Igarashi was worried about the safety of the figure who was in a bad state, and had already used his mental power to eliminate all the monsters around him. At this time, everyone was following the civet all the way, perhaps because they were worried about Sybil's comfort, even if they didn't encounter any There was something unusual about a monster, but the three artifact users didn't pay any attention to it.

After a while, Lingmao led Igarashi and the others to a sound figure, which gradually disappeared. The figure was a woman. She seemed to feel something. She had no purpose at all. Her slow walking steps paused, but in an instant she returned to her original state. , continue to move.

It's Teacher Sybil, let's go there quickly!

Seeing that familiar figure, Jia'er had a relaxed smile on her face and quickly approached Sybil.

Although he knew that Sybil was not in the right state at this time and was like a walking zombie without reason, Igarashi thought that he could secretly restrain Sybil's movements, so he did not stop her and brought the others closer together.

Teacher Sybil!

Finally coming to the figure wearing loose red clothes, Jia'er excitedly called her name, and hearing Jia'er's voice, Sybil turned towards everyone.


The moment they saw Sybil, the three girls, except Igarashi, almost screamed at the same time. At this time, Sybil was extremely pale, her eyes were dull, and she was not walking normally, but more like a zombie-like powerless drag. Moving his steps, he whispered the name Jia'er just said.

Be careful, she may have lost her mind, subdue her first.

Igarashi glanced at Jia'er and the other girls, who seemed a little unbelievable, and couldn't help but remind them.


Jia'er let out a mournful cry and gradually tightened her grip on the long knife in her hand. Tesla, who had always followed Jia'er's wishes, also raised the heavy cannon.

Jia'er and An held their own weapons and slashed at Sybil with some caution, ensuring that they could take back the power in their hands at any time when necessary. Tesla could not control the power of the heavy artillery, so she just stood aside and warned.

Sybil didn't make any movement, but black mist emerged from her body, turning into an air shield, and easily received the two people's attacks.

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!

Jia'er tried her best to finally defeat the air shield, and she was ejected by the reaction force. An seized the opportunity and grabbed Sibyl tightly. Seeing this, Igarashi secretly used his mental power to restrain Sibyl to prevent She has aggressive behavior.

The phantom power in her body went berserk! If it can't be controlled...

Under Igarashi's suppression, Sybil was unable to move, and An was able to talk distractedly at this time, with a sad look on her face.

Living corpses...

What to live for?

It's too late to explain. In short, if this continues, Teacher Sybil will turn into a monster who has lost his mind!

Igarashi didn’t know what a living corpse was, but the black mist that appeared on Sybil just now was no different from a monster. Even though the magical power of the artifact user was essentially the same as that of the monster, and it manifested itself in various ways, it should never be It's black mist.

The Tarot cards of Aimusa in his mind seemed to want to rush out. Igarashi relaxed the mental power in his mind, allowing one of the Tarot cards to break free. A pair of flowing lights came out of Igarashi's body and floated in mid-air. After a slight pause, he penetrated into Sybil's body again, just in case, Igarashi's mental power then entered Sybil's mind.

The same color as the black fog, under the dim sky with lightning and thunder is a black and purple ocean, with turbulent waves rolling, trying to devour everyone.

An, Jia'er and the others' phantom power is like a lake with occasional ripples. Sybil's phantom power at this time is like a stormy sea, surging and beating her body. The phantom power is constantly condensed into a crystalline solid. Integrated into her blood, attached to her bones, piercing her skin.

That tarot card exuded a somewhat dim light compared to the dazzling lightning, which led Igarashi's mental power to find a swaying boat on the sea. Lying on it was the sleeping person. of Sybil.

This is easy to handle. Although the tarot card has disappeared, Igarashi's mental power has also found its target, and part of it is allocated to protect Sibyl. Igarashi's remaining mental power is all used to suppress the evil in Sibyl's body at this time. , the violent illusion.

Gradually, a gentle light appeared on the unconscious Sybil, and the raging sea of ​​illusion slowly subsided.

Taking his mental power back into himself, Igarashi moved his head. In the past, he used mental power as a means of attack, and he only attacked other people's bodies from the outside. This is the first time that he has invaded other people's minds. Although Inexperienced, but Sybil had completely calmed down and returned to her normal self.

Chapter 166 Opportunities lie in the hands of a few

I have to say, well done.

Although she didn't know what had just happened, Sybil, who had returned to normal at this time, had already explained everything. With a smile on her face, Ann clapped her hands and cheered for Igarashi.

Sit down and operate normally.

Igarashi motioned for An to sit down in his seat with a calm expression. Did he still want to touch his trophy without washing his hands?

Hmph! What are you talking about.

An didn't understand Igarashi's words at all. Sit down? Are there any seats here? It's still a dangerous place.

Suddenly, Sybil made a sound like she was dreaming.

Academy...backdoor...black mist...core...

Did you hear it? It seems that Sybil has discovered the core of the Black Gate. It should be at the back door of the academy. Let us work together to clear out this abominable Black Gate!

Well, Jia'er, Tesla, you stay here to take care of Teacher Sybil. An and I will clear the Black Gate.

All the changes just now made Jia'er mature a lot. Although she was very worried about the safety of Teacher Sybil, at this time the girl clenched the long knife in her hand firmly.

Tessla's presence is enough. Teacher Sybil failed to clear the Black Gate alone. I can't just let you go. I want to come with you.

Noticing Jia'er looking at him with a firm look mixed with gratitude, Igarashi was a little helpless. If it wasn't for show, Igarashi would have said: An, Jia'er, Tesla, you just don't move around here. , I will destroy a black door and come back.

Forget it, I will keep some of my mental energy here anyway, and the surrounding monsters have been cleared away. There is no need to worry about the dangers of Tesla and Sybil who stayed here. Igarashi nodded.


Uh, Igarashi!

Igarashi's full agreement made An a little annoyed. Regardless of reason or emotion, An wanted to ensure the safety of these precious artifact users first. The most correct thing now is to evacuate temporarily. However, as the Central Court The artifact user, she shouldn't disobey the commander's orders in front of several newcomers and set a bad example. Now An can only snort to show her dissatisfaction.

(I must not hold back...)

Jia'er knew that An, a senior artifact user, didn't trust her abilities, and her dissatisfied attitude was just because she was just a newcomer who had just awakened as an artifact user. Although even if the other party disagreed, Jia'er would force her to pass. Now that Igarashi is willing to believe in himself, Jia'er secretly makes up his mind to never cause trouble.

The closer they got to the Black Gate, the weirder the scene became. When Igarashi, Jia'er, and An finally arrived at the center of the Black Gate, this place was completely different from the ones in the previous high school campus. The surroundings were dark, flickering from time to time. With the black-purple light unique to the violent illusion, desks and books were floating in the air, as if they were losing gravity.

“It’s really awesome energy.”

This space-like scene was actually caused by excessive illusion power. Igarashi looked at the black gate not far away and couldn't help but sigh.

Look! That monster should be the guy guarding the center of the Black Gate. Let's fight quickly. Jia'er is still waiting to send Sybil back!

Perhaps because of the previous fights side by side, the relationship between An and Jia'er gradually became harmonious, and now they couldn't help but bring Jia'er along when they spoke.

Holding the long knife in her hand tightly, she felt an inexplicable energy pouring into her body from Igarashi, always ensuring that she was in the best condition. monster.

More than five meters tall, with two ferocious, devil-like horns on its head, the almost humanoid monster has a huge right hand that is obviously out of proportion, shining with purple light.

After discovering the enemy, the monster gathered some strength and then hit the ground with its huge right hand. Jia'er was a little confused. This guy has bad eyesight?


Igarashi glanced at Jia'er, who looked confused during the battle, and warned aloud that although this monster was tall and strong and looked like a good melee fighter, it was obviously going to use long-range attacks now.

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