Weird deep sea game, I can fish unlimitedly

Chapter 378 Ending 2, the end, a peaceful life

The proposal I just made is still valid.

In the independent space of Sunny Blue Sea, Li Feng told Tanlang that his purpose was to separate the Endless Sea and the player world from the God of Creation.

But Tanlang was silent for a while, then he still shook his head:

I am a layman, and I really long for the life you describe, but I know better what I want.

I want to get everything from the Creator God, I want to replace her, and I want all the worlds to run according to my wishes.

And Li Feng, you know, the constant pursuit of powerful power and the power to conquer all is the essence of life, isn't it?

Greedy Wolf asked, he had always thought so.

He believes that the origin of the universe is the constant pursuit of power, constant self-expansion, conquering and dominating everything, until the position of the Creator God.

In turn, the existence and status of the Creator God also supports Greedy Wolf's theory.

Hasn't the God of Creation been constantly conquering new worlds and expanding herself? The existence of players is the best proof that she rules everything.

Greedy Wolf agrees with the concept of the God of Creation, and he also wants to be the God of Creation.

So he really couldn't understand Li Feng's point of view.

A peaceful life will eventually get boring. Tanlang thinks that Li Feng wants a peaceful life now just because he hasn't gotten it yet.

He will eventually get tired of it, because a peaceful life is not the essence of life.

Greedy Wolf pointed this out. He believed that if Li Feng stayed in the Endless Sea forever, he would regret it one day.

Although he was in a weak position, and even his life was about to be in danger, Greedy Wolf spoke honestly when he said these words. He only gave suggestions and discussed opinions, but had no intention of persuading the other party to excuse himself.

After listening to his words, Li Feng smiled:

Your point of view is very similar to a book I once read, The Will to Power, which should be called this.

Oh, is it so?

Greedy Wolf was very interested when he heard about books with similar views to his own:

If I have the chance, I will definitely read it.

Read with caution.

Speaking of that book, Li Feng found it funny. He explained to Tanlang:

The author who wrote that book went crazy, and the people who read that book started a world war.


Greedy Wolf understood, then he thought about it and laughed at himself:

Sounds a bit like something I would do.

The sky is cloudy and the blue sea is waving. Li Feng looks at the calm scenery in the distance:

“There can be more than one idea and point of view, and this kind of thing is too idealistic, and it is even harder to say who is right and who is wrong, just like a person knows whether he is warm or cold after drinking water.

For me, I don’t want to waste my life on meaningless things anymore. I don’t care about power and power, let alone pursue them.


Greedy Wolf immediately retorted. He was full of energy, as if he had caught the opponent's mistakes in the battle, and he immediately retaliated:

Li Feng, you don't pursue them because you have already obtained them.

You have already obtained the power and power of a level four player. You are already the highest level player in the Endless Sea and even in Area 19 of the entire Outer Ring World.

That's right.

Li Feng nodded and admitted:

But I pursue these, partly because of the forced behavior of self-preservation, and what I can do is to stop losses in time after reaching a certain level.

Reach a certain level...stop the loss in time...

Tan Lang tasted the meaning of Li Feng's words and suddenly understood.

After gaining absolute power and strength within a controlled world, there is a complete separation from higher beings.

‘Li Feng did not and did not need to defeat the God of Creation, because he became the God of Creation in a small world. ’

Although compared with the real Creator God, Li Feng only controls one world, but in terms of his supreme status and the extent of controlling the world, he and the Creator God are actually the same.

Surprised, Tanlang suddenly understood, and Li Feng nodded, admitting that this was his idea.

I learned it, thank you.

Greedy Wolf smiled sincerely, his mental enlightenment made him very happy.

The sunshine on the sea is bright in autumn, white clouds linger in the blue sky, and the sea breeze ruffles the blue waves.

The two were silent for a while, and the small talk was finally coming to an end, and now it was the final moment.

Withdrawing his gaze towards the distance, Li Feng sighed and said thoughtfully:

My previous proposal is still valid, and besides that, you can actually...

Li Feng suddenly felt a little discouraged, and no one could tell whether the stage they had reached now was the arrangement of the God of Creation.

Li Feng suddenly remembered Ammu's proposal. They could indeed quickly make Shia a level four player and free the Endless Sea from the God of Creation. They did not need to be greedy.

As for Greedy Wolf, Li Feng now hopes that he will fight against the God of Creation. Maybe, he can really achieve something.


But Tanlang interrupted and rejected Li Feng's proposal. He shook his head:

“It’s just a chess game, if you lose, you lose.

Just like I didn't hide it from you, I intervened in the battle between me and the Scarlet Sister. I want to win on my own and don't rely on anyone. This is a matter of principle.

A few years later, when I become the God of Creation and control the operation of all the worlds, looking back on the past, I wish I had never relied on anyone’s generosity and mercy, not even you. Otherwise, then what would happen to me? It’s too boring.

Li Feng, you may have questions, but you should understand if you think about the literal meaning of 'reincarnation'.

In fact, you are not the only reincarnator I have seen. In my previous observations of various worlds, I found that when reincarnators die, they will travel again with their memories, and then become players again when the opportunity is ripe.

This is the arrogance of the God of Creation towards us. She must use people to the extreme if they are useful.

She doesn't care at all what we think, doesn't care whether we want relief, let alone whether we hate her.

Yes, they are just players in the outer world, God doesn't care.

She believes that we can only follow the arrangements of the system. If we are disobedient, we have to do it again, keep doing it again, and do it again until we are obedient.

This is why I must defeat her, because I have no way out.

Of course, there is no way out. We have all discovered her weaknesses. If you choose to use her weaknesses to escape from her, it is indeed a very good solution.

But I am different from you. I must make her pay the price. I must use her weakness to defeat her. No matter how many times I do it again, it will be the same. Whether you believe it or not, I will do it.

I believe, I believe you can do it.

Li Feng did not know what Tanlang said about the infinite reincarnation of reincarnations, but it does make sense if he thinks about it carefully.

But even if he knew his original fate and hated the God of Creation even more, Li Feng didn't want to take revenge on her. He still just wanted to get away from it all and live a peaceful life.

Everyone has his own choice, and will only choose the path he most wants to take.

Li Feng's choice is to completely break away from the God of Creation. Tanlang's choice is to make the God of Creation pay the price. He wants to replace the God of Creation.

Although it sounds impossible, Li Feng believes that he can do it.

Greedy Wolf was stunned for a moment. He was a little excited just now and said something that was not in line with his strength. Compared with the God of Creation, he is just a player in the outer world, and his strength is probably one hundred thousandth less than that.

Even though he has firm confidence, speaking such words seems to anyone to be overestimating his abilities and speaking freely.

But Li Feng actually believed it, and it was not a joke or ridicule, he really believed it, which made Tan Lang feel happy to be recognized.

Smiling and taking a deep breath, Tanlang regained his previous gentleness and indifference. He looked at the people around Li Feng, and then said to Li Feng:

Let's get back to the topic. You came prepared, and I am not unprepared. To put it another way, I can accept the result of failure.

It is precisely because of this that I dare to go to the meeting alone. Otherwise, with my strength today, I will definitely make more detailed considerations.

But the life of a reincarnation is like playing chess. I lost this game. I have nothing to say. I will start over.

And I think, I will play better in the next game of chess, and I will be promoted to a level 4 player faster, maybe even faster than you.

Greedy Wolf stood up calmly as he spoke. He straightened out his black clothes without extra decorations, straightened his cuffs, and then said with a very sincere smile:

Li Feng, I hope your wish comes true.

Li Feng frowned and was silent for a while. Originally, achieving the goal without losing any blood was the best result, but now he is a little reluctant, but if this is the principle of Greedy Wolf and his choice...

Li Feng sighed and stood up, and said equally sincerely:

I also hope your wish comes true, Qin Wen.

one year later.

As if sleeping at the bottom of the ocean, in the silent darkness, Li Feng heard a gentle voice talking to himself.

Last year, Storm Island's tax revenue was fifty million taels of gold, and its expenditure was...well...

Repair broken ships and trains, purchase new ships and trains, build roads, schools, and lay circuits...

The cost of laying the circuit is...what! Why is this thing so expensive? ! What did Hazan think?

The voice of whispering softly to himself turned into a voice of pain.

Hey, do we have electricity?

Because he hadn't spoken for a long time, Li Feng's voice was a little hoarse, and he got used to it.

And an exclamation came from the side immediately:

Oh my God, are you awake? You...

Shia threw down her account book and hurriedly looked at Li Feng beside her.

Li Feng opened his eyes and saw Shia lying beside him, full of concern. He touched Shia's head to express that he was fine.

Then he sat up and looked at the spacious room he was in. Shia told him that this was not Storm's End, but the top of Mount Doom. It was Shia's original home, and it was now his home.

A year ago, Qin Wen chose to commit suicide. He left his divine fusion degree to Li Feng and then reincarnated.

Li Feng fished for his earth core, godhead, and 1,000 points of godhead fusion. After that, he buried Qin Wen and set up a tombstone for him.

Although this has no practical significance to Qin Wen, he has already started over, but it is still a commemoration.

Later, the Seven Gods and Li Feng found the fragments of the underwater city scattered in the endless sea based on the destiny map.

Due to the restrictions of the Creation God, Li Feng could not directly absorb Qin Wen's 1,000 points of fusion, but it did not prevent him from injecting this power into the fragments of the underwater city.

So each of the seven gods was responsible for one fragment, and Li Feng was responsible for two fragments. According to the plan they made in advance, they expelled the remaining power of the Creator God in the fragments.

As originally expected, unlike Xinxing, the process of the Endless Sea breaking away from the God of Creation was very fast, and the backlash was also extremely strong.

A whirlpool appeared in the deep sea and countless islands shook. Li Feng and the Seven Gods also suffered backlash and fell into coma. Li Feng suffered the strongest backlash because he was responsible for two fragments. He fell into coma for a whole year, but it was all over in the end.

After clearing his mind a little, Li Feng checked the system. Sure enough, his system was no longer there. The chat channel, task list, and system backpack all disappeared.

But the extraordinary power that belonged to the endless sea was retained. He was still a hunter and a hider, and with a little use of telekinesis, Li Feng discovered that the power of his godhead was still there.

Without the system, his power is no longer visible, but Li Feng can feel that his power has not changed. He is still a level four player with 100 more integration points.

You succeeded. The Endless Sea and the world before you are free.

Hugging Li Feng, Xia said softly.

Li Feng stroked her long hair and finally felt relieved after receiving the confirmation.

Looking around again, Li Feng observed the dragon's room.

Probably because they are huge dragons, the architectural style of the Black Dragon Clan is extremely majestic. No matter the size of the room, the walls, doors and windows are extremely tall.

They were all made of smooth obsidian and heavily decorated with gold.

At this moment, under the sunlight on the top of the mountain, everything is dazzling.

Seeing Li Feng observing the room, Xia said to him:

In addition to Storm's End, this is also our home, but there are many rooms here. I will show you slowly.

Li Feng nodded, feeling a little complicated. He only knew that this girl was very rich before, but it was not very intuitive.

Now Li Feng looked at a tall window and couldn't help but want to complain. I thought the money I earned was enough, but converting it into gold might not be enough to decorate this window.

Alas, it is true that more people than talents know how poor I am.

Li Feng smiled self-deprecatingly. He stopped thinking about those things and asked Xia:

What happened this year? Is everyone okay?

Shia raised her eyebrows when she heard this, and then said:

After expelling the God of Creation, Mermaid Patriarch Sarah used the mirror image to restore the underwater city. Now the extraordinary road in the Endless Sea can continue, and the extraordinary people are stepping up their practice.

In addition to being extraordinary, the technology of the Endless Sea is also developing rapidly. I think there may be many players who stayed behind, and some of them are promoting the development of technology.

As for the seven gods, they all fell asleep for a while, and they woke up one after another about half a year ago.

Silver Moon returned to Glory Island. She was still working as an agent in the Sun City Police Department, but now she has been promoted and can lead new agents. The purpose is to better seduce the handsome young students.

But her role as a detective was not without its benefits. Because she didn't want to deal with crimes, Silver Moon nipped all the crimes in Sun City before they started.

Her sister Chenxing continues to practice in the Black and White Monastery, but she is in a dilemma because she is caught between the stranger in the shadow and her sister.

In the film, the Stranger continues to lead the Black and White Institute. He urges the Hidden Ones to practice hard, and externally portrays the Hidden Ones as mysterious and powerful guys who never talk nonsense and only do things.

But he himself couldn't help but talk bad things about Chenxing's sister Yin Yue in front of his student Chen Xing. Of course Yin Yue had to fight back.

Chenxing was troubled by the teacher on one side and her sister on the other, so she often went to Kestrel to complain.

Kestrel is still in the Ring of the Earth. Sometimes he is in Wind's Breath City, sometimes in King's City. In short, he is more casual and will stay wherever he likes for a while, and he has restored Benjamin's eyes.

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As for the Dream Sisters, they chose to live in seclusion and only secretly guided the high priest of the Dream Keeper. It is worth mentioning that they helped Jane grow back her lost arm.

Bishop Frey tried to remove the word female from Goddess of Wisdom and Life.

He told his believers some kind of philosophical point of view, which is that men and women are not important. He changed his name to the God of Wisdom and Life, but people obviously prefer beautiful female images.

As for Eminem, when expelling the Creator God, he did one more thing than the other seven gods.

At the moment when the world was disconnected, he released the souls he had been collecting, allowing the souls replaced by the players to return to their original bodies.

And if the player chooses to stay, he will guide those souls to reincarnate.

Now Eminem is traveling around the world. He said that the world is developing rapidly and every island has new changes. He wants to see it.

However, he obviously had no talent for making money and was already very poor. He often gave money to people in need, so he wrote to the Goddess Weaver every now and then, begging her to help with travel expenses.

As for Mother Goddess Weaver, as the ancestral dragon, their original habitat is long gone, so I let her live in Mount Doom. This mountain range is huge anyway, but she has to pay me rent.

Now she lives on a mountain not far away, taking care of those little ancestral dragons. Those little dragons are the only ones of her kind left. Well, they can be considered half of my kind.

Hearing that everyone's situation was pretty good, Li Feng nodded happily, but when it came to the giant dragon clan, Li Feng looked at Shia with a little pity because she was the only black dragon.

Shia glanced at him:

I will give birth to many, many little black dragons from now on.

Ahem, okay.

Li Feng agreed, then pondered for a while and asked:

What about the others? How is Yanyan?


Shia snorted lightly, knowing that Li Feng would ask:

Miss Warner has been crowned the Queen of the Endless Sea, and she rules human society.

But unlike before, she has carried out many reforms to the original system and laws, such as the constitutional amendments and parliament proposed before.

Now every Monday to Friday, the councilors go to the Golden Sea Beast Palace for meetings.

And the members are not only composed of nobles. Now, no matter what class they are, no matter whether they are poor or rich, no matter what kind of job they are engaged in, they can become members.

Moreover, members of Congress will change frequently, and every meeting must ensure that members of each class are present before they meet to vote on various laws.

Now Miss Warner is very busy every day. Redefining the constitution and changing the law is an extremely troublesome and difficult matter. She needs to meet many people and convince many people every day.

Sometimes I would also observe their meetings. I think Miss Warner is very talented and patient in this area. She can always take the trouble to reason with those who do not understand her ideas.

Sometimes I find her theories interesting and interesting, but I prefer to throw anyone who dares disagree with me into the lava of Mount Doom.

Oh, right……

Shia seemed to think of another thing as she spoke, and she continued:

Bishop Frey was also very interested in Miss Warner's theories. For a while, he went to the Golden Sea Beast Palace every day and chased Miss Warner to ask a lot of questions, such as philosophy and economics.

It made Ms. Warner ask me if she had lost all her hair, because Frey's problem really caused her to lose hair.

Li Feng listened and nodded. Then he noticed something and couldn't help but ask:

When did your relationship become so good?

Did our relationship originally have a bad relationship?

Shia immediately asked with squinting eyes.

Uh, no, no, I misunderstood.

Li Feng quickly denied it.

Shia snorted softly, and then said nicely:

Actually, I quite like Huang Yanyan, and we can chat very well.

Li Feng quickly nodded in agreement and remained silent for a while. When he saw the account book next to Shia, he suddenly remembered something and asked:

I heard what you just said about laying circuits. Is there electricity in the Endless Sea?


For some reason, Li Feng's question made Shia very dissatisfied. She frowned, snorted, and asked:

What you want to ask about is the mermaid named Xueyu, right?

Xia knew that Li Feng had found many science books for Xue Yu. Now that Li Feng asked, she knew everything.

Li Feng was speechless and simply continued to tease Shia:

Don't worry, what I want to ask is actually all the girls from the mermaid tribe.


Shia narrowed her eyes and pounced on him, so angry that she refused to let him go.

Li Feng quickly raised his hands and surrendered:

I was wrong, you know what I mean.


After giving Li Feng an angry look, Xia continued:

“We do have electricity now, and in some large islands, important lighting facilities have been replaced with electricity.

The same is true for Storm Island. I really don't know what Hazan thinks. It will cost a lot of money.

And as you might think, Xue Yu did create electricity. She studied a lot of things this year, and I found hundreds of bachelors to assist her.

But even now that electricity is becoming more common, I haven't recovered the cost yet because it's so expensive.

Oh, by the way, I heard one more thing.

Xueyu said that she studied electricity in order to destroy the stars. Sarah, the mermaid clan leader, was shocked after hearing this and locked her up in confinement for half a month.

But why does she want to destroy the stars? The stars in the sky didn't bother her, and it sounded a lot like they were going to destroy the world.

Xia didn't understand Xue Yu's intention to destroy the stars, so she asked Li Feng in confusion.

Li Feng just wanted to laugh after hearing this. He clearly explained to Shia that Destroy the Stars is actually just a small game played on smart devices.

Shia tried her best to understand, then thought about it and said:

It sounds very interesting. I want Sarah to release Snow Whisper, and then find more bachelors to assist her in research.

And I think the things you mentioned can make a lot of money.

Li Feng laughed dumbly, feeling that Xue Yu's hair would also be in danger.

Warm sunshine shines on the top of Mount Doom, reflecting on the white snow on the top of the mountain. There is no system, no more players, and everything is peaceful.

During the time when he first woke up, Li Feng occasionally took a walk along the path between the mountains.

He saw a sheet of extremely hot magma in the center of Mount Doomsday, but in the valley a mountain away from the magma, there was a lake as clear as a mirror.

Whenever the wind blows from the top of the mountain, the water surface ripples, and under the sunlight, the layers sparkle.

On this day, Li Feng suddenly had a whim. He took his fishing rod and rowed the oar of the wooden boat to fish in the center of the lake.

After tying the hook and bait, suddenly a gust of wind blew by, and Shia also landed on the wooden boat. She sat next to Li Feng and asked with a smile:

Can you catch a fish?'s really hard to say.

Li Feng replied very uncertainly. Now that he had no system, he was indeed unsure.


Shia thought for a while and comforted:

I'm very gentle and considerate. You don't have to go to the market to buy fish if you can't catch them.

Ha, okay.

Li Feng replied with a smile, then swung the fishing rod and threw the hook into the water.


The fishhook entered the water, creating ripples on the sun-drenched lake.

Complete book.

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