Weird deep sea game, I can fish unlimitedly

Chapter 63: Wrong date of death

Are you sure Sally saw Susan on the afternoon of July 9th?

Bai Feng Manor is located on the outskirts of Wind's End City. It is the branch of Earth Ring in Wind's End City.

On the dark underground floor of the manor, outside the door of the autopsy room, Kestrel asked Li Feng:

Is it possible Sally remembered it wrong?

Just now at the dock, Li Feng learned that the female body was suspected to be Susan.

He notified the Earth Ring members who were patrolling the dock area, and the latter transported the female body back to Bai Feng Manor.

She said it very definitely, without any hesitation.

Li Feng answered Kestrel.

Kestrel frowned after hearing this, looking puzzled:

My coroner told me that the deceased had been dead for more than half a month.

Li Feng was stunned after hearing this, and then he realized that the degree of decay of the body did not seem to be that of a two-day old body.

So I asked, did Sally see it wrong?

Kestrel glanced at the information in his hand and continued:

I checked the employment information of the Extraordinary Materials Trading Market. Since the market opened, there have only been two female employees. One is Sally and the other is Susan.

The extraordinary material trading market is an industry of the Earth Ring, so it is normal for Bai Feng Manor to have employee entry information.

And this female corpse is currently wearing the uniform of a trading market employee, and the brooch she is wearing is also the symbol of the trading market.

So judging from her clothing, she is an employee of the trading market and has not run away.

And Sally is alive, so the only deceased person should be Susan.

Li Feng frowned after hearing this, and said to Kestrel:

Since you have employee information, you should also have information on their resignation.

Kestrel didn't know why Li Feng suddenly asked this. He thought for a while and replied:

The market reports are published every two months. The details are under the control of the people below. I don't know.

Li Feng nodded and then said:

I went to the trading market today, and apart from the news that Sally met Susan on the 9th.

I also got another news, that is, on July 1, 9 days ago, Susan went through the formalities of resignation.

I saw the resignation record made by the marketing administrator.


Kestrel was shocked when he heard this.

Today is July 10th.

If Susan died half a month ago, as the coroner said, then her death date should be before June 25.

But on July 1, she went to the trading market to resign. How is this possible?

It's possible that Sally was wrong, but the market administrator won't record information that doesn't exist out of thin air.

And every employee in the market knows that Susan resigned on July 1.

There must be supernatural factors involved.

Kestrel frowned, his tone serious.

In the dark basement of the manor, the kestrel paced back and forth along the long corridor.

Why at this time, it will only make things messy.

Li Feng could tell that Hong Su was worried about something.

You came from the dock area. You should have seen the mutated rats in the dock area, right?

Kestrel seemed to have made up his mind and asked Li Feng in a serious tone.

Li Feng nodded.

Governor Fell sent his illegitimate son to deal with the demonic incident. You have heard about it, right?

Yes, I heard.

Kestrel nodded, as if he thought of something, he sneered:

Jory Fair is not a very useful person, he just makes a mess.

Rhine, the Ring of the Earth, belongs directly to the king. We actually don’t have a good cooperative relationship with Storm’s End, which is a local force.

Kestrel paused.

He believed that he should give Li Feng some time to think about the situation of the two political groups competing against each other.

But Li Feng is a time traveler after all. For time travellers, this kind of thing is nothing new.

Besides, Xia also told Li Feng a lot of inside information last night.

So Li Feng was not surprised at all when he heard Kestrel's words.

So the Earth Ring is withdrawing from handling the demon incident?

Kestrel nodded:

That's right, at least we can't take charge of this matter.

Because the great fortune teller divined the devil first, we lost the initiative.

Great fortune teller?

Li Feng was impressed by this great fortune teller.

At that time, he was seriously injured. In order to cure him, Bishop Frey asked the great diviner to borrow precious herbs.

The great fortune teller was not stingy and immediately sent a messenger to deliver the herbs.

Although in the end, Li Feng recovered from his injuries through fishing and did not use the great fortune teller's herbs.

But to be honest, Li Feng still thanked him.

Yes, that's right. It's my fault. I shouldn't let the people of Storm's End do divination easily.

I was the one who underestimated the situation.

Afterwards, Kestrel told Li Feng the whole story.

Li Feng also had a clearer understanding of the conflict between the Earth Ring and the Governor.

You mean, that great fortune teller divined why the devil came this time?

Li Feng was very concerned about this.

He wanted to find out whether the demon's invasion of the world was also related to the whisper of Faranir he heard.

After hearing the question, Kestrel nodded:

Yes, the great fortune teller said that the devil came for desire this time.


Li Feng raised his eyebrows when he heard this. What kind of reason is this?

But Kestrel disagreed:

Divination is not always accurate. Most of the time, you need to interpret it carefully.

Li Feng nodded after hearing this.

But I still feel that the reason desire is a little weird.

But what he didn't know was that the great fortune teller at Storm's End Castle was actually a magician.

And he knew it.

The afternoon sun shines on the earth.

The coachman of Bai Feng Manor took Li Feng back to the dock area as he requested.

Kestrel and Li Feng's analysis of matters related to political power and power struggles is not without purpose.

He hopes that Li Feng can temporarily work for the Earth Ring, so that he can secretly continue to investigate the cases of Marcus and Susan.

Instead of following Jory Fair to catch mice.

It only took Li Feng half a day to find so many clues.

Kestrel was pleased and surprised by this.

Because of Storm's End's first intervention, and for the sake of apparent political friendliness, the Earthen Ring's handling of the demonic incident can now only be based on cooperation with Jory Fell.

But recently, bad news has been coming frequently from the sea. Marcus and Susan also disappeared mysteriously, and even the time of death of one was shrouded in mystery.

So Kestrel hopes that Li Feng, as a peripheral person in the whole matter, will investigate secretly.

But doing so will inevitably make Storm's End think that Li Feng has defected to the Earth Ring.

At the same time, it will also affect Li Feng's future in Fengxi City.

So Kestrel was very hesitant. He didn't want Li Feng's future to be ruined.

So he took the initiative to apply to the headquarters for Li Feng to join the Ring of the Earth based on Li Feng's contribution this time after the matter was over.

Forever free from the control of the Governor of Storm Island.

Kestrel analyzed the pros and cons to Li Feng very clearly.

But as a time traveler, Li Feng actually doesn't care about this.

His goal has never been to become a knight of the Governor.

As for joining the Ring of the Earth, Li Feng has not yet considered it. This can be discussed later.

Li Feng's current goal is to investigate the demon and kill it to fuse the flint.

And Marcus and Susan officially investigate clues about the devil.

Also, Susan was actually related to the Faranir whispers he kept hearing.

So no matter what, Li Feng was going to investigate Marcus and Susan's case.

After he fused the flint, he became a second-level hunter and got rid of the cost of the Moon Shadow Potion.

When the time comes, he still wants to continue to seek promotion, so how can he be stuck in one corner?

The hot afternoon sun shines on Luoxia Bay.

After passing a long street, Li Feng finally found the place where Susan once rented.

Dong dong dong.

Li Feng knocked on the wooden door.

After a while.

A short, fat man in his sixties or seventies, with an injured leg and using a cane, opened the door.

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