Weird deep sea game, I can fish unlimitedly

Chapter 371 The result of the battle, the winner has been decided

Why, why would he do this?

The remnants of the Nova rocket explosion are still flying at high altitudes due to the force of inertia. They drag long flames, like burning tails.

Yinyue smelled something unusual in this matter, and she asked in a rare serious manner:

White Lion, no, why would Greedy Wolf do this?

I know he hates the top management of these new stars, but why is this being broadcast live all over the world, waiting for the rocket to launch, creating an atmosphere of despair, and then killing them?

Moreover, shouldn't revenge be done by one's own hands, yet he actually asked his men to do it?

The sisters in Dreamland also had the same problem as Yinyue. The younger sister said:

Perhaps it's because Greedy Wolf can't take action. He's still fighting the Scarlet Sister.

It's not...

The elder sister shook her head at the younger sister beside her:

If Greedy Wolf wanted revenge, he could have done it long ago. He has too much time and opportunities.

As she spoke, her sister thought about it, looked at Li Feng again, and then asked in a low voice:

What do you think, Mr. Lai Yin?

Because their sister asked, the three of them all looked at Li Feng, wanting to hear his opinion.

Li Feng nodded. He agreed with Sister Mengjing's point of view:

If you want to take revenge, Greedy Wolf does have too much time and opportunity. He could have done so two months ago.

But after spending so much effort, what he was planning must be much more important than revenge.

Li Feng thought of something, but he was not sure. He still needed Tanlang's subsequent actions to verify it.

At the same time, the church in District 1, which Li Feng had been paying attention to, suddenly heard a huge collapse of masonry. It seemed that the battle was over.

In the independent space, the attention of several people was attracted.

On the masonry ruins contaminated by pus and blood, a thin figure stood up with difficulty, and at his feet was the shriveled and withered body of an old woman, who was the Scarlet Sister.

The outcome is self-evident.

Greedy Wolf actually won, but he won very hard...

The Dream Sisters frowned. Of course they didn't want the Scarlet Sister to win, but they felt strange when Greedy Wolf won.

They were not sure whether Greedy Wolf would be an enemy or an ally, but what was certain was that this person was very powerful.

On the other side, Greedy Wolf had a really hard time winning. He had many nearly fatal wounds all over his body. Those wounds were contaminated by the Scarlet Sister and were very difficult to heal.

Moreover, Greedy Wolf also understood that he only narrowly won the battle just now. At the last critical moment, both he and the Scarlet Sister were exhausted. He was a beat slower, but the Scarlet Sister missed.

It was precisely because of the opponent's miss that he won the battle. If the Scarlet Sister was just a beat slower like him, then the battle would continue and the bet would continue on who would miss first.

So Greedy Wolf knew that his victory had both strength and luck factors.

Moreover, if the Scarlet Sister is given some more time to regain her full strength, then she will be the one who dies now.

Breathing heavily, Tanlang raised his still trembling hands. He unbuttoned his collar, took out a white handkerchief from his trousers pocket, wiped the blood on his face and hands, and then took it from his shirt. He took out glasses with thin metal frames from his bag and put them on.

Looking down at the withered corpse of the old woman at his feet, the bloody nun's corpse was withering at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. Greedy Wolf squatted down and touched the corpse lightly.

Li Feng frowned slightly when he saw this. At this point, Tanlang will definitely become the ninth level four player.

But Li Feng couldn't tell whether Tanlang would be an enemy or a friend. He needed to see how Tanlang would continue to deal with Xinxing.

Although the rockets that took off exploded and their remains turned into ashes like the Scarlet Nun, the scorching sun did not disappear.

In the last hours of the sun's demise, the sea of ​​fire cast from the sky was about to break through the protective shield, and the people of Nova's fearful cries arose everywhere.

At the moment, both Li Feng and others in the independent space, and Greedy Wolf standing on the ruins of the church, were all staring at the sun above their heads.

In the wordless silence, the sister of the twins in the dream asked uneasily:

Lai Yin, do we really not care?

The four people in the independent space have the power to control the sun, moon and stars, and they can prevent the destruction of the new star.

Li Feng frowned. Although Xinxing and Xinxing's people had nothing to do with him, Li Feng did not agree with watching a world being destroyed and so many people dying.

But now, before the destruction reaches the critical point, Li Feng wants to know what Tanlang's plan has been for two months, and whether his purpose is really what he guessed.

Time continued to pass second by second, and the sun continued to approach. On the ruins, the white lion stood beside Greedy Wolf.

He had just followed Greedy Wolf's order to destroy the rockets taking off, and broadcast the entire process live to all the people of Xinxing.

Bai Shi was very sure that the ancestors of those people were those who planned to escape from their home planet a hundred years ago. They were all enemies of Greedy Wolf.

After completing the mission, Bai Shi returned to Tanlang. He was shocked when he saw Tanlang whose body was covered in blood and many wounds were still bleeding.

Although he had long known how powerful the Scarlet Nun was, he didn't expect it to be so powerful. In White Lion's impression, Greedy Wolf had never been injured.

But they are all level three players, and as long as they are alive, their wounds will always heal, so the white lion breathed a sigh of relief.

He wanted to report on the mission just now. After all, he made his enemies die tragically. Before he died, he tore apart their lies and tore off their fig leaf in front of everyone.

In addition to the Scarlet Nun, this is definitely something that will make Greedy Wolf happy.

But what Bai Shi couldn't figure out was that when he was about to report, Tanlang gently raised his hand to stop him. He didn't seem to care, or maybe he had more important things at the moment.

The white lion didn't understand. He retreated behind Tanlang and silently raised his head, looking at the sun that Tanlang was staring at.

At this moment, the fire like a blazing hell has gradually sprayed onto the heat-insulating protective cover. In just ten seconds, the nova will be enough to turn into a fireball, just like those rockets that explode at high altitudes.

Despair and fear once again gripped the people. The deaths of Xinxing's top executives only made them happy for a few dozen minutes. Now, the same fate will soon befall them.

More desperate emotions broke out than before, but unlike before, people felt a bit of luck in their hearts. They were vaguely looking forward to whether the person who caused all the rockets to explode just now would come to save Xinxing.

In addition to looking at the sun at a loss, the white lion also used his mind to observe the people of Xinxing that he could observe.

But he couldn't understand what was happening at this moment, and the sun was getting closer, and the white lion was also afraid.

He is much worse than Greedy Wolf. With his current strength, there is no other way to resist the sun except sneaking away and escaping.

But until now, Greedy Wolf has not made any statement. What Baishi wants to say, he is too nervous and at a loss now.

Time continued to pass second by second, and just when the white lion was about to say what he wanted to say, the huge and overwhelming sun suddenly disappeared.

All the light in front of him suddenly turned from extremely bright to dark, and the white lion couldn't help but squint his eyes.

The white lion didn't know what happened. He opened his eyes immediately after reacting for a moment. He saw that the sky was still bright, but it was no longer so bright.

Looking up at the sky, the overwhelming and extremely hot sun has disappeared. Instead, only a red sun that is about to set appears in the distant horizon.

At the same time, Bai Shi also found that the temperature around his body dropped instantly, from a high temperature that was unbearable for ordinary people to a comfortable temperature of more than 20 degrees.

The world-destroying high temperature faded away, the sun returned to its original orbit, and everything returned to its original peaceful and peaceful appearance.

The white lion was stunned.

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