Weird deep sea game, I can fish unlimitedly

Chapter 330 The mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole follows behind

I'm going to kill him!

At the Rusty Water Lake Temple, Li said fiercely to the Scarlet Sister.

She is now mentally connected with the Scarlet Sister. She can feel that the Scarlet Sister hates Li Feng very much, so she wants to take revenge on Li Feng with the Scarlet Sister.

Heh, maybe I want to kill him more than you do.

Although the Scarlet Sister said this, it seemed that the initial anger had passed, and the Scarlet Sister's voice had returned to calmness, leaving only its original oldness and hoarseness.

Then go kill him!

An angry Rei ordered sharply.

Little girl, you are not qualified to order me.

The Scarlet Sister warned Li, but immediately, the old voice revealed calculation and cunning:

As long as you come here, you will leave traces. Use your ability as a level three player to find the traces left by Rhine in this room.

Hair, dirt on the soles of shoes, scraps of clothing, and even the air I breathed out, collected the traces he left for me.

You can deal with him after collecting the traces?

The vengeful Li seemed to see hope. While asking the Scarlet Sister, she began to search the room carefully.

Of course, you collect them and send them to Xinxing. I will have my own way.

The old voice of the Scarlet Nun smiled to herself, and Li was satisfied. She just wanted to see Li Feng suffer. vehicle

But soon she was surprised to find that Li Feng had not left any traces in this room.

How is that possible, unless he cleaned up when he left?

Li was shocked and guessed that Li Feng was probably a level three player who could clean up such clean traces.

But why would he do this?

Could it be that...he already knew it beforehand?

Does he know I'm connected to the Scarlet Sisters? Did you also know that the Scarlet Sister would use this method to deal with him?

The more Li thought about it, the more frightened she became, while the bloody nun connected to her was silent for a few seconds, and then sneered, obviously not wanting to care anymore. vehicle

Since her opponent was like this and the rising star player was stupid, she had to prepare herself early.

I need to rest, you can take care of yourself.

A hoarse old voice sounded, and the Scarlet Sister wanted to break the connection with Li.

Li quickly recovered from her fear and anger, and she hurriedly asked:

Wait a minute, you're not going to take the wet moss?

The end of the Devourer is already doomed. A guy driven only by desire has no brute strength. He can't defeat the Seven Gods and Rhine.

The Scarlet Sister's old voice was emotionless. vehicle

From her point of view, Rhine had noticed that she was behind the scenes and had plans and precautions.

Therefore, the Scarlet Sister changed her original plan. Her immediate priority was to ensure that her strength recovered quickly.

As for the Devourer, although he is powerful, he lacks brute strength and wisdom. The Scarlet Sister is no longer willing to waste resources on him.

What about Rhine? Are you not going to kill him?

Li, whose heart was full of hatred, asked anxiously again.

The Scarlet Sister hesitated for a moment. She knew that Rhine's alliance with the Seven Gods could no longer be dealt with by herself, unless the power of the entire world was taken as the cornerstone.

But the Scarlet Sister only wanted to take care of herself at the moment, and she replied in an evasive manner: Love.

Leave it to Nightmare, he has already started planning.

Hearing this answer, Li frowned dissatisfied.

Although Nightmare is mysterious and powerful, and is good at polluting the world subtly, and is by no means driven by desire like Devourer, Rei hopes that the more people who conspire with her to take revenge, the better.

She wants everyone who has bullied her to pay the price, Tan Lang, Li Feng, she is not willing to let anyone go.

Li's heart was churning, and at the other end of the connection, the bloody nun sensed Li's dissatisfaction and anger.

Her cunning mind turned, planning to take advantage of Li's anger, so the old voice laughed:

Actually, of course I can deal with Rhine. He is just a third-level player, a slave driven by the God of Creation. Vehicle.

But before dealing with him, I must first regain my strength, and I must deal with the God of Dreams.

So you have to sacrifice more flesh and blood to me, and not only more, I want more powerful flesh and blood.


Li understood. The Scarlet Sister didn't just want mortals, she wanted magical creatures, extraordinary creatures, and even said she wanted players.

Knowing that the Scarlet Sister was using her, Li suddenly thought of someone, and she sneered and said:

I do have a suitable candidate. He is very powerful and will definitely meet your requirements.

Greedy Wolf?

The Scarlet Sister asked. She cooperates with Nova players, so she naturally knows about Nova's situation.

Yes, among the players, Greedy Wolf is the most powerful one. It depends on whether you can eat it or not.

Ha ha.

The old laughter sounded through the imitation cinnabar cup:

It's kind of interesting.

A few miles away from the Rusty Water Lake Temple, there is a bustling market in Wuying County. vehicle

It's approaching noon, and the sun on the tropical island is strong. At this time, the stalls on both sides of the market have set up colorful coarse cloths as awnings.

Under the awning, there are sellers of cloth, clothing, fruits and vegetables, as well as fish and grains.

Li Feng strolled around the market leisurely. Occasionally, the breeze blew by, bringing the extremely fresh and sweet smell of fruits to his face.

Looking for the aroma, Li Feng walked to a stall selling lemons. Seeing that these bright yellow fruits were extremely attractive, he asked the price and bought two.

I picked up a lemon and smelled it. Yes, it was indeed the aroma in the breeze just now.

'However, I also guessed another thing. ’

While smelling the lemon, Li Feng withdrew the telekinesis left in the Rusty Water Lake Temple. vehicle

Just now, he guessed that Li had some kind of connection with the Scarlet Sisters, and now it seemed that was indeed the case.

Moreover, the Scarlet Sister could actually deal with him by leaving traces behind.

Fortunately, I was more thoughtful at the time, and before I left, I used my ability to change the laws to eliminate everything related to me.

Otherwise, how annoying it would be.

Putting the lemon into the paper bag, Li Feng analyzed what he knew.

The Scarlet Sister said the same thing as Silver Moon, the Devourer is a fool's errand.

But now, Silver Moon and Mother Goddess Weaver have regained their freedom, and there is a high probability that the Devourer is nothing to fear. vehicle

As for the nightmare, the Scarlet Sister said that he had already started planning, which was the same as what Li Feng knew.

Through some unknown method, the nightmare seemed to be active in the royal city. He asked the royal family to send nightmare gold coins to the governors of each island.

But the specific intention of the nightmare still needs to be investigated.

Finally, there is the Scarlet Sister. She is obviously no longer in the Endless Sea and is hiding very secretly.

Now, the Scarlet Sister wants to deal with the God of Dreams, and Rei wants to use her hand to deal with the Greedy Wolf.

'But in the final analysis, the person Li wants to deal with is me, but...'

From Li Feng's perspective, he would definitely be happy if the Scarlet Sister and Greedy Wolf could both suffer losses. vehicle

Moreover, even if Li Feng fails to catch the Scarlet Nun in the end, it will not affect his upgrade to a level four player. With the extra 100 points of fusion, he will still be the one with the highest level.

As for the God of Dreams, we have to ask Silver Moon and Mother Goddess Weaver. They know more about extraordinary knowledge and may be able to find a solution.

Li Feng was planning the next thing in his mind. His top priority now was to investigate the nightmare.

Thinking of the extremely large number of nightmare gold coins, Li Feng felt that it would not be simple.

As he walked and thought about it, Li Feng left the market in Wuying County and passed through the main road and country roads. In the evening, Li Feng finally returned to the Black and White Courtyard.

You, you! Are you still alive?! Were you not eaten by the black dragon?

As soon as they entered the foggy castle of Black and White Courtyard, the frightened gatekeeper called Chenxing, and Chenxing was surprised and thought she had seen a ghost. vehicle

Those who had the same idea as Morning Star were the captain and team members who went to investigate the ogre camp that day.

Li Feng:......

'Being eaten by a black dragon... Oh, by the way, why did I forget about this...'


1 second remember network:

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