Go to sleep first. I will explain it to you tomorrow, Mikan.


Mikan, who was quietly looking through the ajar door to see what was happening outside, subconsciously trembled when she heard Igarashi's words, then nodded obediently, and a smile appeared on her originally hesitant face.

So, how to explain it?

When Igarashi returned to the room, he felt that both Lala and Yuuki Mikan had fallen asleep, and he couldn't help but feel a little confused. Mikan, this is a beautiful girl who suddenly appeared, from Debbie's nemesis, and I established a relationship in a short period of time. Deep affection, and she came to live in our home after that.

Hey, isn't this too blunt?

Igarashi didn't sleep. He was trying his best to understand everything about this world, the earth, and aliens. Although on the surface the earth was harmonious and there was nothing abnormal, after Igarashi invaded some special systems, he still The existence of aliens was discovered.

Unfortunately, apart from the name and the meager information, there is nothing else of value.


Igarashi was preparing breakfast. Since he had agreed not to let Yuki Mikan do these things, it was naturally his turn. It was still early, but Mikan, an elementary school student, got up early and stood hesitantly at Igarashi's side. around.

That girl's name is Lala. She's an alien. Her family came to find her before, but she didn't want to go back. Now she's living in our house temporarily, is that okay?

It might be normal to say the word alien to an ordinary person, but if you say that aliens are around you, it would be a bit scary. But Yuki Mikan had no other expression except a little surprise.

If Lan agrees, I agree too.

Yuuki Mikan smiled at Igarashi, a smile that was more mature than Lara. After that, the girl stood quietly aside, watching Igarashi busy, and planned to provide help when needed.

However, the situation was beyond Yuki Mikan's expectation. It was understandable that Igarashi was quick to clean the tableware before, but now he is so quick to make breakfast, and the attractive fragrance and color all declare Igarashi's Excellent cooking skills.

Well, Lan is good or bad. He is obviously such a good cook, but he has hidden it for so long.

No need to taste it, Yuuki Mikan, who is also a good cook, can see that this breakfast is full of color, flavor and flavor. Although she said it as a complaint, the girl's smile and cheerful tone revealed another meaning.

By the way, I am your brother for now, why do you just call me by my name, little sister Meigan.

Igarashi was just chatting, but it suddenly made Yuuki Mikan panic. Although he wanted to refute the so-called little sister, Yuuki Mikan was more concerned about whether Igarashi would be because of herself. What are your thoughts on the title?

I...I think it sounds more smooth this way. If Lan hates it, I can change it...

At the end of the sentence, Yuuki Mikan lowered her head in a low mood. Unexpectedly, Igarashi stopped what he was doing and leaned down apologetically.

Sorry, whatever you want to call it, I'm just curious.

Chapter 292 School Troubles

Although there was a stranger like Lala, Yuuki Mikan still didn't have much time to spend at the dining table. She still had to go to school, and the same was true for Igarashi.

But just leaving Lala behind like this made Igarashi uneasy, not because he was worried about Lala's safety, but because he was afraid that Lala would cause trouble again with that weird invention.

If something bad happens to Lala, or if someone with shortsightedness offends Lala, I don’t know if Debbie Luke will launch a war to destroy the earth. Igarashi is contributing to the peace of the earth. ah.

Ah, Lan, Sustain seems to know which school you go to. He wants to arrange the admission procedures for me. Let's meet directly at the school later~

Lala seemed to be very interested in school and ran out happily.

Igarashi didn't stop him and kept part of his mental power on Lala so that he could control it in time in case of any unexpected situation.

Ainan High School, which is the school where Igarashi is shown in the data, has a uniform of white shirts and green trousers for boys, and a white and green striped skirt for girls. Let’s not talk about the girls’ uniforms for now. The boys’ uniforms are It was an ugly style that Igarashi had seen, especially the green trousers, which were full of flaws.

However, Igarashi still wears her school uniform and plays her role for the time being.

Good morning, Igarashi.

The sweet female voice brought Igarashi back to reality from his silence. He turned around and saw a girl wearing the same uniform of Cainan High School. Although in Igarashi's impression this was his first official meeting with her, due to his familiarity with her, The understanding of the world of the princess was as well as what I had written down before. Igarashi still decisively called out the other party's name.

Good morning, Serienji-san.

Haruna Sairenji, a girl with short blue hair, seems to be the monitor of her own class. Seeing her appearance, Igarashi became a little relaxed. With her leading the way, he should be able to find his class easily. But how do I find my seat in the future? Is it possible to ask directly? Now that school has just started, it would be too strange to ask this question.

The moment Sairenji Haruna's eyes touched Igarashi, she looked away. It was no coincidence that she appeared here, but she wanted to know anyway. Yesterday, the man with two men in black and a pink-haired man behind him Is the cute girl person actually Igarashi? If so, what is the relationship between Igarashi and the pink-haired girl?

However, it is still too strange. From what standpoint should I ask? Monitor? The squad leader can't pry into others at will like this.

I saw it on the roof yesterday...

But Haruna Sairenji finally asked, she had to muster the courage.

Igarashi knew that he was seen carrying two men in black yesterday. In fact, he did not hide it deliberately, but he moved very quickly. Haruna Sairenji could see him clearly in the dim night. It was really amazing. , could it be that he is a hidden master?

Um, what's the relationship between that girl and you?

Looking at Haruna Sairenji who bowed deeply after asking this question, Igarashi almost thought that she was asking him to do an extremely difficult thing. He didn't ask why he could fly over walls and fly over walls, and he didn't ask why he had a hand carrying With the strength of two strong men, he did not ask who the two men in black suits and leather shoes were, but asked about the relationship between Lala and himself...

She suddenly showed up at my house yesterday and ran away from home. Those two men in black were sent by her family.

So, we just met yesterday.

Igarashi's words made Haruna Sairenji relax suddenly, and a smile couldn't help appearing on his face.

How about going to school together?


Haruna Sairenji asked subconsciously, then suddenly came back to reality, her eyes widened slightly, but she didn't let Igarashi wait long, and responded softly in an undetectable voice.

OK, all right.

Originally, Igarashi just thought that he could avoid a lot of trouble with Haruna Sairenji leading the way. In fact, this was true before arriving at the school. However, from the moment the two of them arrived at the school gate, everything changed. slidely different.

Isn't that Haruna Sairenji, the leader of Class 1A? When did she and Igarashi get along?

This is an ordinary passerby.

Damn it, she beat me to it, huh?... No, I might still have a chance.

This is a girl with vicious eyes.

Hey, there is another pure and beautiful girl missing in the world.

This is the literary magician.

Igarashi actually likes women just like ordinary people.

This is base.

There are so many people talking just at the school gate. If you enter the school, won't you be surrounded by even more people?

However, Igarashi glanced at Haruna Sairenji who didn't run away even though his face was flushed. The girl didn't flinch, so how could he just stop like that.

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