Igarashi praised Wenzi and An with an expression of admiration, which made the girls' faces turn red. It was not from joy, but from embarrassment that they received praise that was not in line with what they had done.

Levilitan can retreat, but our contribution is not big.

The weak excuses of the girls were automatically ignored by Igarashi. Now that Levitan was solved, only the Black Core remained in the Central City mission.

Come on, let's go take a look at the Golden Umbrella.

I thought there would be a fierce battle, but I didn't expect it to be resolved so easily.

Wenzi muttered to himself in a daze. Even if he was in the Five Elements Formation, he had no confidence that he could stop the world-class monster. However, now, he could repel it so easily. Even if there might be a hidden agenda, it was still a matter of course. Very shocking thing.

Igarashi successively purified the Central Court, the black core of the high school campus, and liberated the ancient streets of the East. He has become the unparalleled commander of the Central Court for a while, even if he carries two artifacts and looks like he is not good at both, the Golden Umbrella No one in the headquarters dared to stop him, but instead acted as a guide.

This is the eldest lady's laboratory, and the eldest lady is inside.

Igarashi looked at the corridors and laboratories made of solid alloys in front of him. In terms of defense, this was the highest except for some special places in the central court. The financial strength of the Golden Umbrella was reflected here.

I don't see guests.

A plain girl's voice came through the loudspeaker, with an attitude of keeping away from strangers, and her resistance to Igarashi and his group was obvious.

Although he only heard the other party's voice, Igarashi already knew that the speaker was the leader of the Golden Umbrella, the so-called eldest lady, Rei, a beautiful blond girl. At this time, Igarashi did not show any attentiveness to this. Rei's current The attitude was too ridiculous for Igarashi.

The Golden Umbrella accidentally obtained a black core. Knowing that the black core was the source of the Black Gate and the monsters, it did not hand it over to the Central Court. Instead, it was used for experiments, causing the monsters in the Central City to mutate. Now we are facing The commander of the central court is closed behind closed doors. Does he want the central court to treat the Golden Umbrella in the same way as it treats monsters from other worlds?

The controller of the entire Junction City's politics and economy has always been the Central Court. This is recognized by the entire world. Even if Golden Umbrella is a giant company in the Junction City, it is not enough to stop the Central Court. The Central Court's approach to dealing with alien monsters has always been to eliminate them.

You!...The Black Core incident was indeed the Golden Umbrella's fault, but we had no ill intentions.

Rei's voice was finally no longer as plain as before. Faced with Igarashi's implicit threats and bloody words, Rei's tone softened. The Golden Umbrella Company meant something extraordinary to her, and the closed steel door opened. , Li walked out with the black core.

Igarashi and An realized the appearance of the leader of the Golden Umbrella Company and did not show any surprise. Wenzi looked at the girl who was about the same age as Jia'er in front of them and was a little surprised. The leader of such a large Golden Umbrella company was just one person. Is it a little girl? Oh, she turns out to be a magic weapon user.

Aware of Li's energy, Wen Zi understood somewhat. She was once the leader of Dongfang Ancient Street. If the other party was a magic weapon user, then everything would make sense.

I know that although the Golden Umbrella has a bad reputation among ordinary people and is known as a vampire profiteer, it has actually made a lot of contributions to the reconstruction of the border city, and has also secretly funded various people in difficulty, so the Central Court does not What action to take.”

What the Golden Umbrella has done is no secret to the rulers of the entire city. If the Golden Umbrella really had ulterior motives, it would have been destroyed by the artifact envoys dispatched by the Central Court. Unlike Dongfang Ancient Street, the Central Court The urban area has always been under the jurisdiction of the Central Court.

Glancing at Rei, who originally had a stern expression, she looked surprised and embarrassed that her secret had been discovered after hearing her words. Igarashi smiled secretly in his heart, but with a calm expression on his face, he took the black core in Rei's hand.

The deep black suddenly turned into pure white.

Rei's eyes narrowed, she looked at the purified black core, and stared at Igarashi.

Do you know what price you have to pay to purify the black core?

oh? I was intimidated by myself just now, but now I am worried about myself? If time wasn't a bit tight, Igarashi wouldn't mind using gentle means to obtain the black core. He looked at Rei, who was faintly worried, and smiled.


Chapter 182 Ark

Then you still...

Rei couldn't understand the person in front of her. She thought Igarashi was a tough and cold person when he threatened him with the Golden Umbrella. However, he was not fooled by the rumors outside and thought that the Golden Umbrella was a black-hearted company. Now Even though he knew that purifying the black core would consume his life, he did not hesitate.

Perhaps God knows that I have the mission of purifying the black core, and my life span is longer than that of ordinary people.

Igarashi shrugged indifferently. The lifespan consumed by purifying a black core is only a drop in the bucket for him. Calculated based on one black core in an area, even if they are all purified, it is not harmful. Since this is to gain experience points, it is the end of everything. Igarashi is not going to escape from the powerful method.

I've never heard of such a person.

Looking at Li who looked unbelieving, Wenzi who was full of surprise, and An who looked at him with sadness and some expectation, Igarashi knew that although the three people in front of him had different relationships with him, they all had different relationships with him at this time. They are worried for their own reasons.

The commander is not an ordinary person to begin with.

The black core thing is the fault of Golden Umbrella. If there is a need for a divine weapon user in the Central Court, I am willing to help.

Faced with a person who was willing to waste his life in order to purify the black core, Li, who believed in business principles and was kind-hearted, would not pay unilaterally. She was a little moved. She had not had much contact with the Central Court and offered to help. Liberate the Black Gate area.

Are you moved by yourself? Igarashi looked at Rei who was acting unnaturally in front of him and blinked, naturally he would not refuse.

Thank you very much.

Rei gave Igarashi a deep look, then turned and left. As the leader of the Golden Umbrella, she would not give up her career so easily and live in the central court. Igarashi, who knew this, did not try to persuade the world. The super monster Levitan dived into the deep sea under his own intimidation, and the black core in the central city was also purified. Igarashi's mission was successfully completed. Although the Golden Umbrella is a large and powerful company, for him Almost unattractive and without much hesitation, Igarashi took Wenzi and An on the way back.

Along the way, Wenzi's eyes seemed to be attracted by a magnet and stayed on Igarashi for a long time, even if she was willing to confine herself to a small chess court to maintain the five-element formation for the sake of Oriental Ancient Street, and even kept consuming her own energy. Magical power, but if he had to sacrifice his life for this, Wenzi asked himself that he would never be as indifferent as Igarashi. Looking at Igarashi with a plain face in front of him, Wenzi felt like a pilgrim.

Compared to Wenzi, An's inner fluctuations were stronger, and her hands were clenched unconsciously. In the girl's heart, the so-called safety of the world and Igarashi's life, which was more important, had gradually become ambiguous. .

Don't worry, everything I say is true. I'm not a liar.

Naturally, Igarashi noticed the changes in Wenzi and An's moods. Something as illusory as lifespan can only be proven by time. All Igarashi can do now is comfort him with words, but he has never expressed it to the girl. No matter what false words they say, it adds a lot of persuasion.

After sending Wenzi and An, who had their own thoughts, back to the room, Igarashi did not rest there. He walked out of the central courtyard without stopping, and Igarashi came to the place where the ark was being built.

Although the technology in Junction City is already at the world's cutting-edge level, there is still a big gap compared to the completed Ark in front of us.

The shimmering metallic building is full of beauty while perfectly practicing the rules of physics. It is obviously just a cold building, but it can give people an obvious sense of technology. Just by looking at it, you can tell that it is a combination of technology and mystery. The product, but now the entire Ark, is bleak.

Master Commander, we have done everything we can do. We still cannot understand the principle of this building, and the energy operation does not seem to rely on electricity. For now, this building called the Ark is only for viewing purposes. I am very sorry.

The person in charge of the construction of the Ark came to Igarashi nervously. Even judging from his appearance, Igarashi was so young that it was difficult for people to have a sense of respect. However, his glorious deeds did not allow anyone to make irresponsible remarks. , if Hiro was the one who created the Central Court, then Igarashi, who purified the Black Core and liberated the Black Mist Area, was the one who developed the Central Court to an unprecedented peak in just two days.

Well done. Thank you for your hard work. You can go back and rest first.

Igarashi nodded to the staff gathered together and asked them to leave first. There were dedicated personnel guarding the outside of the ark, so there was no need to worry about idlers approaching. After blocking these people away, Igarashi was the only one next to the huge ark. .

Ding, a special building - the Ark - has been detected. The host can go back to the past by consuming experience points. The specific time cannot be set. It is expected to cost 1,000 experience points. Do you want to travel through it?

return to the past? Igarashi was startled by the systematic words in his mind. Amusa specifically reminded him to complete the Ark today just to allow himself to go back to the past? Although I don’t know what Aimusa’s intention is, going back to the past, there should be something important. The special attitude of some people in the central court towards me may also be able to get the answer.

System, if magic power is consumed, what will be the effect?

Ding, you should be able to travel to other world lines by consuming magic power, but the current world is already unique and has no effect. Only by using the power of all things can you break through the rules of the world and return to the past.

Unexpectedly, using the Ark consumes experience points, which is the power of all things. In this case, the only person who can use it is Igarashi.

Let's travel through time.

Igarashi kept his more than 10,000 experience points unused just to prepare for emergencies, and now was the time.

The ark, which was originally slightly dark under the night, began to emit a light that could only be seen by Igarashi, who had an understanding of the power of all things. After Igarashi touched it with his hand, it disappeared instantly.

Chapter 183 Back to the past

When Igarashi opened his eyes again, he saw a familiar scene again - a high school. So, did I have any bad relationship with the school? This is the first time I have come to school. Standing not far from the entrance of the university campus, Igarashi really didn't want to go in.

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