This is a classic written by Igarashi combining the potions from the King of the Undead world and the herbs from this world. Although it does not contain the magical medicine that can bring people back to life or ascend to the same level in the daytime, it does have the magic medicine that can make people regenerate their severed limbs. , before the combat power reaches a certain level, you can increase the level by half in a short time, and other various methods of making medicine that only exist in myths and legends in this world.

Sixty percent of the world's attention is attracted to adventurers affiliated with the gods, 30% to blacksmiths, and 10% to other professions such as pharmacists and supporters. In fact, there are always potions to restore physical strength. , Unfortunately, compared to sophisticated equipment, the potions currently on the market cannot play a decisive role in adventurers.

Igarashi will rely on this pharmacopoeia to create another myth in this lower world filled with many gods and countless myths, a myth belonging to the god of medicine.

Opening the portal, Igarashi stepped into the seventeenth floor of the dungeon in one step. He looked at the floor master, the LV4 Goliath, who was gradually taking shape in the iceberg that was inaccessible to ordinary adventurers. Shilan smiled slightly and directly used teleportation magic to place the pharmacopoeia into another iceberg not far from the one where Goliath was.

Are you Igarashi? Let's make an agreement first. Although I will give you a discount, the discount will not be too big. I won't give you the medicine for free!

At Tianqing Pharmacy, a brown-haired girl, Naza Elise, who obviously didn’t have enough rest, immediately recognized the person who stepped into the store. Although Mihe Shen had greeted her before, but because of this, Na Zha is vaguely repelled by Igarashi, because with the current economic situation of the Mihe family, they really can't afford the extra expenses. Even if they give Igarashi a discount, it will be a huge loss.

Igarashi naturally sensed the girl's hostility towards him, and guessed some of the reasons. He looked around the Azure Pharmacy, which was like a grocery store. In addition to the most commonly used physical recovery potion, there were many different potions.

What you are looking at now is a potion to restore energy. It is very helpful for magicians who use magic excessively and people who are mentally depressed.

Seeing Igarashi's actions, Naza took the initiative to introduce it, and then pointed to another drug not far away.

That one is a healing potion, which can speed up the recovery of injuries. That one is a strengthening potion, which can strengthen the body's resistance. It is mainly used to treat diseases and reduce the magic damage of monsters.

Although there are many potions in Tianqing Pharmacy, these are the only types. They only differ in their effects.

Mihe is also the god of medicine, but unfortunately he only has divine power. Even though he has self-proclaimed divine power, he is not as good as a skilled pharmacist from the lower world.

Igarashi, who discovered this, couldn't help but apologize. Once his pharmacopoeia spreads and is used by others, the medicines of Tianqing Pharmacy will be completely inferior. This is not a good thing for the Mihe family, but If the pharmacopoeia is given directly to the Mihe family members, it will be a disaster if they do not have enough ability but are rich in treasures. The only thing to be thankful for is that the gods of this world do not rely on myths and beliefs.

I'm not here to buy medicine.

Then what are you doing here? Let's first say that although I am an adventurer at LV2, that is what happened in the past. I will never explore the dungeon again.

As the only LV2 member of the Mihe family, Nazha has been running the Tianqing Pharmacy in Orario all day long, only because the adventurer who was in the middle level was severely defeated and lost his arm. From then on, he developed a fear of monsters and was unable to continue taking risks.

At this time, the girl who seemed to be healthy had a prosthetic right arm.

This is a medicinal herb I collected during my adventure. Do you think it's useful?

Igarashi took out an amount of herbs about the size of a backpack, which was only a drop in the bucket compared to what he had collected before, but if he took out a bunch at once, it would seem a bit abrupt.

...These are the materials for making physical strength potions. They cost a total of two hundred Valis. This is the normal market price.

Nazha looked at the herbs, then at Igarashi, and said calmly, in fact, according to the market price, this should be 280 Wallis, but the current economic situation of making ends meet makes Nazha unable to No clever tricks.

No, I'll give it to you.

Whether it's two hundred Wallis or two hundred and eighty Wallis, Igarashi doesn't care. Looking at Naza, who is obviously a high-level adventurer like LV2, but survives in such a simple shop, he thinks of what he did. Igarashi said about the possible impact of the incident.

I can heal your right hand.

Chapter 382 Miracle medicine?


Facing Nazana's eyes that suddenly widened, Igarashi considered his words.

The magic I have can heal your right hand.

Mihe is the god of medicine. Even if he doesn't know how to prepare medicines, release his divine power, and use his divine power, he will definitely be able to cure Naza. But he didn't do this. It's not cold-blooded. In fact, part of the embarrassment of Mihe's family is precisely What Pain Nazha's prosthetic limbs caused was that the gods of this world, once they release their divine power, will be sent back to heaven if they are discovered. This seems to be the heaviest punishment for them. Obviously the environment of heaven is good.


Taking a few deep breaths to suppress the almost crazy emotions in her heart, Naza tried her best to maintain her previous expression and spoke into Igarashi's deep eyes.

What do I have to give?

Naza did not ask whether what Igarashi said was true or false. No matter whether it was true or false, Naza wanted to give it a try. Broken arm or right hand, this kind of pain is no less than losing life.

I don't need anything. It's just a reward for the discount you gave me.

Igarashi's crude excuse made Naza suddenly feel uncomfortable. Discount? In fact, until now, Igarashi has not used the discount to buy anything. Instead, he cheated him when purchasing medicinal materials.

Advanced healing magic, if converted to the level of this world, is a magic that can only be used by adventurers of level 8 or above. In just an instant, Naza's prosthetic limbs were torn to pieces, replaced by white and tender skin, made from normal An arm made of flesh and blood.

look into my eyes.

Before her inner ecstasy could be vented, Igarashi's voice rang in her ears like a nightmare. She subconsciously raised her head, and Naza's eyes became a little dull.

Your arm was healed by drinking a potion found in the dungeon.


Seeing Naza's nod, Igarashi sighed inwardly and withdrew his mental power. Then, with a straight expression, he shook Naza's arm.

Hey, what's wrong with you? Are you in a daze?

As if she had received an order, Nazha finally woke up. She looked at Igarashi and then at her finished right hand, feeling a little confused for a moment.

what happened?

You just drank a bottle of potion I found in the dungeon, and your arm suddenly healed. However, it seems that you have memory problems. Could it be that it was poison?

The horrified look on Igarashi's face made Naza tsk lightly, and swatted away the opponent's hand that tapped her right arm from time to time to confirm the situation.

Poison? If this is poison, then I would rather be poisoned to death.

Her right hand healed, and Nazha's almost dead heart gradually began to vibrate like a normal person. However, the long-term negative emotions made Nazha almost forget how to smile. Looking at the person in front of her, the girl secretly thought He frowned, why did he become restless when he saw him? What happened to him?

...That bottle of medicine is very precious, as you can see. It cured my right hand immediately, but I am unable to repay you at the moment. Please keep these bottles of physical recovery medicine for now.

Maybe I was cheating Igarashi before, maybe I just wanted to identify the effect of that bottle of medicine, but as far as the result is concerned, I drank someone else's magic medicine in one breath. With complicated emotions, Nazha could only try her best. Reduce the other party's losses.

Ah, no, no, the bottle of medicine before was just a gift from the batch of medicinal materials you purchased. You don't need to give me anything more.

Have you purchased medicinal materials yourself before?

Under Igarashi's guidance, a small memory gradually appeared in Nazha's blank mind. She had indeed acquired his medicinal materials and cheated his Eighty Wallis...

It turns out that one of the complex emotions in my heart is guilt.

You don't understand what restoring my arm means to me, nor the value of that bottle of medicine, but I will try my best to repay you! If you need help in the future, just ask, even if...

After a pause, Nazha gritted her teeth.

Even if you want me to explore the dungeon, that's fine!

This almost sealed Naza's life. For the girl who lost her arm due to the monster and had an unspeakable shadow, there is no promise heavier than this.

Igarashi behaved like a simple and good boy who had no choice but to accept the other party's gift. When he heard Nazha's promise, he shook his head quickly and was about to speak, but Nazha beat him to it.

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