
I originally thought this would be an ambiguous date, but Xiao An's lack of common sense turned it into a kind of torture. However, for Igarashi, apart from being helpless, everything else was... Also affordable.

Xiao An, you are dressed like this...

Just for a moment, Igarashi discovered that the golden shadow had changed into a pink dress. This sudden change suddenly filled Xiao An with a youthful and energetic atmosphere, which matched her at this time. With a blushing face that looked a little innocent, Igarashi suddenly felt a sense of guilt and pleasure in his heart.

The clothes changed based on the clothes of passers-by. What, how about it?

It suits you so well. It's so cute.

It's simply a stroke of genius. Igarashi is not stingy with his words of praise. I didn't expect that Xiao An, who was affected by pollen, could do this. The contrast is cute and so on. It's amazing.

Yes, really...

The golden shadow who was sitting with Igarashi suddenly rested his head on Igarashi's shoulder.

Originally it was supposed to be very annoying, but now I think it's okay.

The girl's face seemed to be redder than before, but her blond hair blocked her sight due to her lowered head, making it difficult to see the expression on her face.

I know, this is different from my usual self, but...if this is the mood I want to feel, I want to feel more of this sense of security, so, can I kiss? I want to I know the ending of this feeling, and the meaning of simple mucosal contact.”

At this time, Xiao An raised his head to ask for a kiss, with ignorance and expectation. His youthful look made Igarashi feel like his first love. Unfortunately, unfortunately, this was not the normal Xiao An.

Igarashi did not satisfy Xiao An's request and kiss her, but reached out and touched her head, and the purification magic was activated to return her to normal.

Why not?... Just now, it was about the kiss.

Because you were not in a normal state of mind just now.

It's not normal, but it's not incorrect. Mind-reading pollen doesn't distort people's personalities, but allows people to express their true hearts. Therefore, what Xiao An did just now was what she was thinking in her heart.

The golden shadow now doesn't know what to do. What happened just now, although she wouldn't do it normally, is not because she doesn't want to do it, but Igarashi chose to refuse. Doesn't it mean she doesn't like herself? She doesn't like her hands. Myself covered in blood.

So, now, can I kiss you? Xiao An.

Seeing the golden shadow who heard his words, he became surprised and dumbfounded, but showed no disgust or objection. Igarashi no longer waited for the possible I hate H sentence, and directly came over and kissed Xiao An on the lips.


The golden shadow's hair turned into a huge fist and hit Igarashi. When Igarashi saw this, he took a few steps back and kept a little distance from Xiao An. The golden shadow stopped there and stopped pursuing. .

Even if I close my eyes, I'm just letting my body fall asleep, not entering a deep sleep. This is just one of the most common habits I have in the deep dark world. For me, you...

Will you like it too?

The golden shadow wanted to ask this, and at the same time he was looking forward to and fearing Igarashi's answer, but he couldn't say what he said next.



Even if it was you in the past, I didn't hate your decisiveness in killing.

It is precisely because Xiao An and La La, Xirenji Haruna and the others have stayed together for a relatively long time. Compared with the group of people who have never been stained with blood, they hate themselves for being killers. But in fact, Even if I accepted the commission to assassinate Igarashi, it was only after confirming that Igarashi was a heinous villain, although this was false information.

Compared with everyone in the big tomb in the previous world, Xiao An is probably like a little angel. Igarashi didn't lie at all, everything he said was the truth.

Chapter 350 Heart knot

She is like my mother, but she is not my biological mother.

I am a life form created using the power of technology based on her cells.

As early as when he was more than ten years old, Tiayu became a genius scientist that no one could match in the field of aerospace bioengineering. But for me who had just come into the world, telling me stories and cooking food were all the time. Tiayu, who takes care of me, is like a mother.

But one day, other people at the institute told me that she had abandoned me and left.

Igarashi, who had been quietly listening to Xiao An's story about the past, his eyes narrowed at this moment. No matter what the reason was for Tia Yu leaving, Xiao An, who was left alone, must have complained about Tia Yu. However, Seeing the reminiscence look in Xiao An's eyes with sadness and nostalgia, Igarashi hesitated to speak.

Don't worry, we'll guide you on the right path, the path that the most powerful weapons built for killing should take.

This is what they said to me back then. They disguised themselves as a formal research institution, but their real purpose was to make me the strongest transformation weapon. For this group of people, they tried their best to shape me into a human being. I'm afraid Ayu is a stumbling block. She was either expelled from the institute or...

Not long after, during the galactic war led by King Debbie Luke, the institute also collapsed and died in the chaos after the war, and now it no longer exists.

This is the end of Xiao An's self-narration. Igarashi looked at Xiao An, who had been acting almost without ups and downs, but with a touch of sadness, and sighed slightly. In this way, Tiayu is Xiao An's important person, and Dai King Biluke can be regarded as Xiao An's benefactor. Is this the reason why Xiao An had a friendly attitude towards La La at the beginning?

Tiyayo shouldn't be dead.


I said, Tiayo is not dead.

Looking at Xiao An, who suddenly raised his head, trembling a little, showing obvious mood swings, Igarashi repeated in an affirmative tone that even if Tia Yu died, he would find her and use resurrection magic to resurrect her. If magic doesn't work, just use the power of all things.

Because only if Tiayu appears again can Xiao An untie his knot.

Igarashi was a little confused at the beginning. Since Xiao An was unwilling at first, why didn't she fight against the organization? Since the organization was later destroyed, why did Xiao An continue to engage in the profession of killer that she didn't like? Now it seems that when she was a child, Xiao An He believed the words of those researchers and thought that Tiayu had abandoned him. But when he grew up and really understood, neither the organization nor Tiayu had disappeared. .

Stop talking nonsense!

Seeing the golden shadow running away, Igarashi did not chase after him, but took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

Hello, Susan, I'm Igarashi.

Lord Five, Igarashi?! Why do you know my mobile phone number?

I've had a good time on Earth during this time. I even have a mobile phone. With Debbie Luke's technology, do you still care about an ordinary mobile phone?

Ahem, uh, um, some games require a mobile phone number and so on...

game? Phone number?

Igarashi was speechless for a moment, as if he had seen the scene of Sasdin playing a crazy game late at night and constantly making money at the same time. Tsk, Sasdin is staying with Chido now. Chido actually allows him to be like this? Could it be that... Cheetos is the real guide?

Tell King Qido that I want to go see him today and ask for help. If possible, how about in an hour?

Igarashi wants to find me? Humph, I'm busy.

Listening to the faint voices coming from the other end of the phone, Igarashi pondered for a while and then shouted loudly.

I have a special way to smoke SSR!


Various tinny noises came from the other end of the phone, and a moment later, Chido's voice came from the phone.

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