
After a while, the receptionist led a young woman into the office. In this neon world, the status of voice actors is still very low. It is not only hard and tiring, but also does not make much money. A voice actor often has to do other part-time jobs to support himself. As the original author of Sword Art Online and the selector of voice actors, Igarashi can put on airs, but facing these strangers, Igarashi stood up to show courtesy.

Hello, I'm Yamabuki, please sit down.

Yam, Yamabuki-sensei!!!

Although he had made as much preparation as possible before coming, the young voice actor with long brown hair did not know until now that the screener was actually the original author of Sword Art Online. Although Igarashi has no airs, the identity gap between the two It was enough to make her nervous. A little-known seiyuu in the seiyuu world, and a famous light novelist. This difference made her, who was already very nervous, at a loss.

Igarashi looked at the person in front of him. Although the most important thing about a voice actor is his voice, Igarashi still hopes that the person who voices the Sword Art Online anime will be good-looking enough, and this guy with a nervous look meets the standard. .

Which role do you think your voice suits?


The woman was startled by Igarashi's question. She had never considered this question before. The calm mood she had managed to maintain was broken in an instant, and she looked at Igarashi stupidly.

Uh, did I say something that I shouldn't have said? Seeing the expression of the person in front of him, Igarashi couldn't help but doubt his own performance. After thinking about it carefully, he found that there was nothing wrong. Looking at the person in front of him who still had no reaction, he placed the things on the desk. She opened the Sword Art Online light novel, selected a piece of dialogue, and put it in front of her.

Do you know Sword Art Online? Try saying this.

Okay, okay!

Should I be happy that I actually like Sword Art Online and have read it many times? After carefully reading the words pointed out by Igarashi, he took a deep breath and adjusted his voice.

I only learned one thing here. That is to never give up until the last moment.

When the other party was talking, Igarashi closed his eyes and listened carefully. Hashima Dekai, who was standing by him, found that the person in front of him spoke in a tone that was very different from before, and his eyes widened in surprise.

After finally summoning up the courage to finish speaking, the voice actor was nervously waiting for Igarashi to ask the next question. The passage just now was a passage spoken by Asuna in Sword Art Online. She, who knew Sword Art Online well, naturally knew that Asuna was a woman. The protagonist has no delusion that he can dub the heroine.


Although he only said one sentence, Igarashi already knew that the nervous little voice actor in front of him had good skills. The words he just said were not chosen randomly by Igarashi. While he could say this sentence in a gentle tone, Highlighting the character's strength, the voice actor is good enough to do the job of voicing the heroine.

Previously, Rakuchiyu entrusted himself with the task of selecting voice actors. Of course, the people who can come here have been screened. Even if Igarashi randomly assigns roles with his eyes closed, these voice actors are still competent. , an agreement has been prepared on the desk. The specific remuneration and position will be decided by Igarashi. Of course, this remuneration will be paid by A1P Company with the money invested by Bunko. He lowered his head and wrote something on the agreement. Igarashi He handed it to the uneasy woman in front of him.

I think you can dub the heroine. If you're satisfied, just sign.

Five, fifty thousand yen?!

Igarashi's first sentence made the other party stunned. After seeing the remuneration in the agreement, he even exclaimed. Currently, the salary for newcomers in the voice actor industry is fifteen thousand yen per episode, and the popular ones are also It's only 60,000 yen, but there are only a handful of people who can reach this level. 50,000 yen. For her who earns 20,000 yen per episode and often can't even find a job. It's a surprising number.

Um, is fifty thousand yen a lot? Looking at the surprised look on the brown-haired woman in front of him, Igarashi realized that it seemed that the sales of Sword Art Online had made him underestimate the survival pressure of Neon. From the perspective of Igarashi, whose daily income reached tens of millions, Fifty thousand yen per episode is already very little.

Heroine, can I really do this?

Although she really wanted to sign her name, the brown-haired woman was still a little hesitant. Could she, a little famous voice actor, really be capable of taking on this responsibility? The happiness came so suddenly, which made her a little unbelievable.

I'm sure you can.

Igarashi used his mental power to explore the voice actors next door. Maybe their voices are more distinctive than the person in front of him, but while their voices match, their appearance is also similar to Igarashi's description of Asuna in the light novel. She was the only one who was similar. After glancing at the information on the desk, Igarashi added.

Ms. Tomatsu.

Chapter 153 So sleepy

According to the previous method, voice actors were selected one by one. After each role was finalized, only the dubbing of the protagonist Kiritani Kazuto could not be found. It was not until the end that Igarashi chose a woman with a neutral voice as the male protagonist. The voice actor of the male protagonist is a female. This can be regarded as Igarashi’s bad taste.

Is it finally okay...

Izumi Hashima, who was sitting aside with great interest, now looked slack. Although listening to different people speaking different words in different voices, there shouldn't be any aesthetic fatigue, but the girl's interest came on a whim. It went away quickly, and it was hard to wait until it was over.

Well, that's it.

Today is Monday, and A1P is fully committed to the production of the Sword Art Online animation. The animation will be released almost this weekend.

Tired? Do you want me to carry you?

Igarashi later watched the animation production process at A1P Company for a while, and then left with Hashishima. Seeing the girl's tired look, Igarashi bent down.


Haidao Dehai's fatigue came more from her spirit. She had not slept well at night because of her excitement. Just now, there were all kinds of things that she couldn't understand, and there were some complicated things that made the girl's head feel dizzy. Seeing fifty As a result of Arashi's movements, a smile appeared on Izumi Hashishima's face, and he lay helplessly on Igarashi's back.

Next time, I will do it alone. Igarashi noticed the mental state of the girl behind him at this time and made a decision in his heart.

After a long while, Igarashi finally returned to his home in Chiba City. It was noon now, and the daytime was only half over, but the girl on his back had already fallen into a deep sleep, murmuring from time to time, and Igarashi moved lightly. Opening the door to the house, he walked to the bedroom on the second floor, placed Bo Daochanghai, looked at the girl's sweet sleeping face, smiled slightly, and closed the door.

It should have been lunch time now, but Igarashi did not wake up the sleeping Hashima Dekai. Anyway, when the girl wakes up, Igarashi can prepare food for her at any time.

Ding, the host's current accumulated experience points are about to reach the upper limit that can be obtained in this world.

As if knowing that no one would disturb Igarashi now, the system prompt that had been silent for a long time sounded in Igarashi's mind. Igarashi, who had long been accustomed to the elusiveness of the system, did not panic.

How much experience do I get now?

Ding, the host's current accumulated experience value is fifteen thousand points, which will be settled when leaving this world.

Are you leaving... The voice of the system caused Igarashi to fall into silence. All the questions he originally wanted to ask suddenly became irrelevant, and with Igarashi's silence, the system also disappeared.

Although this world does not have any extraordinary powers or even intrigues, Igarashi's life is not boring. Getting along with beautiful girls makes him happy both physically and mentally.

Huh, take a deep breath, Igarashi put away his changing expression. The system has not forced him to leave this world, and his experience points have not yet reached the upper limit. He still has enough time, and there is nothing to be sentimental about.

The system prompts let Igarashi know that it is right to try to use light novels to conquer people's spirits. However, the total sales of the first and second volumes of Sword Art Online have exceeded one million, and this weekend the third volume will appear together with the first episode of the anime. The sales volume will reach a higher level by then. Igarashi thought that with a huge base like one million, the experience value he would gain would be several times even if it was not dozens of times that of the previous world. Who would have thought that the upper limit would be the same as the previous one? The world is pretty much the same.

This upper limit should not be specially imposed by the system. Thinking of the so-called magic of experience value, Igarashi does not think that it is something created by the system out of thin air. The system has said before that if both his physical and mental attributes are strengthened to 100, He will tell himself the true nature of the experience value, and now Igarashi doesn’t think too much.

Well, from now on, let’s cherish your time with beautiful girls.

After knowing that the experience value was about to reach the upper limit, Igarashi unscrupulously overturned his previous decision to go to A1P Company to supervise the animation production. However, the original request for leave from the chairman of Toyosaki Academy was still valid, and Igarashi did not forget it. Machida Enko and Sawamura Sayuri are two women who have a close relationship with him.

Although at this time, Igarashi's mind unconsciously recalled the ambiguity he had with these two mature and charming women, but now that Izumi Hashishima is still asleep in the bedroom, it is naturally impossible for Igarashi to leave the girl behind. Seeking pleasure.

Since he couldn't go out, Igarashi looked at his personal website on the laptop given by Megumi Kato. In the future, his focus will no longer be on Sword Art Online. Igarashi planned to post more updates to make up for his guilty feelings, but in reality On top of that, Igarashi’s focus has never been on Sword Art Online.

It only took a few minutes to finish editing the dynamic. In the remaining time, Igarashi chatted with Machida Enko and Sawamura Sayuri without hesitation. As expected, he is a person who cherishes time.

An hour later, Igarashi felt movement in the bedroom upstairs. Knowing that Hashima Dekai had woken up, Igarashi walked to the second floor and knocked lightly on the bedroom door.

Dekai-chan, wake up?

Well, Brother Lan.

Although Namishima Dekai's voice was not loud, it was full of energy compared to before. Igarashi opened the door. At this time, the girl was half sitting on the bed, rubbing her sleepy eyes. She looked a little lazy. Through the girl's slightly crooked collar, , Igarashi can even see some things that he shouldn't see. Although Izumi Hashishima is only a junior high school student, her capital has completely overwhelmed Eiriri and Kato Megumi, causing Igarashi's heartbeat to speed up a bit. .

Are you hungry? I've prepared something to eat for you.

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