Weird deep sea game, I can fish unlimitedly

Chapter 310 The Thank-You Token from the Black and White Institute

Okay, let's go. It's still a long way from here to the Black and White Courtyard. Tamarind

Saying goodbye to the coachman, Chenxing took Li Feng to the Fog Shadow Swamp and said to him at the same time:

In front is the Fog Shadow Swamp. Most people won't come in, and they don't dare to come in.

It seemed like it happened in an instant. When he entered the foggy swamp, Li Feng felt a sudden darkness around him.

The fresh and bright sunshine has disappeared, and what is coming is the dark and thick water vapor, as well as the smell of a lot of decaying plants.

The muddy path beneath my feet was getting narrower and muddier.

On both sides of the trail, apart from the black trees growing haphazardly, there were deep and shallow puddles on the ground.

There are some long-dead trees lying scattered in the puddles. They provide a growing environment for green moss and a source of decaying smell.柽

In short, there is an air of desolation all around the muddy path.

Far away on the path, Li Feng could only see clouds of mist floating around with his naked eyes.

The fog was very thick, blocking the distant scenery and blocking the sun above our heads.

Observing the surroundings carefully, except for puddles, dead branches and leaves, and mist, there were no frogs, insects, or birds here.

Some were just piles of ugly mushrooms, and the occasional sound of bubbles popping up from under the murky puddles.

The Shadow Swamp is the territory of the Black and White Courtyard. How should I say it, it is also the garden of the Black and White Courtyard.

Seeing that Li Feng was observing the surroundings, Chenxing said to his students.柽

It's just that she used the word garden for the foggy shadow swamp, which was somewhat difficult for Li Feng to understand.

Soon, Morning Star explained:

“Even though the Misty Shadow Swamp is not beautiful, there are many extraordinary plants growing here.

The toxins of these extraordinary plants are very useful to the hidden ones.

Hidden people are good at using poison, Li Feng knows this.

He nodded and stopped exploring the forest. Then he remembered the iron coin just now and asked:

What was the iron coin you gave the coachman just now? It doesn't seem to be money.

Upon hearing the question, Chenxing smiled mysteriously:

Money is nothing. What I gave him was the gratitude of the Black and White Court.

Thank you from the Black and White Institute?

Li Feng didn't know why.

That's right.

Morning Star looked proud:

The gratitude of the Black and White Court is much more precious than the currency issued by the king.


Li Feng became even more curious.

I just gave him two iron coins. 100 iron coins can be exchanged for one copper coin, and 100 copper coins can be exchanged for one silver coin.

Chenxing first told Li Feng the rules, and then explained:

And one silver coin can buy a farm for his village.


Speaking of the farm, Li Feng recalled it.柽

On the carriage before, they had passed by the foot of a mountain, and there was indeed a large field of wasteland at the foot of the mountain.

Do you still remember the deserted field we passed by on the way here?

Morningstar goes on to explain:

That wasteland is now occupied by a group of ogres.

The coachman in Jinji Village hopes to get the wasteland, but they are all mortals and cannot defeat the ogre.

Chenxing smiled and looked at Li Feng, and Li Feng finally understood:

So they seek help from the Black and White Institute, but before being helped, they must accumulate equivalent rewards? Tamarind

Yes, that's it.

Chenxing blinked her eyes, she was very satisfied with Li Feng's instant messaging, and then smiled slyly:

So you see, the gratitude from the Black and White Institute is very useful?

And as far as I know, Jinji Village will soon save enough silver coins.

Li Feng nodded slightly, understanding in his heart and solving another doubt.

Most people in the world know that the Black and White Institute does not have a large number of worldly properties like the Violet Eye.

But when it comes to money, status and resources, Li Feng once heard James say that the Black and White Courtyard is actually not inferior to the Violet Eyes at all.柽

‘It turns out that this is how they get benefits. ’

So, a silver coin can drive away the ogres and take back the farm, but what about a gold coin?

Curious, Li Feng asked Chenxing:

If you get enough thanks from the Black and White Institute, will you help assassinate the king?

Walking on the muddy road, Chenxing staggered when Li Feng asked this question. She turned her head and looked at Li Feng carefully, opening her green eyes wide:

What do you think about assassinating the king?

The wood elf looked like you are so audacious: Tamarind

You have to pay more to assassinate the king. Also, what do you mean? It's us now.

Li Feng: ...Oh, yes.

Because Li Feng actually came to the Black and White Courtyard for the damp moss and the Devourer, subconsciously, he almost forgot that he came to learn how to become an Invisible One.

Oh, by the way, even though I said this, the death of the old king some time ago really had nothing to do with the Black and White Institute.

Thinking of the old king's recent death, Chenxing immediately added, clearing the relationship.

Li Feng nodded, he was well aware of the old king's death.

The old king can almost be identified as the player, and his death indeed has nothing to do with the Black and White Institute.柽

It was foggy and dark, and the two of them just walked and talked.

Because he is an extraordinary person, Chenxing will not feel tired, especially Li Feng.

After walking like this for another hour or two, the two of them reached the end of the muddy path and stood by a lake.

Unlike the small puddles on the roadside when we arrived, this lake seemed to be very large.

In the area around the lake, lush aquatic plants emerged from the water. In the silent and windless fog shadow swamp, neither the water surface nor the aquatic plants moved.

If it weren't for the clouds of mist passing through it, Li Feng would have thought that the scenery in front of him was just a realistic and still picture.

While Li Feng was looking at the lake, Chen Xing was already familiar with it. He untied the rope of the wooden boat by the lake and called Li Feng to get on the boat: Tamar

Come up, the Black and White Courtyard is on the other side of the lake.

Picking up the luggage, Li Feng got on the boat.

Passing through the water plants and mist, Chenxing soon slid towards the other side of the lake in a wooden boat.

It was mid-morning, but the sky was extremely dark in the Fog Shadow Swamp, and the fog on the lake seemed to be thicker, making it difficult to see the distant scenery.

Sitting on the boat with nothing to do, Li Feng curiously studied the lake around him.

He spread out his mind power and let it extend to the bottom of the lake.

Sure enough, as Morning Star said, the Mist Shadow Swamp is the garden of the Black and White Courtyard.柽

Under the lake, there are poisonous extraordinary plants everywhere, as well as some strange extraordinary animals.

And on the surface of the water, there are a group of tiny flying insects like mosquitoes.

But just by looking at the spots on their bodies, you can tell that these little flying insects are by no means benign.

Even if no one reminds me, I won't look around. I really have determination. He is worthy of being chosen by the Stranger in the Shadow.

While Li Feng was exploring the water surface and the bottom, Chenxing suddenly smiled at him and said:

“In the past, when students from the Black and White Institute were brought into the institute, they had to take a boat across this lake.

But even the person who led the way repeatedly reminded the students not to stick their heads out of the boat and not to touch the water with their hands.柽

But there will still be some among them who can't bear their curiosity and secretly look at the water surface, or pull at the water surface with their hands.

Then they were bitten by those small flying insects, their whole bodies were swollen like bread, and they lay in the hospital of Black and White for a month or two.

Chenxing smiled and complained about her former students, and was very satisfied with Li Feng's caution. As Li Feng's teacher, she exuded a sense of superiority that could not be concealed.

But after hearing this, Li Feng took a deep breath and felt very complicated.

Because he had just curiously explored the water surface, and not only that, he also visited the bottom of the lake.

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