Chapter 372 The monster comes out of the cage

Although the Monster Festival is just a celebration held in the Ganesha Familia Arena, the entire Orario is immersed in the festive atmosphere. The adventurers who were originally focused on conquering the dungeon are now very leisurely on the streets. Buy some gadgets.

Xie'er, your wallet.

Deliberately, even without using mental power, Igarashi quickly found Xi'er with just his eyesight. Seeing the girl rummaging for something in front of a stall, Igarashi couldn't help but smile. When it's time to pay, you realize you didn't bring your wallet.


Xi'er turned around after hearing the sound and saw Igarashi, showing a somewhat embarrassed look. Although it was a joy to see Igarashi during the hard-earned vacation, the other party realized that she had forgotten her wallet, and even Sent by him on his own initiative, Xier desperately discovered that her image in Igarashi's mind might have become that of a careless and reckless person.

Well, I'm not...

I understand. You didn't skip work, and you didn't leave your wallet behind on purpose. I understand.


Although what Igarashi said was true, Xi'er always felt that he was deliberately teasing her, and said to the stall owner who was looking at the two of them with gossipy eyes.

Please give me two jam pancakes and he'll pay for them.


Xi'er once again showed her quirky side. As the culprit of Xi'er's shame and anger, Igarashi could only pay the money honestly.

Didn't you say you wanted to go to the Monster Festival? Why don't you go to the arena?

Sitting on a sparsely populated grassland with Xi'er, looking at the girl who was enjoying the food with a happy face, Igarashi's heart became as calm as when he first met her.

Well, I don't really like fighting monsters like juggling, and besides, I have to prepare gifts for everyone in the store. Well, speaking of which, I have to hurry up. Sorry, it seems I have to excuse myself first.

After eating the jam pancakes, Xier left with an apologetic look, but in fact, she was thinking about Igarashi. If Igarashi accompanied her to buy those gifts, it would take too much time, and she realized that Igarashi was a little touched by this. Xi'er was so considerate. Even if the encounter was deliberately created, Igarashi still felt it was very precious.

Now, should he go to the arena to watch the sideshows or explore the dungeon? After hearing the roars of many trapped beasts coming out of the cage in the distance, Igarashi sighed helplessly. It seemed that he no longer needed it. Tangled.

Lord Ganesha, Lord Ganesha! Something big has happened!

On a separate high platform in the arena, Ganesha, wearing the mask of the elephant, made a strange show-off pose to his family members.

What's so urgent? I'm Ganesha.

Yeah, I know! Now is not the time to introduce yourself.

After lightly complaining about his maverick god, the family members immediately reported it.

The monsters we captured escaped, and there is nothing in the animal pen...including the LV2 Milotaurus.

Go chase those monsters immediately. With the strength of our family, we cannot deal with them in a short time. We need to ask other gods for help!

Please, please wait! Letting the monster escape is a mistake on our part. If we ask for help from other forces, we may be looked down upon by them...

I am the Lord of the Crowds, Ganesha! Do you want the citizens we protect to get hurt? Our highest happiness should be the smiling faces of our children. Just put aside status and reputation!

Yes, I'm very sorry!

Monster, escaped?

The news that some of the monsters prepared by the Ganesha Familia for the Monster Festival escaped from their cages quickly spread among the guild and some powerful Familia.


Ais, who was walking with Loki, still had no expression on her face, but her intentions were self-evident.

Listen, I heard you. It seems like it's completely unsuitable for dating now, so let's help that guy Ganesha a little bit.

Loki curled his lips and finally found an excuse to go out with Aisi. As a result, Aisi actually guarded against her own gods like thieves. Damn it, we are all women, what's wrong with being a little intimate? !

Then, do you know where the monster is?

Loki agreed to help, and the guild employee responsible for reporting the news breathed a sigh of relief and quickly replied.

Yes, all the monsters rushed towards East Street.



What kind of monster is it?

The Sword Man, the Goblin, the Silver Guard, and... Milotaurus!

Just the first few monsters that are at the top of LV1 are a big disaster for Orario, where low-level adventurers and ordinary people account for the majority, while Milotaurus of LV2 is a moving natural disaster. .

Although he was still some distance away, looking at the smoke that was like a tidal wave of beasts that ignored the buildings, rampaged, and kept approaching, Igarashi knew that the target of these monsters was him. As for the mastermind behind the scenes, there was a high probability that It's Freya, you can tell just by the aura of law remaining on those monsters.

The houses made of stones were considered very strong, but in front of a group of double-digit monsters, they were defeated like chickens and dogs. Since the monsters were targeting themselves purposefully, they would inevitably implicate innocent people. Lan moved quickly towards an area with few residents.

Not to mention the monster group that only consists of LV2 at most, Igarashi can easily deal with monsters even at LV6 or above. But now, although low-level adventurers and residents are hiding in the building, they are still looking through the doors and windows. Observing the situation through the gap, once Igarashi shows too much power, it will be quickly publicized. In Orario, where there are many gods, it will be disadvantageous.

It is not difficult to deal with monsters. What is difficult is how not to show a destructive look, but Igarashi does not allow himself to deliberately show weakness or even get hurt.

Whenever an unexpected situation occurs, people who are capable of handling it will never arrive in time, just like the police in some movies. Feeling the slow progress of those LV5 and LV6 adventurers, Igarashi is unable to complain. , turned around and looked at the Silver Guard, who was close at hand and was moving at the fastest speed, and Milotaurs following closely behind, Igarashi drew out the ordinary long sword from his waist.

Chapter 373 The turmoil that ended quickly

This inferior standard weapon is not enough to break through the defense of the Silver Guard in steel armor in front of him, but just insert an eye into it.

Rather than using mental power to directly crush it, or using physical body to crush it, it is indeed more in line with people's normal philosophy to use flexibility and agility to attack the monster's weakness and then kill it. In fact, I don't know the LV1 adventurer. To what extent could Igarashi jump up and jump on the back of the Silver Guard's head? Before the other Silver Guard's fist fell, he walked up to the top of the Silver Guard's head as if on flat ground, and thrust a sword into the Silver Guard's head. His eyes are much more fragile than his strong muscles.


The screaming Silver Guard slammed his head with two giant hands. Not only did he fail to smash the evil little insect, he also knocked himself unconscious.

One Silver Guard is fainted. Well, there are two Silver Guards and other LV1s. In addition, Milotaurs is also ready to go. What on earth is Freya thinking? He is not afraid that he cannot beat him. These monsters? Or was it that Ais said before that she could defeat Milotaurs, so this time Freya specially released a Milotaurs to verify it, and the others were all gifts?

Simply using his flexible body skills and a speed that even ordinary people could see, he artistically defeated all LV1 monsters. Compared to the acrobatics in the arena, Igarashi's actions were more shocking. Unfortunately, , although there were hidden spectators, there was no applause, because there was another LV2-level Milotauros that was stronger than all the other monsters combined. No one dared to run out until the greatest danger was resolved.

A sword was inserted into the heart of Milotaurus. Although this ordinary long sword broke before completely breaking through Milotaurus's defense, Igarashi's fist used this as a cover and also punched him. On the chest of Milotaurus, the eyes that had been affected by the law and turned red before finally showed fear. The monsters of LV2 are more intelligent than the monsters of LV1, facing people who are invincible. , would run away, but unfortunately when Milotaurus broke free from the control of the law and realized this, he was already on his deathbed.

Oh oh oh!

As Milotaurus fell and turned into magic crystal, a large number of onlookers suddenly appeared on the originally empty streets and buildings on both sides, cheering for Igarashi's victory, including many from LV1 and even LV2. .

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