After staring at a window in silence for a moment, Igarashi turned around again and continued moving forward.

What a keen intuition.

As if he noticed that Igarashi was no longer looking here, a beautiful figure appeared in the window, with slender limbs exuding fragrance, a golden-proportioned figure and an intoxicating appearance. However, this seemed to be the embodiment of beauty. Human eyes are burning with blazing flames.

Chapter 363 Xier

Freya, the goddess of beauty, is one of the only two beauties in heaven. Unlike Ishtar, another goddess of beauty who has ambiguous relationships with many male gods, although Freya likes to collect gorgeous souls, she has no bad scandals and cannot get anything. The best is the best. In the eyes of the male god, this makes Freya much more attractive than Ishtar. Her Familia is the strongest Familia in Orario together with the Loki Familia.

Even if she claims to have divine power, Freya still has two kinds of divine power that can be called instinctive. One is the charm that can turn living beings into obedient puppets regardless of gender or race, and the other is the eye of God that can see into people's souls.

Compared to the charm, which is almost never used, Freya often uses the Eye of God to look for beings whose souls shine brightly. Bravery, kindness, loyalty, selflessness, etc. are all factors that can make the soul shine.

However, now Freya found that the souls she had collected before were eclipsed by that person. The brilliance of that person was like a treasure box, as if this soul had traveled around countless magnificent worlds.

Come here, use the power of the entire family to find out who this person is.

After instantly drawing Igarashi's appearance with a strange technique, Freya was not worried that her dependents would do anything unfavorable to him without her orders. Divine power, the law of beauty that is still faintly operating, brainwashes them into absolutely loyal existences. After all, the creatures in the lower world are too far behind the gods.

Although Igarashi walked on the road as if nothing had happened, his heart was not at peace. It had been a long time since he had seen a being who mastered the laws. The gods in this world, at least the gods he had seen so far, had mastered or forced them. There are different laws that may be weak or weak, and the same is true for Hestia, and the one just now is the law of charm, the beauty goddess Freya, hehe, she deliberately does not suppress the laws, but she controls many valuable people, just Just like myself before.


A female voice came very close to him, and Igarashi followed the sound. Her long silver-gray hair was combed into a single ponytail, and her eyes with the same color as her hair looked pure and cute. She was dressed like a waiter, but her skin was as big as A girl as soft as a young lady.

You left this behind.

In the girl's open hand, there was a magic crystal lying on it. It was a very common magic crystal in the first few floors of the dungeon. If you were an ordinary adventurer, you would have this thing on your body more or less.

But Igarashi is different. Magic crystals of this size are not valuable, at least in Igarashi's eyes. Therefore, even though he has slaughtered many monsters before, he still has not collected any magic crystals. The magic crystal in the girl's hand is not her own. , even, before this, no one passed by this place.

Strike up a conversation? Or is he approaching with ulterior motives?


Igarashi took the magic crystal with a soft smile, which also changed the unfamiliar relationship between the two parties.

I take it you are an adventurer, right? Are you going to enter the dungeon so early?

Now we need to prepare some daily necessities before going to the dungeon.

This is not important information. No matter what the girl’s purpose is, Igarashi will not hide it.

It's really hard work, but at this time, you haven't had breakfast, right?

Uh, yes.

Looking at the girl who suddenly ran quickly back to a store called Fengbo Hostess not far away, Igarashi blinked until the girl reappeared carrying a very exquisitely packaged lunch box.

Please have this if you can. Since the restaurant hasn't opened yet, it's not a formal meal.

This... is your breakfast.

Being courted unexpectedly by a stranger was something that Igarashi had also experienced in another world, but that was in school, when he was given a gift by a simple-minded girl. Now, have you seen a simple girl again?

Noticing Igarashi's hesitation, the girl closed her eyes for a while. After opening her eyes again, a slightly naughty smile appeared on her face, and she put her face close to Igarashi's ear.

Adventurer, the interests are the same. Although I will lose a little, in exchange, can you come to the restaurant where I work for dinner in the evening?

Igarashi seemed to be being sold. However, this bento was obviously not something that could be prepared in large quantities. A magic crystal, a bento, in exchange for a customer who might not show up as promised, did not look like a sales pitch. ah.

Igarashi, who still had a somewhat scrupulous heart, was amused by the girl at this time.

I understand, I will definitely have a feast when the time comes.

Hehe, it seems my salary will definitely increase today.

It was obviously a different world full of magic, but Igarashi actually felt as comfortable and comfortable as meeting a young girl on campus.

My name is Igarashi.

Sile Froir, you can call me Sile.

Watching Igarashi leave, Xier turned back to the store with a cheerful smile.

Hey, Xi'er, how can you hang out during working hours!

Wearing the same style of clothing as Xi'er, the lively brown-haired cat-eared girl looked dissatisfied. During the period when Xi'er left the store, she had to do double work. It was too much. She originally wanted to be lazy.

Hehehe, Aniya, you don't understand, Xi'er is in love with spring.

If Anya is like a brown cat, the girl named Chloe who is speaking now is a black cat, looking at Xier with a look full of pride.

Okay, concentrate on your work, otherwise Sister Mia will be angry.

Before Xi'er wanted to defend herself, Lyu, who was from the fairy tribe, spoke in a warning tone, unlike Aniya and Chloe, who were cat-people. Compared to other girls, she was like a sister. It was easy. Stopped this little commotion.

Is there anyone Xi'er likes...

Mia, the store manager of The Rich Hostess, is indeed rich, like a little giant. Although she is far away from the others, she clearly heard their conversation and her expression changed slightly. Xi'er has changed like this, and that adult should also notice it. Thinking of the incarnation of beauty that she once admired, Mia sighed softly, hoping that it wouldn't be the worst outcome.

Chapter 364 Milotaurus

The furniture has been purchased, and since it is a big deal, the store staff said that it can be delivered to the designated location at the time Igarashi wants, which also saves Igarashi a lot of time.

Standing on the fifth level of the dungeon, Igarashi was originally looking for the entrance to the sixth level, but he saw a monster with enough momentum to crush a goblin and a kobold appeared in front of him. It had a body with a bull head and a body of more than two meters. It is the elite of the LV2 level who will appear after more than ten levels - Milotauros.

The gap between LV2 and LV1 is extremely huge. One Milotaurus is enough to slaughter a team of experienced low-level adventurers.

The unarmed Milotaurus roared and rushed forward. Seeing Igarashi's calm demeanor, he paused slightly as if he was wise. Then he lowered his head and launched a charge using the hardest horn in his body as a weapon.


Even LV3 did not dare to resist the charge of Milotauros at LV2, but Igarashi's uncharged punch shattered the horns, and then shattered the strong body without losing any force, leaving only A magic crystal half the size of a fist.

Even if it is LV2 after more than ten floors, is the magic crystal only this size? Igarashi, who finally reached the fifth floor, suddenly felt desperate. It was so difficult to make money.

A slender figure wearing blue light clothing walked over. With a silver breastplate, a sharp sword, and blond hair that had not become messy from fighting even in the dungeon, this female swordswoman was undoubtedly a high-level adventurer. .

Ace Wallenstein, this is the adventurer of the Loki Familia, Milotauros, who must have escaped to the fifth floor because of the Loki Familia who returned from the expedition. When he thought of this, Igarashi suddenly felt envious. The Minotaur, despite mastering the dungeon map, managed to pass through so many levels.

……Are you OK?

Milotaurus must have fled this way. The magic crystal on the ground that did not fit the size of this class proves this. Was it killed by this unknown person? Killed Milotaurs without any injuries in such a short time? Aisi’s eyes stopped on Igarashi.

It's okay. Can you tell me which direction the entrance to the sixth floor is?

Even Milotaurs could escape from more than a dozen floors to the fifth floor. Igarashi felt that he was insulted. If Aiz didn't tell him, Igarashi would even plan to use his mental power regardless.

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