Before doing the last thing, it was better to explore the environment. Igarashi, who was cautious, used his mental power to secretly scan the surroundings. After finding that there was no one else, he smiled at Narberal and hugged her with a princess hug. He picked her up and carried her all the way back to his room.

Chapter 252 Cash Recharge

Have you really decided?

Yes, how can such a powerful person be unknown? I want to know more about him.

In a luxurious but not flashy room, two blond ladies were sitting at the table beside the bed. They were both beautiful girls who complemented their gorgeous dresses. One was the owner of the room, the third princess of the kingdom, Lana, and the other was Lana, the third princess of the kingdom. A woman sat opposite her, with green eyes and pink lips, revealing the color of life of her owner.

This woman is the captain of Blue Rose, one of the only two adamantium-level adventurer teams in the kingdom - Lax, and is also Lana's closest friend.

There were three cups on the table between Lana and Lax, and the user of the third cup was sitting in a corner of the room with her knees in her arms. The close-fitting black clothes she was wearing made her seem to blend into the rest of the room. in the darkness.

Tina, don't pose like this again.

Lax's voice was full of casualness, revealing that her relationship with the black figure was extraordinary.

Understood, boss.

Sitting in the dark, a woman named Tina jumped up briskly, her movements smooth and quiet, as if she had practiced thief skills, and she pulled the chair next to the table and sat down.

The journey from the royal capital to Elandir is not short. Let me escort you with Blue Rose, right?

No, the Eight Fingers are still active, and your efforts are still needed.

The illegal organization active in the Royal Capital, the Eight Fingers, threatens the villages to produce drugs, and at the same time operates some underground industries. It can be considered as committing all kinds of evil, including burning, killing and looting. If the Blue Rose Team had not often controlled them, the Royal Capital would be even darker than it is now.

and you?

So, let me hire some people from the Blue Rose Team.

Albedo, Shalltear, Demiurge, Cocytus, and Sebas were all standing in front of Igarashi.

Then, please act with the goal of conquering the world.


Sebas's destination is the empire, Demiurge's destination is the Theocracy, Cocytus's destination is the alien race, and Albedo and Shalltear's destination is within this kingdom. , Aura and Mare guard Nazarick and the Kaz Plains.

Igarashi did not directly order everyone to immediately lead troops to attack the countries of the world, but asked them to familiarize themselves with the environment first. Of course, as people in the extremely evil camp, Igarashi had not told them to keep a low profile. , if someone with a blind eye offends them, the consequences will not be very good, except for the extremely kind Sebastian.

Demiurge was sent to the Theocracy by Igarashi intentionally. Among all the people in Nazarick, Demiurge was the most indifferent to human beings. He was cruel and bloody, which was very consistent with his identity as a great devil. It was Igarashi's bad taste to send him to the Theocracy, which had always believed in gods.

Although the battle maid has reached around level 60 and is almost unstoppable in this world, she cannot resist world-class items. Although there are many world-level items in Nazarick, they are not enough to defend against mental attacks. Igarashi, who cherished the lives of beautiful maids, simply let them all stay behind or accompany him when he traveled.

The one who is following him now is Suo Liuxiang, who looks very different from before. She is wearing a dress and naturally shows the noble temperament of a young lady.

Igarashi still wore the same outfit as before, so people who had met him once saw their eyes widened when they saw the way Soryuka was holding Igarashi's arm. She was a glamorous maid before, and now she is noble. Miss, this guy is really hateful.

After Igarashi became the Marquis, Elandir has become his own city. Due to the special circumstances of the kingdom, the nobles have great power. Within their own fiefdom, they can do almost anything they want, as long as it complies with the laws of the kingdom. .

However, Igarashi had no intention of abiding by the laws of the kingdom from the very beginning. When he came to Elandir, in addition to meeting a group of guys with burning jealousy in their eyes, there were also local officials who wanted to obey the laws of the kingdom, and Igarashi was too lazy to deal with them. They talked nonsense and directly made the other party a prisoner under their own laws.

Although he had experience in managing border cities, most of it was done by others. Igarashi himself is not very familiar with management. Let's take this opportunity to learn a little bit about it.

Lord Igarashi, please use it.

In a room in the administrative hall of Yelantier, Suo Liuxiang was holding the same juice as Clementine had made before. In a short period of time, she had successfully mastered the method of making juice. Menting also became more obedient.

You are a rich young lady now, just call me by my name.

Suo Liuxiang in a dress behaves like a maid, which is a completely different feeling. Well, is this considered uniform temptation? Igarashi felt that he suddenly became a little happy, and felt that it was necessary to prepare more clothes for the beautiful girls in Nazarick in the future.

Yes, Wu, Igarashi.

After a brief pause, Soryuka called out this name that almost no one in Nazarick called by her name. Narberal became Igarashi's woman. This was something that almost all the maids in the servant room knew. Even though she was in Nazarick, Narberal did not return to her room for a long time. After returning, she was extremely cautious, as if she was ready to deal with any emergencies. However, the Nazarick she wore on her finger The ring, which no one knew about, was seen by everyone.

So, now Soliuxiang plans to attack, seize this hard-won opportunity, and become Igarashi's woman. After Igarashi drinks the drink, Soliuxiang stands within his reach, Igarashi Lan could even feel the girl's fragrance. Well, he didn't know where the fragrance came from.

The officials have been sent to another room. In this huge room, there are only two people, Igarashi and Soliuxiang. If something happens, it is reasonable, and Igarashi can use his own mental power to guarantee that it will never happen. There will be interruptions.

Chapter 253 Conspiracy

With the right time, right place, and right people, Igarashi naturally did not miss the opportunity. A few hours later, he gave away another Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown.

After becoming a Marquis, Igarashi could completely move many civilians in Elandir to Karn City, the former village of Karn, and build Karn City into a larger city than Elandir, but Igarashi Shilan didn't do this. He didn't forget that he planned to use Karn City as his own Crystal Palace.

It has been a few days since he ordered the guardians of each class to carry out the mission. Except for those who stayed in Nazarick and those whose mission was within the kingdom, Igarashi had not seen the others for a while and did not know about them. Have you encountered any problems? Anyway, there will be no danger. Thinking of the many props he gave them, Igarashi is not worried. In the worst case scenario, if the guardian who goes out dies, Igarashi can also use Nazarick's system. The resurrected guardian can be resurrected even if his body is completely destroyed.

After staying in Elendir for a while, Igarashi asked Soryuka to take Clementine to Karn City to be with sisters Enri, Narberal and Aura there. I originally planned to stay in Kahn City, but suddenly I received a lot of news.

After trying many methods, the Theocracy determined that there was no chance of saving the Captain of the Black Scripture, and planned to use the last resort to kill him first, and then resurrect him at a huge cost.

Demiurge sent such a message and asked Igarashi if he wanted to stop it. In response, Igarashi gave him an answer that he did not need to stop it, as long as the Theocracy could not find anything comparable to the high law of supremacy of strength. , the captain of the Black Scripture, will always obey Igarashi's orders.

The same is true for killing and resurrecting. Since the Theocracy likes to toss so much, Igarashi is waiting for a good show.

As for Sebastian, who went to the empire, he was very comfortable. He was one of the very few benevolent beings in Nazarick and did not reject humans very much. He did not have to meet Demiurge every day, who disliked each other. For Sebastian It was considered good news. After it was reported that the emperor of the empire had absolute power, Sebastian continued to investigate. As for the empire's obviously stronger military capabilities than the kingdom, it was not something worth mentioning to Sebastian. However, It's just ants and larger ants.

After that, Cocytus was explicitly ordered to conquer the alien race. Originally, he planned to go up to A alone, but was stopped by Igarashi. There is no doubt about the combat effectiveness of level 100 Cocytus, but his commanding ability It is worthy of comparison. Since the goal is to conquer the world, it is not enough on its own. It is not that the strength is not enough, but that the manpower is not enough. Therefore, Igarashi let it lead the inferior soldiers of Nazarick to attack The Lizardmen tribe is not allowed to go out in person.

Counting the days, it was soon time for Cocytus to attack the lizard tribe. After taking a look at Soliuxiang, Enri and the others who were getting along quite happily, Igarashi opened the portal and went directly to where Cocytus was. The location is not far away.

Lord Suo Liuxiang, what is the ring on your finger?

Seeing Igarashi leaving, Clementine rolled her eyes and looked pointedly at the Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown in Nazarick's hand, which was well known to everyone in Nazarick. She had known about it before. What is it? Now I am asking again.

Master Igarashi gave this to me. Didn't I tell you before? Why, after becoming a maid, my memory became worse?

Suo Liuxiang caressed the ring that had been with her for a moment, and then looked at Clementine with squinted eyes. Wasn't Master Igarashi dishonest as soon as he left?


Enri, who heard the conversation between Clementine and Soliuxiang, froze slightly. After being taught by Narberal, she saw that Narberal sometimes looked at a ring, and she already had some guesses. , now the conversation between Suoliuxiang and Clementine has confirmed her thoughts.

In addition to being sad about her own weakness, Enri's other reason for wanting to become stronger is that she doesn't want to be a burden to Igarashi. She was rescued by Igarashi twice in a row. In addition to being endlessly grateful, Enri also gradually became self-pitying. , now, seeing that Narberal and Soliuxiang, who are both maids, both have rings, Enri does not feel jealous, but feels even more depressed. Compared to the two people, who are both perfect in appearance and temperament, Enri feels that she is still far behind. It's too big, especially in terms of strength.

I'm sorry, I will remember it this time.

Clementine's respectful look made Soliuxiang, who had a dangerous look on her face, return to her usual expression. Noticing Enri's change, the corners of Clementine's mouth curled up slightly, and she looked at Nazarick. Among the non-human beings, Clementine is not worth mentioning. However, compared with the ordinary Enri, Clementine is still an unimaginable hero-level powerhouse.

After that, as long as he gives Enri a little hint, he can make her act according to his plan, and then he can use this to become Igarashi's woman. At that time, Enri will also be in his camp, although he can't compare with Sou in terms of strength. The fragrance remains, but when it comes to competing for favor, as a human being, I should be stronger.

Although she has no experience, Clementine is still as confident in her own strength as she was before. She is full of inexplicable confidence in her ability to win Igarashi's favor. After all, Igarashi is the ruler of the entire Nazarick. Others Everyone is just his subordinate. Although Clementine was threatened by Igarashi and influenced by the law so that she would not betray her, she still did not change her character. Her flaws must be repaid, and she has begun to fantasize. How should I return the favor after getting up?

The authorities are obsessed with the bystanders. Soliuxiang did not discover Clementine's conspiracy, and Enri did not discover the trap Clementine had set for herself. Clementine also did not discover that Narberal's eyes were fixed on her. on her.

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