I had stayed in Nazarick for a short time before, but this time I went to the Lizardman Tribe and then to the Theocracy. Because of the use of the highest-level magic portal, it didn't take much time. There was no need to deliberately go back to Nazarick. Igarashi also stayed in Kahn City.

Although this world is filled with swords and magic, humans and alien races, perhaps because of the abundant energy, the natural environment has not been destroyed, but is surprisingly good. The starry sky that I saw for the first time gave Igarashi a strong feeling. Shocking.

Although the main stage in this world, and possibly the only stage, is on the continent at his feet, however, looking at the bright stars in the sky, Igarashi still yearns for it, yearning for one day that he can really control the starry sky. Only those who can catch the moon and pick up the stars with their hands can be called a true strong man.

Lord Igarashi.

Igarashi, who was lying on the roof looking up at the stars, could feel someone approaching him. After the sound of rising and falling, Igarashi tilted his head. The figures of Clementine and Enri were standing not far from him.

Is there a problem?

It's late at night, why don't you go out to sleep and hang out? Igarashi no longer needs rest to ensure his condition, but only the hero-level Clementine and the lower-level Enri still need to rest. Come here now Looking for yourself? Well, you don't want to sleep with me, do you?


According to Clementine's plan, she and Enri came to attack Igarashi at night. However, she did not expect that Igarashi was not a normal person. Looking at the stars in the middle of the night, well, could this starry sky contain some secrets? Only strength Can only a strong person who has reached a certain level understand it?

At this thought, Clementine changed her pre-planned words.

As a maid, you should always shoulder the responsibility of taking care of your master. Please allow us to accompany you.

If there is a way to improve her strength, Clementine will seize the opportunity. Even after her strength is improved, it is still not worth mentioning to many people in Nazarick.

Enri nodded cautiously and agreed with Clementine's words. Sister Clementine originally told her that she was here to sacrifice herself this time. She secretly took a look at the surrounding environment. Enri's heartbeat gradually accelerated. She was so shy that she was not ready yet. After imagining this kind of operation, is it possible that the sky is like a quilt and the earth is like a bed?

Chapter 265 Patrol

Then come and look at the stars with me for now.

It was impossible for Enri and Clementine to come here late at night without incident. However, Igarashi, who accidentally triggered the sage state because of looking at the stars, did not deliberately ask them whether Enri liked her. This was a fact. However, Clementine No, but if Igarashi can't do it if Clementine is driven away and only Enri is left, then we might as well do something elegant together.

Clementine imitated Igarashi, lying on the roof, looking around, trying to find the secret of the starry sky and a way to become stronger, while Enri sat carefully next to Igarashi, hugging her arms slightly. Legs, after quietly glancing at Igarashi, he raised his head as usual. However, for Enri, this beautiful starry sky is already very familiar. She was originally a resident of Kahn Village, and she had little entertainment. One way is to count stars.

Originally, there was no doubt that Igarashi was in the sage state. However, with his excellent eyesight, he could keenly see Enri sitting next to him, the spring light on her chest that was leaking from time to time due to the evening breeze, and the woman lying on the bed. In front of her, Clementine looked at the starry sky seriously, but Igarashi also saw a lot of charm in Clementine.

These two guys have successfully made the world lose a sage.

Fire gradually ignited in the originally plain eyes. Enri liked herself. Although Clementine was not in love yet, she was destined to be his in the future, so there was nothing to hesitate about.

Ahem, let's go to bed.

Igarashi had a rare feeling that he was very shameless when he said these words. Just now, he acted like an artistic young man and invited the girl to admire the moon and stars, but now he has revealed his true colors and made an unfair request. However, there is nothing that can be done about it. It's impossible to just look at the stars all night.


Clementine, who was originally a little troubled because she didn't discover any secrets of the starry sky, smiled at this moment. She didn't expect that in the end, it was Igarashi who took the initiative to propose something that she had planned for a long time. Was this considered unintentional? .

Enri, on the other hand, suddenly became nervous, but she had been looking forward to this day for a long time, and naturally she would not back down at this time.

Evileye, where are you going, looking for Igarashi?

In the early morning, Ivel Ai tiptoed to go out, but was discovered by Princess Lana who lived under the same roof. The two had a good relationship. When they assigned residences before, they did not deliberately go to the two residences. Two lovely girls, Just live together.

However, Evileye was vigilant enough. She even showed her qualities as a strong person. All her actions were completed in absolute silence, but she was still discovered by Lana, who should have no fighting power. This guy was hard to find. Why don't you just stay here and guard yourself?

Although Evileye did not expect that his actions would be discovered by Lana, he did not lose his composure.

I, I want to take on the task of protecting Karn City and go out on patrol, yes, patrol!

As if to prove what he said, Evileye kept nodding his head.

You are quite conscientious.

Lana looked at the pretentious Evileye with some amusement. Although she had no experience in this area, she also knew the emotions Evileye was trying to hide. Her special attitude towards Igarashi was too obvious.

Yes, yes, there is nothing we can do about it.

Lana's words made Evileye more or less aware of what she had done. She coughed lightly, sorted out her mood, and looked helpless, as if she was forced to do nothing.

Well, thank you for your hard work.

No longer embarrassing Evileye, Lana let her leave and stood at the door of the room with some thought. In fact, whether it was appearance, temperament or strength and status, Igarashi was a perfect figure that only existed in women's fantasies. Evileye There is nothing wrong with falling in love with him in a short period of time. Even for Princess Lana, Igarashi is the one who makes her heart beat.

However, no, although Lana has the title of Golden Princess in the kingdom, and has promulgated many very beneficial policies through the king, however, Princess Lana has always known that what is hidden under her soft appearance is never beauty. mind.

An obsessive desire for control, a disregard for life... He doesn't care about other people in order to achieve his goals.

No one likes the true self, and Lana can't become a couple with a man whose strength is far beyond imagination and whom she can't control at all, at least, she can't now.

The rings were given away properly. Enri and Clementine did not wear them on their hands all day like Albedo and Shalltear, but hid them carefully. Although they did not know what the girl was thinking, But this is probably a good choice. Nazarick is hostile to humans, and this is hard to change. If they show off their rings everywhere, let alone Albedo and the others, Narberal and Soluka treat Enri and Clementine will be harsher.

There is a figure looking at me secretly. Although the hiding method is not clumsy and even somewhat professional, for Igarashi who has mental power, this is too obvious. I know, but I won’t say it.

Pretending not to notice Evileye, Igarashi began to wander around Kahn City without looking sideways. Kahn City was well-constructed, but without ordinary residents, Igarashi's aimless wandering was almost meaningless.

Tiptoe, quietly, and cannot be discovered.

Evileye followed Igarashi all the way. She had no real purpose, she just wanted to follow Igarashi. This trail was very boring, but Evileye acted very seriously.

Keep following me, what's the matter?

When he reached the corner, Igarashi stopped, looked at where Evileye was hiding, and spoke. Although he could hang out all day without getting tired, that would be teasing Evileye too much.

Who is he talking to, talking to himself?

Chapter 266 Interesting

Evileye looked at Igarashi blankly. It was not until a moment later that she found that the other party had been staring in her direction and realized that Igarashi was talking to her. Have I been discovered? !

Reluctantly, he waited for a while. This time, Evileye confirmed his guess and jumped out with a startle.

Hey, hey, I was just patrolling, and I happened to meet him. What a coincidence, Lord Igarashi.

Evileye made good use of the words she thought up to deal with Lana, alleviating the embarrassment, explaining her actions, and showing that she had indeed shouldered the responsibility of protecting the city of Karn. It was really smart, Eve. Villeye.

Since it's such a coincidence, let's go together. There's no need to call me sir. Hey, no one listens to this.

At the end of the sentence, Igarashi showed a helpless look. He didn't like being called sir so he might as well just call him by his name. However, the title master seemed good.

It must be because they all respect and love you.

Yes, respect and love, this is a word specially selected by Evileye. She doesn't know what others think, but she herself thinks more of love than respect.

Let's go together. Is this a date? Although there was not much popularity in the city of Karn, Evileye didn't care at all. Walking with the person she liked was just like dating.

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