that Soma was silent for a long time, and finally kept his promise.

...I will convert her.

Chapter 389 Undercurrent

The Loki Familia received a pharmacopoeia, you know that, right?

Adventurers in twos and threes were chatting on the street corner of Orario.

I only know that they got a book. What's wrong, are you talking about this all of a sudden?

Someone opened it. The book called the Pharmacopoeia is like a magic book. It actually allowed the pharmacist to understand countless medicine formulas in a short period of time. If it were not for level restrictions, he could even prepare the legendary magic medicine!

Facing his excited companion, the adventurer frowned.

Magic medicine? How is it possible? It's something that has never appeared before.

No, I originally wanted to go to the drug store to see if there were any unexpected gains, medicines in the pharmacopoeia, etc., but guess what I found? The disabled guy from Tianqing Drug Store, his arm is now healed!

Okay? What do you mean?!

Although he had roughly guessed the facts, the adventurer still couldn't help but ask if it was really as he guessed...

Are you stupid? Of course the whole arm has grown back! He must have taken the magic medicine!

Several groups of adventurers who were originally moving forward on the road, preparing to enter the underground city through the Tower of Babel, heard the conversation of passers-by. At this time, they stopped and turned around. Some of them walked towards the Loki Familia, and some towards Azure. drug store.

Lady Riveria, another adventurer came to ask for information about the Pharmacopoeia!

As the Overlord Familia of Orario, the Loki Familia has never lacked visitors, but today, there were so many that the adventurers responsible for receiving the guests gradually began to feel fear. The faces of the visitors There is a faint hint of fanaticism, as if it can turn into a beast that chooses and devours people at any time.

...Tell them that the pharmacopoeia does record the magic medicine, but the level of our family's pharmacists is not high enough to prepare what they want.

Riveria frowned and refused with the same excuse as before. The pharmacist who understood the pharmacopoeia had been protected, but then she discovered that the pharmacopoeia had not become invalid after being read once. At that time, in order to test whether the pharmacopoeia was authentic. It's not a consumable. The entire Loki Familia's pharmacists have read the Pharmacopoeia. There are many people talking about it. Now the news about the Loki Familia getting the Pharmacopoeia has spread. Soon, the Pharmacopoeia will be a magic book with no limit on the number of times it can be used. The inevitable spread, damn it.

Even the Loki Familia cannot resist the pressure of other Familia by itself. Do they really want to hand over the hot potato of the Pharmacopoeia? Anyway, all the pharmacists in the family have learned it. The only difference is level, materials and experience. The magic medicine that can make people regenerate after severed limbs and temporarily increase combat power. The main materials are all after the twentieth floor. Even if the pharmacopoeia is If you hand it over, there are only a handful of families in Orario who can obtain such high-grade materials.

My arm? It healed after drinking a potion that an adventurer brought from the dungeon, that's all.

From a certain time, the business of Tianqing Pharmacy has been very good, but most people just bought a few bottles of potions and came to ask about their arms. It was obvious that the drunkard did not care about drinking, but anyway, he The family members are not dungeon explorers. In Orario, these adventurers can't do much. Nazha was happy to answer a few questions from the customers who contributed to the sales, but she did not explain that the adventurer was Igarashi.

The medicine brought from the dungeon... must have been refined by the legendary pharmacist who once mastered the pharmacopoeia. It was a treasure placed in ancient ruins.

The adventurers who came to Tianqing Pharmacy, after confirming this information, left without any regrets. The pharmacopoeia was in the hands of Loki Familia, and the pharmacist at Tianqing Pharmacy was only LV2, so he didn't even think about it. Maybe the magic medicine was refined, but the adventurers were not interested in the guy who brought the magic medicine back. He was just a lucky guy. Compared to the pharmacopoeia of the Loki Familia, he was not really lucky, so he just used the magic medicine. I gave it to a small family member. He is such an ignorant guy. He may have used up all his luck in his life.

Or to prevent the family from falling into chaos when Sonnis died, or to be awakened by Igarashi to regain his mood, Soma walked out of his room, and Lily was able to eliminate Soma's gift. If Ya gives her a favor, she can regain her status as a LV1 adventurer.

Just like a dream, no, even in a dream, I never imagined that the problems that had troubled me for so many days and nights would be solved so easily by Igarashi.

Lily followed Igarashi in a daze through the streets of Orario. Even the adventurers who were completely opposite to the past and gathered in the direction outside the Tower of Babel didn't pay attention. After crossing the vast sea of ​​people, they gradually We arrived at the small church where the Hestia Familia was stationed.

Lily, who was a little dazed, finally thought that there was still a test waiting for her. Although she had left the Soma Familia, she had also lost her identity as an adventurer. If Hestia did not grant her a gift, then... It's good to be Lord Igarashi's supporter all the time. Lily thought as she subconsciously looked at Igarashi beside her.

Don't worry, my gods are very nice...

Halfway through, Igarashi frowned and realized that things were not simple. If he took a girl back like this, would Hestia misunderstand his sincerity in wanting to strengthen his family? In fact, the Hestia Family is just an empty shell now. I am not an adventurer who received the gift at all. This is not the solution after all. My starting point is completely good, yes!

Igarashi, who is she?!

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