In fact, Igarashi had known for a long time that Risa Mooka had woken up. If even the mental exhaustion could not be repaired, the healing magic might as well be called acrobatics.


Risa Mooka agreed gently, leaning her head on Igarashi's shoulder and looking at Igarashi's side face blankly.

Still haven't recovered? Obviously she was one of the few girls who could go crazy with Lala without any scruples. Risa Mooka had always been cheerful and straightforward, but now she has become taciturn.

It was all the fault of those guys who kidnapped Tenjoin Saki and wanted to destroy the flower. Igarashi thought of the men in suits who had passed out before. In fact, Igarashi did not let them go so simply, but stayed a little. With some mental power, Igarashi can directly use his mental power to destroy them when the police interrogate valuable information or they do not receive the punishment they deserve.

However, those people were not taken away by the police, but by a group of men in black. They seemed to be people from the Tenjoin Group. I don’t know if they were rich and powerful, but they were the commander-in-chief of the Tenjoin Group. My daughter was kidnapped, something like this happened, and the government probably gave her some face as compensation.

Although Risa Mooka didn't say where her home was, Igarashi had already used her mental power to find Risa Mooka's home address in the school from a distance, so she naturally knew the way.

Although it is very dangerous, nothing happened? Just be happy.

Igarashi tried to comfort Risa Mooka. Compared to those people's only target, Tenjoin Saki, Risa Mooka was just a passerby who suffered a disaster, but she suffered greater psychological damage.

How did you stop a car that was going at full speed?

Risa Mooka finally spoke. Although her eyes were brighter, her tone was still a little low.

Well...I'm not an ordinary person, so I can do it.

Perfunctorily, Risa Mooka glared slightly, but did not continue to ask, and gradually tightened her hand.

Thank you.

As the girl's gentle voice of thanks rang out, her soft lips fell on the side of Igarashi's face.

This is just a thank you, but it doesn't mean that I like you, playboy.

Risa Mooka curled her lips. She didn't think that Tenjoin Saki and Igarashi had nothing to do with each other. Igarashi had sent each other to her doorstep before, and the Tenjoin Saki's eyes were full of affection. Including Xirenji Haruna and Lala at school, as well as Lun today, how many confidantes does Igarashi have?

Okay, we're at your house. How are you? Can you stand up?

You have never asked me, but you know my home address. Are you planning something bad?

Risa Mooka, who recovered, looked at Igarashi suspiciously.

If you think so, you're right.

Igarashi spread his hands. Some of his intentions were indeed bad ideas for most girls. Although he didn't know what Risa Hooka was thinking, but in case of emergency, all he had to do was admit it at this time. .

Hmph, I can leave on my own. If you want to force your way in, then go ahead. Anyway, I, a weak woman, can't stop you.

Risa Mooka just said casually. She didn't expect Igarashi to admit it at all, but Risa Mooka quickly responded with provocation. She kept testing on the edge of danger, thinking Risa Mooka felt strangely little fear about what might happen next. Maybe it was because her previous experience was too exciting.

I'm leaving. If anything happens, you can tell me.

After leaving his contact information, Igarashi left without hesitation. Just as Risa Hooka said, Igarashi could do whatever he wanted if he broke in. He had already felt with his mental power that there was no one in Risa Hooka's home. , but it was obvious that someone else was living in the room, probably because Risa Mooka’s parents hadn’t come back yet.

Although she closed the door with a cold expression, Risa Hooka was not as calm as she showed. After just a moment's pause, Risa Hooka quietly looked out through the window, but she only saw Igarashi. The fading back.

Am I going too far by treating him like this?

Muttering uneasily to herself, Risa Mooka showed a worried look on her face, and then she snorted softly.

He is so powerful. If he really wants to do something, how can I stop him? It's not because of me that he just leaves like this.

Her parents had something to do today and would not be home. After a brief tidying up, Risa Mooka retreated to her bed. She took out her mobile phone and looked at Igarashi's number on it. After a moment, she threw it aside and buried her face deeply. In the pillow.

You pulled me out of despair and were so gentle to me. How should I face you?

Chapter 310 Hostility

Lan, I want to live in the same room as you.

Ren hugged Igarashi's shoulders intimately, but Igarashi couldn't fully enjoy the warm and fragrant feeling of nephrite. The gazes of Lala and Yuuki Mikan made him feel like a light on his back. If Igarashi just agreed like this, What happened next was definitely not a good thing as imagined.

Then I want it too!

As expected, Lala came to join in the fun. Sensing the contempt that seemed to be contained in Yuki Mikan's eyes, Igarashi coughed lightly.

Everyone go to your rooms and stay.

After finally convincing Lun and Lala, Igarashi lay weakly on the bed. Compared with fighting the gangsters who kidnapped the beautiful girls, comforting these beautiful girls with different personalities was more tiring.

Lan, what happened?

Ren and Lala, the enemies, went to fight again, but Yuki Mikan stayed and sat on the edge of the bed. The girl's beautiful big eyes looked at Igarashi with worry and some hidden emotions.

Well, the eldest daughter of Ainan High School, Tenjoin Saki, was kidnapped. I went to rescue her before, but my classmate Risa Mooka was almost killed and silenced. I was also frightened.

Igarashi stretched his body, but in a calm manner, he told the terrifying plot like a movie.

You're not hurt, are you?

It was obviously a story with ups and downs, but Yuuki Mikan was concerned about her own safety... Looking at Yuuki Mikan sitting next to him, Igarashi suppressed the urge to hold her in his arms and tried to keep his tone. calm.

No, don't worry, there should be no existence that can put me in danger.

Then...they also like Lan, right?


Igarashi did know through the mental power of Saki and Risa Mooka who stayed at Tenjouin just in case, and their thoughts, Yuuki Mikan, who was smiling beautifully in front of him, caught the key point.

What a sinful man, huh!

Lan, I miss you so much!

On the way to school, Lun looked at Igarashi with a sad face. It seemed that in the war between her and Lala, Lun became the weak one again, which also led to Lun pulling Igarashi for comfort along the way. , and Lala walked beside Igarashi with a smile on her face.


Tenjoin Saki appeared in front with two followers. Logically speaking, she should get off directly at the school gate as she was always picked up by a special car. This time, she appeared strangely in front of Igarashi and his party. The road seems to have been planned in advance.

who are you?!

Tenjoin Saki looked at Lun with hostility. Even Lala was not holding Igarashi's arm now. How dare this guy be so close to Arashi.

My name is Lun.

Ren seemed to be immersed in the intimacy with Igarashi, and her face was full of smiles even when facing Tenjoin Saki.

Just a moment.

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