The midday sun shines in Wood County, reflecting the green and lush hills of Alvin Manor.

I heard from the coachman just now that there used to be a lumberyard on this hill.

Probably because of this, the mountain roads here are quite wide and flat, and extend in all directions.

Li Feng walked for a long time on these hills, which could only be regarded as large mounds.

After a long trek, he finally found a dilapidated hut deep in the woods.

The cabin is made of wood, and its exterior walls are now dilapidated due to age and disrepair.

Wildly growing flowers, plants, trees and vines crawled on both sides of the house, extending to the roof and the entire small yard in front of the house.

Li Feng stood in the distance and watched carefully. If the dilapidated scene was removed, then this wooden house was the forest cabin he saw in the illusion.

Could this be the place where the crazy alchemist suspected of being Faranir lives?

‘Go in and have a look. ’

Lifting his cane to push away the weeds, Li Feng walked towards the wooden house.

The grass was soft under his feet, and Li Feng walked slowly into the small courtyard in front of the wooden house while being cautious.

But as soon as he stepped into the courtyard, he was suddenly enveloped by a cold, cold wind.

It was obviously the height of summer in July, but a cold wind suddenly blew in the forest.

Along with the cold wind, there were also bursts of ghostly cries in my ears.

‘Looks like this is it. ’

In the suddenly gloomy woods, Li Feng's figure suddenly disappeared and he entered the shadow world.

Everything in front of him became black and white and distorted, and the wooden house seemed like a scene in the lingering smoke.

At the same time, Li Feng felt that the original cold wind disappeared, and the ghost crying stopped.

Sure enough, the cold wind and ghost cries were the effects of some kind of barrier, just to drive away intruders.

But since it is necessary to drive away the intruders, there must be something inside this wooden house.

Li Feng held the flint in his hand and adjusted the gun to the most comfortable position for firing at any time.

Then he walked through the small courtyard in the shadow world and came to the wooden house.

Since the action of pushing open the door will interact with the real world, with Li Feng's current rank, doing so will exit the shadow world.

So Li Feng didn't push the door. He first went to the window of the wooden house and carefully looked inside the wooden house through the moss-covered and dusty glass.

In the shadow world, everything looks black and white and distorted, and the wooden house is no exception.

Li Feng cast his gaze into the room and scanned the room, but the next moment.

Behind the dirty glass, a distorted human face suddenly appeared, meeting his eyes.

Are you here to fulfill your promise? Where are your companions?

Li Feng was startled by the face behind the glass, but after he calmed down, he realized that it was just a person.

Or to be precise, it was just a ghost staying in the shadow world.

At this moment, the ghost invited Li Feng into the house enthusiastically.

Although I am most likely no longer human, in the past ten years or so, I have found that I can now open the door. Come on, sir.

Li Feng was shocked to see the wooden door in front of him opened, and behind the door was a ghost who warmly welcomed him.

In the black and white twisted shadow world, Li Feng looked closely at the ghost.

It was a female ghost wearing a gorgeous dress. Because she was a ghost, her whole body was in a semi-illusory state.

She has no legs and her entire body floats on the ground.

Li Feng thought of something and carefully observed her appearance, but her appearance and age could not be clearly seen in the distorted image.

Thinking back on the rumors, this part of the mountain was rumored to be haunted, but no one was heard of being injured or killed.

After estimating the ability of this ghost, it seems that it cannot hurt people, or it does not hurt people at all.

The soldiers came to cover up the water and earth. Li Feng walked into the wooden house holding the flint without any further hesitation.

Do you know me?

After entering the wooden house, Li Feng asked the ghost.

Thinking about what the ghost said when he first met him, Are you here to fulfill your promise? Li Feng thought that the ghost had mistaken him for someone.

Hmm - let me see.

The ghost said and walked into Li Feng. He didn't feel the ghost's malice. Li Feng just stood there and let her see.

Ah, it's a new Hidden One. Oh, you call them Hidden Ones, right?

After the ghost looked at Li Feng carefully, he returned to his original position.

Li Feng saw her demeanor and tone when she saw the stranger, and she showed no sign of being defensive at all.

As if he were her friend, we were about to start talking about everyday things.

Yes, the extraordinary person who believes in the Stranger in the Shadow is called the Hidden One.

Li Feng replied, but at the same time he was also calculating in his mind.

‘Companion, Hidden One, has it been possible that she has seen those two Hidden Pirates? ’

May I ask, are you Mrs. Alvin?

Facing the ghost, Li Feng asked what he had guessed.

Ah~ It seems you are here for this too!

Ghost said, holding up a thick black book, and she showed the cover of the book to Li Feng:

Faranir's Alchemy Notes.

Li Feng stiffened when he saw the note and didn't know what to say.

He really didn't expect that there would be no need for trickery or fighting.

This notebook that had troubled him for so long and made various outside forces crazy about it appeared in front of him so easily.

Seeing Li Feng's silence, the ghost suddenly smiled and sighed again:

Oh - yes, I am Mrs. Alvin. This matter is a long story.

A breeze blew outside the wooden house, causing the shadows of the trees to move wildly.

Mrs. Alvin had no hostility toward Li Feng, who still had the gun in his hand. Instead, she generously told Li Feng the whole story.

More than fifty years ago, when the Alvin family was still in decline, she was the mistress of this generation of the Alvin family.

Alvin Manor, as well as these hills, all belong to the Alvin family.

The family owned many fields and had many tenants.

Gad Linton is one of them.

Gade is a poor and lonely young man. His parents died early and he is thin and sick. He likes to delve into things.

So it was usually difficult for him to complete the job of felling trees on the mountain.

Mrs. Alvin sat on the chair in a ghostly state and told Li Feng about the past.

“I know aristocrats have a bad reputation, but neither my husband nor I are stingy people.

Freeing Gad from rent will not have any impact on our lives, so if he fails to pay, we will only ask the housekeeper to put it on the account and let him pay it back next year.

But in fact, this is just a statement. In fact, we have never forced him to repay the debt.


Speaking of this, Mrs. Alvin looked out the window and sighed:

But, Garde, he is too stubborn, or he is too repaying the favor.

About fifty years ago, I died due to a spring cold. I didn't feel good about dying, so I won't describe it to you in detail.

However, about a month later, I came back to life again.

Yes, that's right, living like this now, in this black and white twisted world.

I was scared and scared and I didn't know what was happening to me until I met Gad.

It was him who used those things that he had been studying to transform me into what I am now.

He told me that I was kind-hearted and that the Seven Gods should not have taken my life so early. He said that he could resurrect me.

Gad was extremely confident at the time, and I was really happy to hear that I could survive.

Mrs. Alvin paused here.

In this twisted world, Li Feng could still see her smiling happily.

I was only 37 years old when I died. I have elderly parents, a loving husband, and a lovely daughter. How could I let them go?

I want to go back and continue living with them.

So from then on, I followed Gard's arrangements, stayed here peacefully, and watched him make various potions and experiments.

However, no matter how many methods he explored and how many theories he researched, his potions could not truly revive me.

Finally, looking at my rotting corpse, I knew I could never go back.

I was completely devastated because this meant that I had to die again, as a ghost.

Mrs. Alvin said this and looked at Li Feng with a sad expression.

Sir, I think you must have never experienced death, but please believe me, death is really a terrible thing.

But the matter has come to this, I cannot be resurrected, nor can I stay in this twisted world forever.

So I asked Gad to kill me.

He was extremely reluctant at first. He cried bitterly and told me that there was still something he could do, but we all knew there was nothing we could do.

In the end, he raised his gun and shot me in the heart, but...I didn't die.

But I had made up my mind at that time. I could no longer stand this twisted world.

Mrs. Alvin said this and looked around. She was referring to the Shadow Realm.

Later, I tried many ways to kill myself, including water, fire, and knives, but I still couldn't die. I was completely trapped here.

Death is a scary thing, but wanting to die but not being able to die is even more frightening.

Since I was a child, my parents have taught me to be kind to others, but by that time, I could no longer do so.

I cried all day long, resenting and blaming Gad for turning me into this.

He promised me that he would continue to think of a solution, but suddenly, he disappeared and never came to the Shadow Realm again.

please wait a while.

When Li Feng heard the key point, he interrupted Mrs. Alvin and asked:

Are you saying that Gard is also a hidden person?

Although the other protagonist in the incident was named Gad Linton, Li Feng could probably guess that he was the grandson's alchemist Faranir.

Therefore, Li Feng was very concerned about whether he was a transcendent person or a hidden person.

But when Mrs. Alvin heard Li Feng’s question, she shook her head:

No, Gad did not get a response from the gods, he is not a supernatural being.

But he is an excellent alchemist, and he can enter the Shadow Realm by taking a certain potion.

Yes, it's the 'Shadow Realm', that's what he calls this twisted world of black and white.

'I see. ’

Li Feng nodded:

What happened next?


Mrs. Alvin sighed:

That's what happened after that. I stayed here for who knows how long, and I don't know how long it took, until...

Until one sunny morning, I suddenly stepped out of the shadow world and saw the real world outside.

Li Feng was shocked when he heard this:

Can you still come out?


After saying this, Mrs. Alvin laughed happily again:

“But it can only last for a short while, and I can’t leave the hut too far, so I can only wander around here.

After returning to the real world, I met living people and learned the year from their mouths.

That was about 30 years after my death.

Hearing this, Li Feng understood that this was probably the reason why this mountain was haunted.

However, people are afraid of me. They will run away as soon as they see me from a distance.

Mrs. Alvin continued speaking, her expression a little lonely:

“At that time, I understood that I must look scary now, so from then on, I stopped going out during the day and only went out at night when I couldn’t see clearly.

However, they seemed to be more afraid of me, so much so that the lumberyard not far ahead was moved away.

Li Feng:......

Isn't it more scary at night?

By the way, sir, since you can find this place, do you know where Gad went?


Li Feng opened his mouth. It seemed that Mrs. Alvin didn't know what was going to happen next.

Do you remember the last time you saw Gard Linton and what he said to you?

Li Feng thought for a moment and then asked about it first.

After hearing the question, Mrs. Alvin thought for a moment:

That day, Gad told me he was sorry, and then he gave this to me.

Mrs. Alvin pointed to Faranir’s notes and said:

He also said that as long as this notebook is here, someone will definitely come to help me.

Li Feng was stunned for a moment, thought for a moment and then asked:

So... was this note written by Gad?

um, yes.

Mrs. Alvin nodded:

The notes are all manuscripts he wrote while doing alchemy experiments.

But why is the name on the cover of the note 'Faranir'?

Li Feng asked, thinking he was getting closer to the answer.

I heard Gad say that Faranir is his grandfather.

Mrs. Alvin thought about it as she spoke:

But I also heard during my lifetime that this Faraniel Linton was a prodigal son. He almost never returned home and never took care of his wife and children. No one knew what he was doing outside.

But for some reason, Gad admired his irresponsible grandfather very much.

At this point, Li Feng finally understood.

A hundred years ago, Faranir Linton was a hunter. He was obsessed with hunting demons and did not even interact with humans or go home.

And Gad Linton fifty years ago was a mortal who was extremely talented in alchemy.

Even though he is not an extraordinary person and does not have extraordinary abilities, he has actually achieved great results in alchemy.

Although resurrecting Mrs. Alvin failed, Li Feng read the 10 pages of notes he already had.

Even if you can't understand it, you still know that it is definitely not something that ordinary people can study.

That's all I know.

While Li Feng was deep in thought, Mrs. Alvin's voice sounded again:

Then sir, can you tell me now where Gad has gone?

He committed suicide.

Mrs. Alvin is a reasonable ghost who solves many of Li Feng's problems.

Li Feng didn't hold anything back and told his wife all the follow-up information he read in the county annals.

Mrs. Alvin was silent for a long time after hearing this. In the end, she said nothing and just sighed.

In the shadow world where everything is black and white, a gentle breeze blows outside the window.

Li Feng looked out the window and saw that the wind caused the branches and weeds to sway, and everything became more distorted.

In the small rectangular wooden house, one person and one ghost were silent for a long time.

After that, Mrs. Alvin suddenly asked Li Feng:

Sir, I think you are a transcendent. So, can you kill me?

Hearing this, Li Feng was stunned.

As if she was afraid that he would misunderstand, Mrs. Alvin immediately took the note and added:

Of course I don't ask for your help for free. If you can kill me, this notebook will be yours.

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