Igarashi was not angered by the uncooperative Elubi. After all, she was still just a child. And for the residents of the old city who were present and suffered because of the black core, Igarashi would compensate, even if it was from Hiro's side. No one is hiding it. Most people in the Central Court should also agree to protect the black core that can produce the library, but it will better accommodate the residents of the old city.

The books in the library record all kinds of things in the other world. They are the only place in the Central Court and even the entire world where you can obtain corresponding information. By understanding the characteristics of monsters, you can greatly improve combat efficiency and reduce casualties caused by artifacts. And some new Technology also partly comes from libraries.”

Elubi was stunned, her clenched fists slightly loosened, but there was still some resentment in her heart.

Even so, our home was destroyed...

Most of the residents of the old city, even if they know that the library is indeed of great significance, can't hide the resentment in their hearts. This is human nature. The suffering that happens to them is always unbearable, even if this suffering is to others, it is difficult to bear. It has extremely high value, but the gap in strength and status prevents them from saying this.

Igarashi said no more. Words alone cannot change human nature. Unless the prototype of the law further grows and becomes a real law in the future, the effect should be greatly increased. These people with a huge gap in strength from himself should be The few words I said made me cry and cry, and be a new person.

Igarashi, who had already roughly understood the situation, was about to leave to deal with the follow-up. He had previously used Hiro's mental power to monitor him, but suddenly found that the other party was gathering artifact users and approaching another black core area - the harbor area.

Hiro has taken action, I have to go back immediately, Elupi, see you later.

Although they didn't know why, Jia'er and Tesla were used to the salty life of giving up thinking around Igarashi, and they were used to following Igarashi, but Elubi raised objections.

Wait a minute, I'll follow you too!

Rather than persuading people here to change their minds and behave well, Elubi felt that it would be more meaningful for her to follow Igarashi, the commander of the central court. Moreover, Elubi guessed that the situation here should be related to Hiro. If Igarashi Something went wrong in the fight with Hiro, and the situation will never get better. At this time, Elubi positioned Hiro as the target to vent his resentment.

Elubi knows that for a long time, Shiro's researchers have been recruiting experimental volunteers here to buy lives with money. However, she has stopped this kind of consensual thing many times with little effect, so she might as well just do it By following Igarashi, I can not only see clearly who Igarashi is, but also fight against Hiro, and can also improve the status of the old city in the heart of the central court. Such a multi-purpose thing, he actually thought of it, and Elubi couldn't help but Somewhat proud.

Although he wanted to make Elubi, who was faintly proud at this moment, look embarrassed again because of him, Igarashi successfully controlled himself. It was quite interesting to have a jumping rabbit following him.


Taking Elubi, Jia'er, and Tesla back to the central court through another shortcut in the mine, Igarashi used the tactical terminal to send a message to Antoineva and the others.

Inform all the combat artifact users in the central court to gather immediately and prepare to go to the harbor area. If nothing unexpected happens, this is the decisive battle against Hero.

Now that Hiro has summoned all his artifact users, well, maybe he shouldn't call them artifact users. Hiro takes all his living corpses to the harbor area. Igarashi has to make a corresponding lineup, even if he is only one. One can defeat the opponent.

Chapter 217 Will die

Even though there were many artifact users who followed Hero, there were still a large number of artifact users in the central court, and there were also many dedicated to fighting.

When Igarashi returned with Jia'er, Tesla and Elubi, many artifact users had already gathered. After recuperating for many days, their bodies were filled with obvious energy fluctuations. Although their clothes were not uniform, they The lineup is neat, with long-range attack, melee combat, and support. Not only are the artifact users who have belonged to the Central Court, but after hearing the news, A Lan, who was originally located in Dongfang Ancient Street, Li from the Golden Umbrella Company in the Central City, and others in the Central Court Yu Mi, who enjoys everyone's care, and Mu Ya are among them.

Even for Igarashi, the combat power of these artifact users is not enough to warrant his careful treatment. However, when a group of people with extraordinary powers stand together, the scene of energy surging is quite spectacular. Even Igarashi There was also some excitement in my heart.

Igarashi, you are back, I can use the ark to teleport you to the harbor area.

Seeing Igarashi appear, a gentle smile appeared on Antoneva's face as always, but there was not much greeting. Time was running out, and Antoneva became vigorous and resolute.

Commander Igarashi, just in case, I think some people should be left behind to guard the central court.

Yan Hua, who is known as the mind of God, is indeed thoughtful, and the high morale before the expedition that filled the space did not affect his mind.


Recalling the information of each artifact user, I left some artifact users suitable for positional warfare, including Zero. This was Igarashi's deliberate decision. Zero has become his dependent. If there is danger, Igarashi can consume it. The experience points came back immediately. Although the little girl looked unhappy, when she saw Igarashi's eyes that seemed to contain deep meaning, she understood something and became quiet.

There is no need to encourage morale. Central Court is the manager of the border city, and Hiro is a defector. It is justifiable to crusade against him. Igarashi's various deeds are enough for him to bring artifacts to everyone present just by showing up. Make confidence.

The concentration of magic power in the harbor area is the highest. Even powerful magic weapon users like Amusa and Orussia will consume a lot if they stay here for a long time. However, now, Igarashi does not need to use his energy. Trying to protect everyone, these multiple artifact users just stood together, and the energy resonance caused by them suppressed the illusory black mist power that was extremely violent to existences other than monsters.

I see. Before, Igarashi was a little strange. How could a divine weapon user with a combat power of around 20 to 30 attributes be able to expel a world-class monster with an average combat power of over 50? Now it seems that it is really a force of unity. , the magic weapon users whose power is essentially phantom, can exert extraordinary combat power when they cooperate with each other and resonate with each other.

Originally, Antonieva would use all her energy to use the Ark to transport so many people to the harbor area, which was quite far away from the Central Court. However, with Igarashi as the commander, she was now in good condition.

Oh? Igarashi, you're here.

Hiro looked at the black door that he had opened through various means and using the black core. He was gradually able to see the other side of the black door - the other world. Hiro smiled and heard the strange noise. When he turned around, he saw that Igarashi had appeared with a magic weapon three times his own, but he was not afraid.

What, what is this?!

Jia'er exclaimed when she saw that there were far fewer people around Hiro than before, but they were all filled with energy that was no different from monsters, the living skeletons of human beings covered in purple crystals, and the black door that was gradually expanding behind him. , and although the others did not make a sound, they clenched the weapons in their hands, Hero, should be punished.

Hiro originally expected to see a surprised look on Igarashi's face, but there was no such thing. Instead, Jia'er exclaimed, feeling that his experiment was quite successful. Hiro, who wanted to show off, could only settle for the next best thing. , took the opportunity to introduce the power of the artifact that was no different from a living corpse around him.

These are my perfect works. The living artifact users who maintain their sanity can move freely in the black mist and no longer need to worry about the crisis of energy riots. At the same time, their combat power has more than doubled.

Yes Master.

Ronak, who was a taciturn and resolute man before, now shouted out names that should not come out of his mouth without hesitation, which also made many artifact users on Igarashi's side who knew Ronak's character startled. Startled.

A divine weapon user who maintains his sanity? This is not like that.

Antoneva carefully looked at the people around Hero and found that although they were not full of violent and destructive will like ordinary living corpses, they were different from before.

Oh, Hiro, you obviously let the will generated after the living corpse devour the original will of the artifact user, and then enslaved the will of the living corpse. How can you say it is perfect? ​​The current artifact user has lost his normal thinking ability.

In fact, when Igarashi heard Hiro's so-called perfect work, he was still a little curious. Did he really solve the crisis of the artifact turning living corpses? Although the body covered with crystals seems a bit ugly, if the crisis is solved, it will be a talent. However, what Hero did was tantamount to killing the original artifact user.

Igarashi's words suddenly caused an uproar. Although the Central Court artifact users were as quiet and cautious as before, they were burning with raging anger. Hiro's inhumane behavior had aroused public outrage, and they would believe it so easily. In Igarashi's case, in addition to Igarashi's own deeds, there is also the influence of the prototype of the law.

Although it was not his ideal to turn living corpses with a divine weapon, he was still proud of himself. Now he was demoted to be worthless by Igarashi. Hiro, who was originally smiling, gradually turned cold.

I said before that my artifact has more than doubled my combat power, and I am not afraid of life and death. Igarashi, although you have many people, you may not be able to defeat me, including you.

Then, Hero seemed to remember something and pointed at the black core behind his back that inspired the black gate.

Ah, by the way, you have purified a lot of black cores, right? But do you know that if all the black cores in this world are purified and the black gate disappears, the artifact user will die.

Chapter 218 A god descended from the sky

Igarashi's expression was finally no longer calm. All the black gates disappeared. Will the artifact user die? !

He looked at Antoineva for verification, but was deliberately avoided. There was also the strange silence from the many artifacts present, which made Igarashi's hand gradually tighten.

Make up for regrets and save the world?

If all the black cores are purified, all the black gates are eliminated, and the price of saving the world is death due to the artifact, then what is the regret? !

Igarashi, who didn't quite understand why the artifact user died, suddenly saw the figure of A Lan in the crowd. He remembered that the other person had already died and was resurrected because of the artifact Prajna Mask. He began to guess that the artifact had gradually become an indispensable artifact for the artifact user. The missing part, after all, these are the energy products of another world. If the passage to the other world is closed, without energy support, the artifact will gradually disappear.

No, I don’t have illusion power, but I can replenish the energy of the artifact user. What the artifact user needs is not necessarily illusion power. In this way, even if all the black gates disappear, as long as there are other energy supports, the artifact user will not be able to use magic power. should die.

However, while Igarashi was thinking in panic, the black door behind Hiro continued to expand, so big that everyone present could see the scene inside the door.


In the Black Gate, there are no high-rise buildings, but the boundless starry sky filled with purple violent illusions. The so-called stars are huge monsters, and the weakest ones have reached the world level.

Igarashi himself is stronger, he has seen and knows more. Not only are there world-class people whose strength only reaches 50 attribute points, but the strongest ones as far as the eye can see, there are even those who reach more than 80 attribute points. As for Igarashi no longer dares to imagine whether there is something more powerful further and deeper.

The gradually expanding black door is like the mouth of a giant, constantly devouring this world that is low-end to it.

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