Since Seham left you, she has been sulking without saying a word. You should go find her yourself. I can't talk to her. Besides, don't forget my contribution to protecting Seham.


Amusa's words not only revealed the relationship between Seham and Igarashi that is worth pondering, but also revealed that Igarashi actually entrusted Seham to Amusa. There are so many artifact users in the central court, and Amusa There are many people with similar status, but Igarashi still chooses her. When did their relationship become so good!

Sensing the probing and slightly annoyed gazes of Antoneva, Jia'er, An and others, Igarashi coughed slightly in embarrassment.

I see.

Chapter 199 Follow-up

The news of the split of the Central Court began to spread around the world from the border city. Igarashi, a commander with super combat power, also attracted countless attention. However, unlike ordinary people who are ignorant, high-level officials all know the power of the artifact user. There is a price, and in such a long time since the appearance of the Black Gate, only one special person, Igarashi, has appeared. The reason is worth pondering.

Due to the influence of the prototype of Igarashi's Law and after Hiro left, the entire Central Court was headed by Igarashi. Countries around the world responded with a wait-and-see attitude towards this guy who broke human common sense. Financial support remains the same as always.

The stage of this world is in the border city. Since all the countries in the world are so honest now, Igarashi has no interest in wasting time because of other countries. In this world, he must remain vigilant against the unknown existence and complete the goals set by the system. His Apart from becoming stronger, his interests are all in beautiful girls.

Why did Hiro, who once led the artifact users to resist monsters, become like this?

Looking at An, who was in a daze because of Hiro's betrayal, Igarashi suddenly felt the urge to crush Hiro to ashes. At the same time, Hiro led a team of artifact users towards the base he had already established. Luo was keenly aware of the danger, which was like being targeted by a natural enemy, but it dissipated in a moment. This fear made Shiro's face look intoxicated with aftertaste.

Fortunately, Igarashi knew that An couldn't accept it just because the image of the person he admired was shattered. He temporarily suppressed his malice towards Hiro and let Hiro go. This was not entirely out of consideration for other people's feelings, but partly because of What Hiro said is to find a way to solve the problem of living corpses. With Igarashi's current methods, facing living corpses, the only way to save them is to consume experience points, that is, the power of all things.

This is also the reason why Igarashi has kept more than 10,000 experience points until now. However, the price is too high. If Hiro can find a better way, Igarashi doesn't mind continuing to let him enjoy the beauty of the world.

No one is perfect, at least I haven't seen him yet, and Hero is not as perfect as you think.

Even Antoineva, wouldn't he be a little naughty because he didn't see him for a long time, and deliberately show his contempt for himself?

An did not expect that in order to comfort herself, Igarashi would consider her own feelings in her words and did not have any disparaging words towards Hiro, who had become a traitor in the central court. The girl truly felt this feeling and regained her composure. He put his hands on his waist and looked at Igarashi with a dissatisfied look.

So, your shortcoming is that you are too carefree, right?

Of course Igarashi wants to defend himself! However, although Jia'er, Tesla, and Wenzi intentionally or unintentionally left some private space for the two of them to talk, they still stood not far away and eavesdropped on the conversation between the two of them, pretending to be guilty. , which made Igarashi feel helpless and raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

I do not deny.

It was obviously a wild talk about opening a harem, but the eavesdropping Jia'er breathed a sigh of relief. After that, the girl shuddered, reacted suddenly, and quietly looked at Tesla and Wenzi standing beside her, and found that they were not there. After noticing her own actions, she felt relieved, but the girl, whose heart was occupied by shyness, could not say anything now.

You have become the only commander. There are so many artifact users under your command. Do you still need me in the subsequent battles? I want to help!

Tesla approached Igarashi, shook her head and asked, and also asked other questions that the other girls were concerned about.

Of course it is necessary. You don't want to be lazy. Other artifact users have their own jobs.

There is nothing wrong with what Igarashi said. While Antoneva and the others have a higher status in the Central Court, they also have a lot of work. The Central Court, which has military, economic and political functions at the same time, is not a place for leisure, and there are only Jia'er and the others, who have to follow Igarashi to conquer the black mist area, can always be on standby.

Hey hey hey.

Tesla scratched her head, showed a silly smile, and took out two chicken drumsticks from nowhere and ate them. Igarashi felt that if this kind of chicken drumsticks were sold by merchants, and Tesla was indirectly advertising them, it would definitely Sales are booming.

Want to eat?

Seeing Igarashi staring at the chicken drumstick in his hand, Tesla seemed to think he was greedy, and raised the drumstick with small teeth marks in his hand without any scruples.


Of course, Igarashi would not have any objections, but now in public, he must be a gentleman and gently touched Tesla's head. Igarashi already knew this girl's feelings for him.

Hey, now that something like this happened in the Central Court, there won't be any problems with the safety of Dongfang Ancient Street, right?

Seeing the interaction between Igarashi and others, Wenzi felt a little uncomfortable and spoke up at the right time to increase her sense of presence.

Don't worry, but the fact that the black core of Dongfang Ancient Street has not been purified is a hidden danger.

Igarashi has already arranged for the divine weapon to protect Dongfang Ancient Street, so there is no need to worry.

Then I will remove the Five Elements Formation, you...

Wenzi originally wanted to ask Igarashi to purify the black core, but she suddenly remembered that purifying the black core would cost Igarashi his lifespan. She thought it was just a joke or that it would only consume a few days of life. However, what happened today made her know that Wu Shilan's purification of that small black core actually cost several years of his life. Such a cost made Wenzi hesitate. Otherwise, should he maintain the Five Elements Formation?

Don't worry, I have a long life.

How to prove something like lifespan? Igarashi is a little helpless. Even if he becomes a girl and becomes his dependent, he will not be able to feel the increase in lifespan. Now Igarashi can only try his best to persuade.

Thinking of Igarashi's terrifying combat power, Wenzi gradually believed his words.

When you are ready to publish, don't forget to contact me.


Even though he had shown his power, the girls were not surprised. Is it because there was a precedent for using a divine weapon? Another part of the reason is probably that they don't understand the power of the person who was defeated by Igarashi in one blow.

Originally, after dealing with the impact of Hiro's departure from the Central Court, Igarashi could take Wenzi to the Oriental Ancient Street to purify the black core. However, there is still Seham, who has devoted all his loyalty, waiting for him. Igarashi But I haven't forgotten.

Chapter 200 Seham’s Friend

Seham did not stay in Amusa's work area as Igarashi expected, but sat at the bar with a brown-haired woman wearing a white shirt, and a big white cat next to her.

Seeing Igarashi's figure, Seham, who was originally expressionless, showed an imperceptible smile and stood up, looking like he was ready for action at any time.

Ah, Seham, is this your current employer? He is a very charming person.

I thought that birds of a feather flock together and people flock together, but unlike Seham, who was taciturn, the brown-haired woman was very lively. When she saw Igarashi, she had a smile on her face and a very brisk tone.

Not an employer...

You're not your employer, you're your boyfriend? I didn't expect spring to come to Seham.

The two seem to have a good relationship, but Seham is obviously not good at dealing with each other, Igarashi explained for Seham.

Hello, I am Igarashi, the commander of the central court.

It turns out to be the famous Commander, I am Shannina.

There was no pause in Shanina's answer, as if she already knew Igarashi's identity, but this is not surprising. This is the information age. As the commander of the central court, Igarashi's appearance, not to mention the whole It is a household name in the world, at least in the border city, everyone should know it.

She was once in a mercenary team with me.

Seham explained it to Igarashi, summarizing Shanina's identity in a surprisingly short sentence.

Oh, you're still as cold as ever.

It was obviously an unexpected reunion after a long absence. Seeing her partner who had fought alongside her like this, Shanina looked sad. However, it did not cause any fluctuation in Seham's expression.

The lively woman in front of her has more characteristics that a girl should have compared to Seham. However, Igarashi, who knew Seham's past experience through the tactical terminal, looked at Shanina with a somewhat profound look, a person wandering between life and death. Could a fringe mercenary really be so cheerful? Thinking of Kushida Kikyo from the practical world, Igarashi Aiya and Karasu sighed, beautiful girls are not bad people!

Although she looked relaxed, Shannina knew the deeds of the friendly young man in front of her. If it was his courage and courage to break through the black mist area full of monsters and destroy the black gate with only a few artifacts, , so as a non-artifact user, it is his overwhelming power to defeat the artifact user with one strike. As a little mercenary without an artifact, Shanina will be somewhat stressed when she is in front of Igarashi. .

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