Weird deep sea game, I can fish unlimitedly

Chapter 345 The first face-to-face chat

On the night of November 4th, in the dark night, the bright stars hung low, as if they were about to fall from the sky.

On the outskirts of the royal city, there is a small manor in a quiet mountain forest.

After actually meeting No. 67, Huang Yanyan felt entangled in her heart. She clearly had a lot of things to tell No. 67 in the letter.

Even her original plan was to write a letter to No. 67 after returning to the room and tell him all the strange things today.

But it's really strange. Now that she has seen the real person, she doesn't know what to say.

On the other side, Li Feng is also entangled. Lai Yin is No. 67, and No. 67 is Li Feng. Sooner or later, his identity will have to be confessed to Yanyan.

But when it came time to confess, Li Feng suddenly felt as if his parents had discovered the pornographic article he wrote during his second year in secondary school and read it out to his face.

I'm really, really embarrassed.

Actually... I'm a good, law-abiding person.

Facing the stars at night, Li Feng suddenly said this.

He could roughly guess that the institute's profile based on his behavior would definitely not be a normal person.

So he thought of correcting Huang Yanyan's original understanding first and paving the way for himself to avoid being particularly embarrassed when he confessed.


But Huang Yanyan didn't understand why No. 67 suddenly said such a sentence, and she instinctively asked in surprise.

Li Feng took the opportunity to continue:

“I experienced a relatively extreme world in my previous life, so compared to other players, I can adapt to the extreme world of the Endless Sea relatively quickly.

But in the relatively harmonious player world, I am really a normal person who abides by the law.

And now that I have some spare time, I will often donate money to those in need.

Li Feng defended himself, while Huang Yanyan was stunned for a moment, feeling surprised:

‘Number 67 is I think he is a bad person? ’

Well I believe you, you can't be a bad person.

Huang Yanyan replied with a smile. She suddenly felt that No. 67 was not so cold and scary, and even a little cute.

Li Feng, who knew what Huang Yanyan was thinking, was speechless, but, well, it was always a good start.

On the other side, because of Li Feng's words and attitude just now, Huang Yanyan gradually became less cautious.

Perhaps because of her professional instinct, when she mentioned donating money, she suddenly thought of something. Unexpectedly, her brain was a beat slower than her mouth, and she blurted out without thinking:

Then will you donate money for every person you kill?

Huang Yanyan said this because she had seen this kind of situation in some cases of perverted murderers, which was a kind of compensation.

But at this moment, Huang Yanyan, who lost control and asked this question, wished that she could turn back time, or simply pack her bags, go to live in another world, and never come back.

Moreover, Huang Yanyan herself found it strange that she was quite afraid of him when she met No. 67 for the first time.

But after No. 67 expressed his goodwill, he suddenly felt so close to him that he even forgot to speak.

For example, just now, I used the honorific you when I was thinking, but when I was thinking, I asked someone if they were a perverted murderer?

Huang Yanyan, who already wanted to die, had a complicated heart, but what confused her the most was that in addition to being regretful and nervous, she also had a faint expectation in her heart.

I regret that I was nervous because I made a social mistake. How could I talk to someone like this for the first time when they met.

But deep down in her heart, Huang Yanyan was vaguely looking forward to the other party's answer, just like people who have known each other for many years and have a close relationship are joking with each other.

This is the body's subconscious instinct, but Huang Yanyan is really confused about her reaction.

On the other side, Li Feng smiled silently and thought to himself, Yanyan, do you know how to chat? He immediately replied:

The people I killed were all extremely vicious people, and I was maintaining social peace.

Forget about donating money, I have to go to the merit box and take some money out, uh...

No, I'm kidding.

In the past, Li Feng was used to living in poverty with Huang Yanyan. For a moment, Li Feng forgot his current identity, and the law-abiding image he had just established collapsed.

Huang Yanyan was not surprised after hearing this. Instead, she laughed instinctively:

Well, I was joking just now.

While Huang Yanyan was happy, she was confused as to why she was happy, and this happiness seemed to go beyond the chat itself.

The inexplicable feeling of familiarity and closeness deepened again. Huang Yanyan subconsciously took a step closer to No. 67 and talked about what she saw in the royal city today.

The restraint and strangeness have almost disappeared. She and No. 67 have a working relationship after all, and they focus on business.

I remember that when you were dealing with Xinxing's issue before, even if you had the antidote to the Mantra Potion, there were many things that you couldn't reveal in a letter. Is it because of nightmares?

Huang Yanyan remembered their previous correspondence and asked based on today's strange things.

'Nightmare? ’

After being reminded by Huang Yanyan, Li Feng also remembered what happened some time ago.

However, he was inconvenient to reveal it at that time because he was afraid that Huang Yanyan would encounter a player with his telepathic ability. Now specifically, it was Greedy Wolf.

But why is it because of nightmares?

Li Feng shook his head:

No, I was worried about Greedy Wolf at that time. He has abilities many times stronger than the Mantra Potion.

But why did you say it was a nightmare?

Huang Yanyan was surprised for a moment when he heard that it was because of Greedy Wolf, but she quickly ignored him and only talked about what happened today:

“My father had many old friends, some of whom were genuinely willing to help me.

But when I went to see them today, I discovered something strange.

Afterwards, Huang Yanyan told Li Feng in detail about the strange things she encountered today.

To sum up, some secrets that are strictly guarded are known to people who shouldn't know.

Judging from Huang Yanyan's criminal investigation experience, it didn't look like a man-made leak at all, and most importantly, the people who kept these secrets had all been exposed to the Dream Demon Gold Coin.

So that's it.

Li Feng nodded understandingly after hearing this.

Eminem said that nightmares can be controlled, and people who have been greedy for the nightmare gold coins can also listen to what they hear, see what they see, and think what they think.

At the moment, Li Feng explained the function of the Dream Demon Gold Coin in detail to Huang Yanyan.

Huang Yanyan was shocked after hearing this, as if there was an invisible stone pressing on it.

She visited a lot of people today and found that most of them had come into contact with Dream Demon gold coins.

As for Huang Yanyan herself, she was fine. She was not greedy for money, and that was because No. 67 had told her in advance that the Dream Demon gold coin was the key medium for nightmares, not a good thing.

Therefore, Huang Yanyan has been careful to avoid it, and has absolutely no greed for that kind of gold coins.


Those old friends who can help the Warner family now are obviously not only unable to rely on them, but also become very dangerous because of the Dream Demon gold coins.

Today, an intermediary from the royal family hinted to me that the crown prince framed my father in order to obtain the Warner family's property.

Huang Yanyan said what she heard about today:

The middleman hinted that if I was willing to give up the property, the crown prince would let my father go.

Then what are your plans?

Li Feng asked Huang Yanyan.

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