Weird deep sea game, I can fish unlimitedly

Chapter 343 Goodbye Xue Yu, the arrival of Huang Yanyan

On the evening of November 4th, the red setting sun reflected the silence of the small manor in the forest.

Li Feng's mood was a little complicated. He had just confessed his identity to Chenxing, and now he had to confess his identity to Huang Yanyan again.


A huge and uncomfortable sense of social death came over him, and Li Feng was embarrassed and had a big headache.

However, Li Feng did not stop. He walked into Huang Yanyan's manor with Eminem.

Because Silver Moon, Weaving Technique, and the Stranger in the Shadow are free, my condition has also recovered a lot.

While walking, Eminem took the initiative to chat with Li Feng about his own situation.

Because Li Feng didn't question whether his conscience was reasonable or even asked, so now when Eminem looks at Li Feng, he feels very, very close to him.

I heard from Silver Moon that your player talent is related to the anchor point.

Li Feng thought of the past, and Yinyue said that when they were imprisoned, they all benefited from Eminem's care.


Eminem nodded and confirmed:

Back then, we old guys lost our strength due to various things, and were either reincarnated or living as clones.

The long life span and poor state make it easy for them to lose themselves, so I diverted my attention to be their anchor, but accordingly, my strength will also be greatly reduced.

As they recover, your condition will also get better, right?

Li Feng asked.

Yes Mr. Lai Yin.

Having said this, Eminem smiled reassuringly and happily:

Thanks to you, Yin Yue and the three of them were successfully freed, and my strength was restored a lot as a result.

Although we still have many difficulties, nightmares, Scarlet Nun, etc., overall, things are moving in a good direction, right?

Because he regards Li Feng as his confidant, Eminem obviously talks a lot more and is willing to express his views and feelings to Li Feng.

Li Feng nodded, and he agreed that things were slowly getting better.

As for himself, he only needs 100 points of divine fusion before he can be upgraded to a level four player.

Now, as long as he can successfully fish the nightmare and get 200 fusion points, he will not only be upgraded to a level four player.

On top of being a level four player, he can add another 100 points of divine fusion. By then, he will become the highest level known player.

Li Feng was thinking about his own affairs while walking through the garden with Eminem and arriving in front of the small castle in the manor.

Because of Li Feng, Eminem was in a particularly good mood today. He told Li Feng many things that had happened recently, and also mentioned the mermaid tribe:

“Unexpectedly, after so many years of hostility, we have finally improved our relationship with the mermaid tribe.

The contemporary mermaid clan leader agreed to put aside his hatred and fight against the God of Creation with us.

Oh, right……

As Amu said, he looked at the people coming out of the castle and introduced Li Feng:

She is my new Soul Eater student and also my assistant. Recently, I often need to go out for business. When I am away, Mr. Lai Yin can come to my student if you need anything. She will assist you.

Listening to Eminem's words, Li Feng subconsciously looked at the person coming, but he was immediately speechless at this look.

At this time, in front of the small castle door, Xue Yu was standing in the sunset with a stack of letters. At this moment, she smiled happily and waved to Li Feng.

When Xue Yu returned to the Endless Sea before, she had seen Li Feng's appearance after his disguise, so she naturally recognized him immediately.

Li Feng: ...your student is a mermaid, right?

Li Fengxin said that Sarah, the mermaid team leader, would place her own people.

Oh yes.

Eminem didn't care about this, he nodded and admitted:

Now that the mermaid tribe is willing to cooperate with us, of course we must send someone who can represent the mermaid tribe.

While the two were talking, Xue Yu had already trotted over happily. As Eminem's student and assistant, Xueyu gave the letters in her hand to Eminem, while Eminem opened them one by one and read them.

On the other side, Xue Yu looked at Li Feng with a smile and greeted him:

Oh~ we meet again~

And Li Feng thought about what Eminem had just said, and couldn't help but complain about Xue Yu:

Yes, we met again, but what, can you represent the mermaid clan?

When Li Feng asked this question, Xue Yu's smile immediately disappeared, she pursed her lips and said angrily:

I am a mourning priest, and I once went to your player world alone on behalf of the mermaid clan.

And I am also a player now, really ~ do you think I am weak?

...Oh, that's right, he is indeed not weak.

After listening to Xue Yu's defense, Li Feng nodded exaggeratedly in agreement, but in the next sentence he turned to ask:

Oh, by the way, how's your smartphone replica going? Can you play Destroy the Stars now?

Hearing the word smartphone, complex technologies instantly flooded into his mind, and Xue Yu, who was just a little proud, immediately lost his pride.

(▼ヘ▼ # ) I’m so angry, I really want to hit him.

Li Feng, the daily angry mermaid, was a little happy. Then he remembered something and said:

Actually, I thought your clan leader would send Delana. After all, she has rich experience in the world, and nightmares can detect players.

whispering sound--

Xue Yu snorted, still angry in her heart, but after hearing that Li Feng seemed to care about her, most of her anger dissipated, but she still couldn't help but reply:

So you like married women, but if Delana comes here, she will only cook steamed crabs for you.

Li Feng: ...Well, I don't have any legacy from Wei Wu. I just think Delana is more stable, but I like steamed crabs.

Xueyu took a breath, she really didn't understand why some people like to eat crabs.

And most importantly, I am obviously very stable, okay!

Just when Xueyu was about to say something, Eminem had already finished reading the letter. He gave Xueyu some matters to deal with, and then said to the two of them:

It turns out you two are old acquaintances.

I don't even know him, huh~

Xue Yu, who was still holding back her anger, jumped in front of Li Feng. Although she was answering Eminem, she stared at Li Feng angrily and turned around to go about her own business after speaking.


Eminem looked at his assistant's attitude, then looked at Li Feng, and smiled awkwardly:

Then... girls from the mermaid tribe have always been known for being gentle and considerate. It's uh... um... not easy for you to make her so angry.

The kind-hearted Eminem chose a milder word, but Li Feng understood what he meant, so he smiled and pulled the stranger in the movie on his back:

Maybe I was infected by the stranger in the shadows.

Unexpectedly, when Eminem heard about the stranger in the film, he immediately took a breath.

Then he felt very sad and advised Li Feng to keep a distance from that guy.

The stranger in the movie is actually good at everything, except for that mouth...

Eminem shook his head and remembered the past, when every day's good mood ended when he saw the stranger in the shadow.

Knowing that Li Feng arrived late and didn't understand the situation, Eminem introduced what happened in the past.

Then he talked in a roundabout way about the two current owners of the manor-Xia and Huang Yanyan.

Amu said that Shia knew how to use both grace and power, and she was as good at using power as her ancestors. The current Storm Island is in order under her governance.

Children can receive an education, workers have stable jobs, maritime routes are safe, and under Shia's leadership, the navy has explored many new islands.

Storm Island's sphere of influence is gradually expanding.

And the Black Dragon Princess, oh no, she is the Black Dragon Queen now.

Eminem talked to Li Feng about a recent incident:

Just in the past few days, the Black Dragon Queen has successfully avenged the dragons of other colors. The hatred of her parents and the Black Dragon clan has finally been avenged.

And she also recaptured Mount Doom and became the new generation of Black Dragon Queen.

Li Feng nodded after hearing this. He knew about this and Xia had told him before.

Moreover, Shia said that she would come to see Li Feng when she was done.

After talking about the owner of the manor land, Eminem then talked about the owner of the manor house:

Although Ms. Warner is a player from another world, according to my observation, she is different from ordinary players. She is fully promoting the technological development of our world.

She used the convenience of her status to bring the technology of the player world into the factory. Although those were her own family's industries, she allowed more people to have jobs and a stable livelihood.

Technology is different from the extraordinary. Advances in technology can make ordinary people feel more convenient, such as faster and safer ships and trains.

And I think what’s even more valuable is that although Miss Warner comes from another world, she is really very affectionate and kind to the people around her.

Unlike some players, she thinks this is a game world and doesn't treat the people here as human beings.

Li Feng could see that Eminem, who was particularly conscientious, admired Huang Yanyan's character very much. He continued:

Whether it was the free school she ran before, or the fact that she is never leaving her father in trouble now, it can be seen that Miss Warner is a very kind, just and responsible person.

Eminem, who regarded Li Feng as a confidant, also said a lot, and Li Feng finally understood what Eminem meant:

Shia, who is physically and mentally strong and decisive, and Ms. Warner, who is kind, just, and responsible, are both candidates who can be made friends and are suitable to be friends, so don't play with the kid from the movie Stranger.

It's really not good to catch him's bad habit of just not speaking, and making people angry when he speaks.

Li Feng listened silently and nodded silently, feeling so complicated.

The sun continues to set gradually, and the orange-red sunset has turned into a blue-purple sky, with a few broken stars shining on it.

Outside the quiet forest manor, the sound of horse hooves suddenly came from the sound. Amu looked for the sound and said to Li Feng:

Ah, it's Miss Warner who's back.

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