However, what Maia Kurosaki saw was not some ulterior secret, but various scenes of herself being put into various positions by Igarashi and doing embarrassing things.


After several attempts, he was still unable to spy on Igarashi's secret. Instead, he was trapped by this scene that had never happened. Kurosaki Mea, who should have used her own abilities to dominate others' minds, was reduced to being manipulated by Igarashi. Lan was playing with the dolls, looking at the things that made people blush and heartbeat. A blush gradually appeared on the girl's pretty face, and she took the initiative to withdraw from the so-called spiritual side. She glared at Igarashi with shame and anger, and then her expression A sudden change, showing an expression of wanting to refuse but to welcome.

I hate it. If you expect it so much, I won't refuse. I will do anything without being ashamed.

Igarashi didn't know very well what kind of mentality Kurosaki Mea was in when she said such words. The scene she just saw was just a scene created by her own mental power. She thought it would make Kurosaki Mea feel uncomfortable. Who knows? Even though she was glaring at him, Igarashi didn't feel much anger from it. Instead, it seemed like a flirtation between lovers. What purpose did Maia Kurosaki have in showing up? Igarashi was no longer very confident. Understood.

Well, I hope you can get along well with Nana.

Hehe, in that case, next time, wait until the two of us are alone before doing what you want me to do.

Seeing Maia Kurosaki jump out of the window and gradually disappear from sight, Mengmeng turned her head and looked at Igarashi with eyes full of scrutiny.

What do you want her to do?

Ahem, it's nothing, I just want to punish her.

Igarashi vented all the black desires hidden in his heart in the illusion he had just created. Although he was happy for a while, seeing Mengmeng's meaningful eyes, he felt that the situation was not good.


It seemed that the progress of the paradise plan was to be accelerated. Mengmeng stopped asking questions, but was silently calculating in her heart.

Chapter 346 The date being watched

Lun-chan, do you want to date Arashi?

Lun was originally looking at Mengmeng with some vigilance, this guy who occupied most of Igarashi's time, making it impossible for him to be alone with Igarashi, but after listening to her words, Lun's eyes suddenly became bright and excited. He held Mengmeng's hand, a little unbelievable.


Well, leave it to me!

Mengmeng's eyes also gleamed, and she nodded solemnly. Let's start the paradise plan from Lun!

Great, she is obviously Lala's sister.

Right, hehe.

Lala, who was not far away, turned her head when she heard the sound and spoke with a proud look on her face. She had no idea that while Lun was praising Mengmeng, he was also belittling himself.


Igarashi was walking on the street with Ren Po's arm held intimately. The combination of handsome men and beautiful women attracted the attention of many passers-by. The jealous look was really refreshing, but now Igarashi felt a little helpless. , It’s not that he can’t bear Lun’s intimate attitude, but there is a group of people following him.

Their poor tracking skills and concealment methods were as conspicuous to Igarashi as the bright moon in the dark night. Before, I was a little surprised why the others didn't object at all when Lun proposed to go on a date with me. Now it seems, They have other agendas.

Lun's smile never disappeared along the way. On his already cute face, his eyebrows curved into crescents as he looked at her. Even those who were in a bad mood could still show a knowing smile. Seeing the girl like this Happy, Igarashi ignored the little tail behind him for the time being and devoted himself to this rare date.

Then why did you come here too?

Seeing the close look of Igarashi and Lun, Mengmeng smiled as if she had everything under control. Then she looked at the large group of people behind her with a headache. Not only the imperial sister and the others, but also her classmate Haruna Sairenji. Yui Furutekawa, Risa Mooka, and even Golden Shadow and Mea Kurosaki followed. This was not within the scope of my plan.

Hey, hey, of course I have to tell others about such an interesting thing.

Kurosaki Mea, who got the information from unknown sources, was also the culprit for spreading the word. At this time, she showed an innocent look on her face, which made Mengmeng secretly grit her teeth.

Please don't mind me.

The golden shadow held the book, as if she was just being pulled over by force. However, from the beginning, she never opened the book, and her eyes always stayed on Igarashi.

I, I want to monitor whether that guy will do anything excessive to Lun.

Nani Nani, what do you mean by excessive things?

Strictly speaking, Lara should be the master of Igarashi's harem, but now she looks excited, full of interest in the excessive things her sister Nana said.

Sure enough, Nana also cares about Lan.

Mengmeng already knew Nana's feelings for Igarashi, and now she was just teasing her on purpose.

Don't be stupid, I don't care about anything.

I care a lot, I care a lot, will they kiss?

No one believed Nana's feeble excuse, and Mea Kurosaki simply ignored it, looking forward to the follow-up development.

Lensang is a very bold person, and there may be more exciting things to do.

what is that?

Although Yui Furutagawa and Haruna Sairenji did not speak, they kept listening to the conversations of the others. At this time, various ambiguous scenes could not help but appear in their minds.


That's great.

The two girls with different expressions expressed their envy in different ways. Risa Mooka, who had been looking at the audience for a long time, had already seen from the reactions of the others that she should be the one who got there first. A few people forcibly suppress their inner joy, try not to smile on their faces, and try their best to reduce their sense of existence. However, those who know Risa Mooka's character can see her abnormality, and Mengmeng is one of them. one.

It seems that before the park plan is implemented, there are already people who have completed the final step.

There were not many people in the store, but suddenly there were a few more tables and it became lively. However, the strange thing is that the two groups of people who entered the store not long ago were very different. The first wave was A man and a woman were probably on a date, chatting and laughing. The second wave was all girls. As soon as they entered the store, they specially picked a few remote seats. It was extremely quiet, and they only looked at the man and woman from time to time.

I always feel that the atmosphere is good.

Mengmeng poked her head out from the side of the large seat, observing the date between Igarashi and Lun, and planned to add fuel to the fire when necessary.

The waiter standing at the checkout counter could take a breather because there were not many customers at this time. After carefully observing the people dining in the store for a while, he came to the conclusion that the group of sneaky girls who seemed to be deliberately hiding knew the man and woman, but What are they doing? Catch an adulterer? It's not like that, and it's too...enviable for such a large group of beautiful girls to catch someone together.

Oh hehehe, if you drink black tea from the common people occasionally, you can also learn about social conditions, Rin.

There was no need to turn around or use up his mental energy. Igarashi knew who was making the distinctive three-part queen-like laugh. He looked at Tenjoin Saki not far away with his two inseparable followers. She was wearing a white dress because of the holiday, and she did have the air of a young lady. This was probably the reason why no one criticized her even though she made a declaration that was tantamount to ridicule.

Hey, Lan Helun.

Tenjoin Saki, who had been grounded by her father for many days, had originally planned to run away from home and elope with Igarashi. However, today her father suddenly changed and seemed to be in favor of him and Igarashi being together and lifting the grounding. Tenjoin Saki was a little excited and came out to breathe, but met Igarashi. This was a fateful encounter.

But what is this doing? Are you dating Igarashi? hateful.

Secretly clenching her fists, Tenjoin Saki showed an elegant and dignified expression like a young lady on her face, and sat down next to Igarashi without hesitation. Kujou Rin and Fujisaki Aya stood aside like guards, originally facing Igarashi face to face. Lun, who was sitting, now looked like a mistress caught having sex with his wife.

Chapter 347 Run

Originally being followed by a group of girls, Igarashi could still pretend not to know. At least Lun, who was unaware, enjoyed the date. However, now, the intervention of Tenjoin Saki has changed the date, although she did not mean any harm. , but for Lun, it was too cruel.

Lun's head was now lowered and he couldn't see clearly the expression on his face, but Igarashi could clearly feel that the girl's happy mood was gradually changing in a bad direction.

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