Weird deep sea game, I can fish unlimitedly

Chapter 352: The God of Dreams, the Seven Gods’ Road to Godhood, and the Former Undersea City (Fill

‘Sharing a kidney? ’

In the independent space where the mist surged, Li Feng looked at the God of Dreams and roughly understood.

Not only are they twins, they are conjoined.

So when they became players, the system judged them to be one person. It is precisely because of this that the Seven Gods are actually composed of eight people.

However, now that we have reached level 4 players, it doesn’t seem to matter whether we have kidneys or not.

Understanding Li Feng's question, the sister on the left said:

We're used to being together all the time.

The sister on the right also said:

Yeah we're used to it.

Sister: We have a tacit understanding that is far beyond ordinary people.

Sister: Yes, we have the same mind.

Li Feng: ...I can see it.

After a brief acquaintance, the Dream Sisters made preparations in front of the round table, and Eminem, who had been taking care of everyone, sighed:

After so many years, we are finally together again. It's all thanks to Lai Yin.

He thanked Li Feng and understood his question, so he continued:

I think you must be curious about why we players pretended to be gods back then.

Li Feng is really curious about this.

Eminem soon continued:

“Pretending to be a god is to gain the faith of the people of the Endless Sea.

At that time, we discovered that if we could control the beliefs of all creatures in the world, we could leverage the will of the world.

Then inject the will of the world into the underwater city.

The Undersea City is a treasure land left behind by the God of Creation when he first transformed the world. It contains the extraordinary origin and the rules set by the God of Creation for this world.

Every world controlled by the Creator God has an undersea city.

Although their names are different, their functions are the same. They are all bridges for the Creator God to control the world.

As for the undersea city of the Endless Sea, it was the place where the Endless Sea was first transformed. It provided the Endless Sea with the opportunity to give birth to all kinds of life, as well as powerful extraordinary beings.

But in the same way, it is also the place that controls and restrains the endless sea.

And in the long-term exploration, we found that just like the underwater city left by the Creator God, the will of the world itself is also equally powerful.

As long as we can inspire the will of the world and guide the will of the world to repel the undersea city and resist the constraints, the Endless Sea will have a chance to break away from the Creator God.

So we need a way to control the beliefs of all living beings, and we thought of pretending to be gods and being believed by living beings all over the world.

In the early years, it was difficult to pretend to be gods and get people to believe in them. We encountered a lot of troubles, but in the end, the Seven Gods gained the faith of the Endless Sea.

How come the power of gaining faith to move the world sounds similar to a nightmare?

Thinking of the current situation, Li Feng asked.

Yes, nightmares are very special.

Eminem nodded in agreement with Li Feng's statement and continued:

But even if the current nightmare is successful, he can't do anything to the underwater city, because the angels came out to destroy our plan as early as that year.

At that time, they could not change or steal the will of the world, so they smashed the underwater city into pieces and threw them into the sea.

The undersea city is a legacy of the Creator God, and it will not completely lose energy because of fragmentation.

But it finally broke, so from now on, the path to transcendence in the human world stops at the fifth level, and we cannot use the broken undersea city to escape from the God of Creation.

Li Feng listened to Amu's story, and some of the previous things came to mind.

There were rumors in the past that the mermaid took away the underwater city, so the path to transcendence was cut off at the fourth level and ninth level.

It now appears that the rumors are true, and beyond that, they have far-reaching implications.

Then Bishop Frey...

Li Feng was still confused. Although he knew why they were pretending to be gods, there was no way they would let an old man pretend to be a woman...

Ahem, this matter... is indeed a bit special.

Interrupting Yin Yue who wanted to answer, Amu Tu replied in a language that people can understand:

“It’s actually very difficult to gain people’s faith.

Initially, we had the Shadow Stranger manifest among mortals and preach that he was a god.

But we soon discovered that based on the appearance of the stranger in the film and his name, most people believed that he was an evil god, and that he also liked to eat children in the fields.

Soon, in livestock and farming areas, the stranger in the shadows became a guy who specializes in treating children who cry at night.


When Eminem said this, a humph came from the other side of the round table. The stranger in the shadow was obviously very angry, but he insisted on showing a look of disdain.

In short, our first god-making marketing plan failed.

Eminem ignored the stranger in the film and continued:

Based on the lessons learned from the first time, we asked Yin Yue, who has excellent appearance, to play the role of a god for the second time, and gave her a powerful name - Goddess of Hunting.

And when he is manifested, he is no longer wrapped in black robes, but...

Eminem was very confused when he said this, and Yin Yue rolled his eyes and groaned, and then Eminem continued:

But perhaps because of Yin Yue's attractive appearance and open clothing, she didn't get many true believers except for attracting a group of lustful people.

Li Feng: ...There is no one except lsp, right?

“Following Silver Moon’s failure, guys like Kestrel and I also failed.

Because Zhifa is a giant dragon, he accidentally revealed his true form once. Instead of gaining faith, he even frightened a group of people.

...It's really not easy. What about the dream?

Li Feng asked, two cute twin girls can always win people's favor.

Well - the biggest problem with dreams lies in the word 'dream'.

Eminem, who had a big head, raised his forehead:

“Instead of a god who loves the world, people prefer dreams to come at night and then soothe the hearts of believers like a succubus.

And they are twins, double the happiness, you know.



While Eminem was speaking, the Dream Sisters sighed in unison.

Li Feng was also speechless. It stands to reason that level 4 players would have such good cards beaten to pieces by them.

But it’s understandable. Not everyone has the talent to do a job like marketing.

What about the end?

Li Feng looked at Frey with some sympathy. His memory had not yet fully recovered, and he was just listening to Eminem's words in a daze.

at last……

Eminem also looked at Frey, and he couldn't tell whether he was sighing or thankful. He continued:

“Finally, I summarized all my failures and planned the name of the Goddess of Wisdom and Life.

First of all, wisdom and life are things that the world wants, so he will not be a useless god.

Secondly, in terms of external image, we analyze that in a patriarchal society, male gods are unlucky, so wisdom must be a goddess.

But he can't be as light-hearted as Silver Moon, nor can he be as powerful as Weaver, nor can he be as captivating as Dreamland.

So I planned and planned and designed the image of Wisdom Now.

Beauty, nobility, and sanctity are inviolable. Of course, I must admit that I couldn’t actually design it. I directly appropriated the image of an angel.

Eminem was quite honest about plagiarism, but Li Feng asked curiously:

What happened next?

It was a success!

Eminem is quite satisfied with the masterpiece he copied:

People are thirsty for wisdom and life, and they see such a sacred and beautiful image. In that very primitive era, Frey gained a group of believers, and we all got better along with him.

Li Feng nodded as he listened, thinking that after all the twists and turns, he finally had a good result, but... it was very strange:

But to be fair, shouldn't it be that the more sacred and inviolable it is, the more likely it is to arouse people's mentality of infringement and blasphemy?

Li Feng asked casually out of pure curiosity, but everyone present was silent for a moment. Some of them looked at Li Feng with strange expressions, while others looked at him with expressions that you really understand.

After being embarrassed for a long time, Eminem replied thoughtfully:

Although that era was very primitive, the people of that era also had a special simplicity, and they were perverted.

Li Feng:......

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