Risa Mooka is really bold. She is able to use an intimate address like Daring in such a public place. She is able to not hide her inner emotions, and she can also take the initiative to repay her like a date. All girls can do this. , Igarashi is not going to avoid it.

Tell me, how far have you progressed with Lala and the others?

Unexpectedly, Risa Mooka suddenly changed the topic. Igarashi blinked and looked into the eyes of the girl in front of him who seemed to be nonchalant and yet serious at the same time.

Guess it?

Speaking of his relationship with girls in public, in Yui Furotekawa's words, is shameless.

Well, forget it if you don't say it.

The so-called repayment is not just as simple as eating a snack. Seeing the girl is indeed very happy. In order to prevent Risa Hooka from being harassed again, Igarashi stayed with her until dark, looking at Risa Hooka. With a look in his eyes, Igarashi nodded as if surrendering.

I know, I know, I'll take you back.

The road at night is indeed a bit dangerous, and Igarashi can spot aliens walking by from time to time. If Risa Mooka is allowed to go back alone, normally it would be really uneasy, even though she is blessed by Igarashi's mental power. The silk yarn that has been passed is almost foolproof.

Here we are, this is my home.

Then I...

Wait a minute, now that you're here, come in and sit down.

Risa Mooka grabbed Igarashi's shoulders with a smile on her face, which made Igarashi a little helpless. She spent a little time outside today, so she secretly used her mental power to operate the phone for a while, and sent a message to Lala. The message explained the current situation and told them not to worry. Igarashi followed Risa Mooka into the empty house.

This is my room, come in.

In the dark room, only the moonlight was barely illuminating. Risa Mooka deliberately did not turn on the light, which gradually made the atmosphere ambiguous. In the dead of night, a man and a woman were alone in the same room, nothing more than that.

Is there no one at home?

The last time I sent Risa Mooka back, there was no one at home. Could it be that she had been living alone?

My parents work outside and rarely come back.

Risa Mooka lowered her head and spoke in a low tone that was completely different from her smiling and lively voice just now. Igarashi just wanted to comfort her, but the girl suddenly threw her onto the bed.

The girl's movements did not stop there. She was lying on Igarashi, moving around dishonestly, holding up her arms. Risa Mooka's blushing face finally appeared completely in front of Igarashi, and she replied When she got home, her personality seemed to change suddenly. She was a little depressed, but she was still very proactive.

No need, can we leave so quickly? Didn't you feel any excitement along the way?

The phone in his pocket vibrated. Igarashi read the reply from Lala with his mental strength, turned over, and smiled wildly at Risa Mooka in front of him.

No matter what you thought before, from now on, there is no room for regret.

Chapter 340 Night Attack

Yu, Yuuki-san, please, please date me!

Ahaha, um, I'm sorry.

Yuuki Mikan helplessly watched the popular male classmate run away in tears. Sometimes, she really felt that these classmates were too naive. Do elementary school students really understand love and can they really take on this love? Responsibility?


Even the good guy from Class C was shot down.

In the grass not far away, two female students looked at Yuuki Mikan with admiration, who said one sentence that made the good guy cry and run away. He was so handsome.

Meigan, you are so popular, why don't you get a boyfriend?

In the eyes of girls, having a boyfriend is a cool thing. Why did Mikan reject one boy after another?

But I'm not interested in that kind of thing.

The other girl heard Yuki Mikan's words and smiled knowingly.

Because Mikan has a good brother, right?

What... why did you suddenly talk about this!

It's very deliberate to try so hard to hide it.

Wow, am I the only one who hasn't met Mikan's brother? I want to meet him next time too.

No, no! It's not as good as you think!

Although most of the housework is done by Igarashi, Mikan still packs the underwear of the girls herself. From time to time, she looks back at Yumeng, who is always next to Igarashi, and Yuki Mikan's eyes become a little unnatural. .

Whether it’s Lala, Ren, or even Nana, although these girls are of different ages and personalities, Yuki Mikan is confident that she has an advantage that they don’t have, so she won’t cause trouble to Igarashi, and she can also help. Doing all kinds of housework, even if they are always around Igarashi, Mikan is confident that Igarashi will not ignore her.

But Mengmeng is different. Mengmeng can also do housework. If it weren't for her firm attitude, even cleaning underwear would have been taken away by Mengmeng. Like herself, she won't cause trouble and can do housework. Knowing all about the earth will also seduce Igarashi.

Damn it, wouldn't Mengmeng be deprived of my sense of existence if this happened?

At night, Yuuki Mikan, who was in her room, blinked, then stood up and carried her pillow to the door of Igarashi's room.

Hmph, there's nothing wrong with my sister sleeping with her brother.

Opening the door, Yuki Mikan's eyes softened a bit for a moment, and she carefully climbed onto the bed and lay next to Igarashi, but she didn't feel much sleepy.

It will attract girls. That's why it makes me work so hard.

Looking at Igarashi's face so close, Yuuki Mikan complained softly, stretched out her finger and tapped his sleeping face.

Igarashi was naturally awake, and Yuuki Mikan came unexpectedly in the middle of the night, but Igarashi didn't think she was here to deliver benefits like Mengmeng, so he continued to pretend to be asleep and wait and see what would happen.

Obviously he and Igarashi have been together the longest, and even Lala is far behind him. Why does his relationship with Igarashi seem to be far less close than Lala? It's because of age. ?

Yuuki Mikan, who has always enjoyed Igarashi's care, hates her childish posture after a long absence. If she were not like this, she could be like Lara.


It was raining, and a sudden thunder made Yuki Mikan tremble. Although she was a precocious girl, she was afraid of the thunder in the dark night, which would make the girl feel helpless and panic. Only at this time, Yuki Mikan looked a little like a primary school student. After hesitating for a while, Mikan hugged one of Igarashi's arms, feeling that even though there was still thunder outside, she was gradually calming down inside, and the familiar warmth. , slowly closed his eyes.

Should I get up like this, or should I keep pretending to be asleep and wait for Mikan to wake up and leave quietly?

When the early morning sunlight shone through the gap in the curtains, Igarashi glanced at Yuki Mikan, who was sleeping soundly with a sweet smile next to him, and lay on the bed a little tangled. This night, Igarashi did not do anything out of the ordinary. Because Nuanyu Wenxiang was by his side, Igarashi had a good dream, but now she felt a little embarrassed. Although she didn't know the purpose of Mikan sneaking over in the first place, she probably didn't want to be discovered by herself.

Fortunately, Igarashi didn't hesitate for long. When he decided to let Mikan continue to sleep peacefully, and went to prepare breakfast first, and just got up, he felt a sense of connection, and Yuki Mikan also opened his eyes.

That, that, is not what you think!

Yuuki Mikan, who was still a little confused at first, finally realized the current situation after rubbing her sleepy eyes. She recalled what she had done last night, and explained to Igarashi in a hurry, but it only became darker and darker. , under her overly excited movements, the already loose pajamas gradually tilted, exposing a lot of the girl's white and attractive skin.

Hehe, it turns out that Mikan wants to do this too.

Mengmeng, who seemed to want an early morning attack, was squatting beside the bed, holding her head with a smile and watching the erotic scene in front of her, which also made Yuki Mikan, who was already very embarrassed, stiff.

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