Different worlds, black gates, illusions, and all the other things that may happen in the future, Igarashi briefly talked about it. It’s ridiculous to say that Igarashi intentionally or unintentionally hid the fact that he had combat power from Antoineva. Now, It seems that she already knew this, so she allowed herself to take only one or two artifact users to destroy the Black Gate.

A person named Hero will appear in the future. He has the ability to act as a backup energy source for artifacts, but he is not a good person in essence. You can let him assist you in fighting, but don't trust him.

Igarashi has not found Hiro so far, but he will definitely appear in the future. Although this old guy has ulterior motives, his ability still has a supporting role and can reduce the risk of Antoneva and the others fighting, so it still has value.

Are you leaving?

Antoneva kept Igarashi's words in mind one by one. After he finished speaking, the questions he asked made everyone else's expressions tighten and they looked at Igarashi anxiously.

Igarashi saw the sadness in the eyes of the girls, but some things were already doomed.

I come from the future. Speaking of which, I have to thank Antoineva. The ark drawings you gave me allowed me to come to this era, which makes up for a lot of regrets.


Igarashi looked at the girls with a smile, but Antoineva was a little surprised by the words in Igarashi's mouth.

Ark is the name of your future artifact. It's called Noah's Ark. When I meet you for the first time in the future, I won't know these things now. When the time comes, please, um, especially don't underestimate me.

After explaining everything that needed to be explained clearly, Igarashi sighed.

I'm leaving. See you again in the future. This time won't be too long. Just in case, I will leave some of my spiritual power with you to ensure your safety before you become a divine weapon user.

Due to the blessing of a lot of spiritual power at once, the girls did not notice it as before, but felt that there was an extra layer of energy on their bodies, just like an extra piece of clothing. And they who have experienced the feeling of spiritual power will not be aware of it in the future. You will also be more sensitive to the existence of spiritual power.

Of course, Igarashi wanted to always ensure their safety, but his mental power could not last. Igarashi, who had consumed too much mental power at once, had a weak look on his face, but he was still paying attention to him at this time. The girls noticed.

Don't worry, we will pay attention to safety.

Antoneva's voice was full of softness, and she touched Igarashi's face with some distress. After a brief pause, she offered her lips to the different eyes of the other three women.

However, I will have a temper if I see you again in the future.

Hmph, I want it too.

Not to be outdone, Flora imitated Antoneva's move and kissed Igarashi, while Orusia, who was more in line with her own emotions, did not hesitate, only the last zero hesitated.

This could be regarded as a farewell kiss. Igarashi was not aroused by lust, but became sentimental. For him, returning to the future was only a moment. For the girls, although this period of time was not very long, it was It was not short-lived either. He knelt down and looked at Zero with tears in his eyes. Igarashi was not going to let this little loli go after all.

Be good, you will be grown up when we meet again.

Well, brother Igarashi, I will always wait for you, waiting for the day you find me.

Chapter 196 Back

When Igarashi opened his eyes again, he had returned to the place where the Ark was in the border city. The Ark was still the same as when he left, except for a few more waiting figures.

Antoineva, Flora, Orusia, long time no see.

Looking at the figure in front of him, Igarashi had a smile on his face. It was really a pleasant thing to see each other again just after parting ways.


Antoneva had a familiar smile on her face, but she was relatively calm. Although Igarashi had not experienced the past, getting along with him still eased Antoneva's lovesickness.

But Flora and Orusia are different. There is no memory of them in Igarashi, which is a kind of torture for them. They wait for so many days and nights, and finally meet that person, but that person is not there yet. Only they know the pain of recognizing themselves.


Igarashi gently touched the head of Flora who was crying in his arms. Igarashi was full of apologies. Now Flora is no longer as immature as before. She has become a high-level artifact user and has become very mature and her emotions are more restrained. , but now I am still in tears.

After finally comforting Flora, Igarashi looked at Olusia standing next to him. He thought that she could control her emotions well now and get rid of the term yandere. However, he looked at the eagerness in her eyes. Flame, Igarashi knew, this guy seemed to have gotten worse.

Igarashi, you can't escape now that I've become a divine weapon user.

Orusia's artifact is called Gleipnir, which is shaped like a red ribbon that can be stretched at will. As her voice fell, the ribbon flew towards Igarashi at an extremely fast speed. Look at it. The posture was to tie up Igarashi.

Antoneva and Flora originally had a surge of energy and wanted to stop Orusia, but they remembered that Igarashi, who had spiritual power, was not without power. It was more or less a little awkward for them to wait for such a long time. Temper, he watched the situation develop with malice.

Igarashi believes that we should be tougher when dealing with yandere.

Easily grabbing Gleipnir, who didn't have much strength, Igarashi glanced at Orussia, who looked yandere, but was still not using all her strength because she was worried about her own safety, and gave him a strong blow. He pulled Orussia into his arms.

Be good, be good, it's my fault.

He comforted Orusia like a child. Igarashi did not intend to let any of the girls go by now. Orusia also calmed down the madness on her face, closed her eyes, and leaned quietly. On Igarashi's shoulders, as for Igarashi actually possessing such high combat power, the girls were slightly surprised, and then were overwhelmed by the joy of meeting again after a long separation. In their eyes, Igarashi was about to become a superman. .

After a long time, Igarashi looked at the three people who had finally regained their composure, feeling a little curious.

Where is Zero?

There was no sign of Zero in the central court, but Zero's information was recorded on Igarashi's tactical terminal. So where did Zero, the little girl, go?

She has been waiting for you in the place where we all lived together.

Speaking of the little girl Zero, Antoineva was also a little helpless. The obedient and well-behaved child was always very persistent when it came to Igarashi. Compared to staying in the central courtyard, Zero insisted on staying in that apartment. inside.

Yawn, let's go back and rest first. You can do what you want to do.

Flora pretended to be tired and yawned, pulling Antoineva and Orusia back. In fact, as a divine weapon user, although her physique is not much better than ordinary people, she will not get tired so easily. Flora's current actions are entirely for the sake of Igarashi and Zero being able to be alone together in the future.

Flora is also sensible. Igarashi watched the three girls gradually disappear from sight, and sighed. Fortunately, there is a chance to make up for them now. However, remembering that he has to continue to purify the black core, Igarashi can only Let them go to the liberated area with him, and they should accompany each other. Well, with An, Jia'er, Tesila, Wenzi, and others, wouldn't it be a bit much?

The old apartment was still the same, but apart from Zero, there were no other residents. Antoineva and the others most likely used the authority of the central courtyard to turn this apartment into a special area. Looking at the various things next to it, it was full of people. With the modern architecture and the old atmosphere within the apartment, Igarashi once again realized how much they valued that time.

Zero, I'm back.

The me I once was is back.

It was obviously late at night, but Igarashi saw Zero standing in front of him neatly dressed, and touched Zero's head with some distress. Well, it's obviously been a long time, why is Zero still looking like a little girl? Legal loli? If it weren't for the deeper look in the girl's eyes, Igarashi would hardly be able to feel the passage of time.

Brother Igarashi, I miss you so much and have been waiting for you.

Somewhat intoxicated, she enjoyed Igarashi's long-lost caress. When Igarashi first appeared in the central courtyard, Zero knew that she had been waiting for the day when Igarashi returned to the past. Now, that day has finally arrived. .

After closing his eyes and enjoying it for a while, Zero avoided Igarashi's palm and looked at the person in front of him seriously.

Brother Igarashi, don't treat me like a child, I have grown up.

grown up? It doesn't exist, you are like a primary school student now.

Of course Igarashi wouldn't say that, looking into Zero's eyes and asked.

Then what do you want me to do?

Zero didn't answer, but raised his pretty face, and the meaning was self-evident.

Before, Igarashi had no intention of letting Antoineva and the others go, including Zero. Looking at the young face that was not much different from before, Igarashi kissed her gently with a sense of guilt and excitement.

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