Watching Xue Yu's performance in the living room, Li Feng silently leaned against the wall. Qin

Where does this go from here? Besides, is she colluding in the confession?

'Because I was not here just now, she was afraid that I would leak the information and then take the opportunity to make a confession with me.

But what does Yanyan do? She has a background in criminal investigation, and he conspired to confess in front of her...'

Li Feng felt that if he hadn't already achieved extraordinary things, he would definitely have to find a blood pressure monitor to measure his blood pressure, and then take two antihypertensive pills to calm down.

On the other side, Huang Yanyan didn't say anything. She just pulled the aggrieved Xue Yu and asked:

What is the name of your unit? Although I am not responsible for this, I can still ask it for you.

Seeing Huang Yanyan say this, Xueyu immediately waved her hand: Qin

No need, sister. My other colleagues and I have already applied at the Labor Bureau. No need to bother sister. Thank you, sister.

Seeing this, Huang Yanyan nodded and didn't insist anymore. She just turned to ask:

Delaying wages is wrong and illegal. Sister, what industry is your company in?


What's fake is fake, Xueyu started to make up.

Li Feng, who had regained his breath, thought to himself that he was still making it up, but Yanyan had already noticed it.

But if she wants to tell the truth, it's better to be quiet and serious. After all, it involves her father, and the whole thing spans more than ten years. Qin

At this point, Li Feng planned to tell Huang Yanyan privately that the occasion was too noisy and inappropriate.

After making up his mind, Li Feng took Huang Yanyan's question and teased Xue Yu:

She is in the funeral industry and was the host of funerals.

Snow language:? ? ?

Huang Yanyan:? ? ?

Ignoring the wonderful expression on Xue Yu's face, Li Feng continued to explain the nature of Xue Yu's work to Huang Yanyan:

It's the one who, during funerals, calls out filial son, virtuous grandson and kowtows twice. Qin

The expression on Xue Yu's face became even more exciting. Although Huang Yanyan guessed that Li Feng was talking nonsense, she still wanted to laugh.

Li Feng didn't say anything else. He invited Huang Yanyan out for dinner and then answered her questions.

When Huang Yanyan went downstairs first, Li Feng seized the opportunity and asked Xueyu:

What happened to you just now?

Xue Yu came back to her senses from the performance just now:

There's nothing I can do. Sister Yanyan came suddenly and you weren't here. I don't know whether or how to tell her. This is the only way.

Okay. Qin

Li Feng nodded and asked again:

Then why do you look like I'm persecuting you?

I didn't want to either, but Sister Yanyan asked a lot of details, so I made it up like this.

But what about it, are my acting skills good?

Xue Yu blinked and felt that she was very famous, so she asked Li Feng expectantly.

Li Feng narrowed his eyes and was speechless:

No, Yanyan has already figured it out. She is a criminal investigator. Do you still want to deceive her with all your tricks? Qin


Xue Yu is disappointed:

Is it that bad? In fact, I once wanted to be an actor.

You should just be your funeral director. That suits you.

Li Feng couldn't help but teased again.

Then when he was about to go out, he thought of something again and told Xue Yu:

By the way, take a good look at the books I found for you. If you don't want to be a funeral director, you can still engage in scientific research. The scientific and technological progress of the Endless Sea will depend on you in the future. Qin

Snow language: ...

As the sun set in the afternoon, Li Feng sent Huang Yanyan home.

What surprised Li Feng was that Huang Yanyan didn't ask anything during lunch or on the way back.

She didn't ask who Xue Yu was, nor what happened, nor even anything related to the game.

Well, Xueyu...

The house was quiet, and Li Feng, who had already made up his mind, took the initiative to bring up the matter. Qin

I was packing my luggage this morning, and it was quite messy. There was no place to sit.

What surprised Li Feng was that Huang Yanyan changed the topic directly.

She put away the scattered clothes, made a place for Li Feng to sit, and then continued:

I'm going back to the headquarters tomorrow. This business trip will take a long time, so I need to bring more things.

It's not Yanyan, why...what happened?

Huang Yanyan's attitude made Li Feng realize something was very wrong.

Something did happen, a very serious matter, but fortunately it was resolved. Qin

Huang Yanyan sat down and said in a heavy tone:

“Although I haven’t mentioned it before, you must have guessed that besides our country, there are also players in other countries.

In the last cycle, through some channels, our research institute obtained several very important things.

But because some people leaked the news, some bad things happened, but fortunately they were resolved in the end.

Huang Yanyan obviously couldn't reveal too much, so he only gave a rough outline.

Li Feng listened quietly and thought that the important thing Huang Yanyan mentioned was probably the core of the earth for upgrading second-level players.

Li Feng thought about it for a moment, and if it was really the core of the earth, wouldn't it be the one he sent to Huang Yanyan in the last cycle? Qin

As for that not-so-good thing, Li Feng could roughly guess what the situation was. It was probably related to traitors, spies or something.

But he still didn't understand why Huang Yanyan didn't care about Xue Yu's lies even if something like this happened.


Li Feng pondered, not knowing where to start.

Seeing Li Feng's confused look, Huang Yanyan smiled and said:

I know what you're curious about, and that you want to explain your half-sister to me, but it's best for me not to know anything right now.

Why? Qin

Li Feng was even more confused. He blurted out, then thought about it and added:

It doesn't matter if you can't say it.

Some things really can't be said, but you are also a player, so you can still talk about general things.

Huang Yanyan organized the language and explained things as clearly as possible:

Remember that technologically advanced Nova? In this cycle, the institute contacted Nova players.

We reached some agreements and received an advance payment from the other party.

And among these rewards, there is a truth potion from the magical world. Qin

As long as we drink the truth potion, we can't hide anything from the institute.


Li Feng sorted out the events, and he could predict some of them.

For example, if someone in the institute upgrades their level 2 players, they will find ways to sneak to Nova, and the game world corresponding to Nova is the magical world.

But some things were really unexpected. Combined with what Huang Yanyan said just now, Li Feng asked:

Did you drink the truth potion too?

All official players performing missions must drink. Qin

Huang Yanyan nodded and admitted:

“So now, if it’s not particularly important, there are things I’d rather not know.

Like your half-sister, so as not to attract unnecessary investigations.

Li Feng was shocked when he heard this and frowned:

Isn't it too much to force you to drink that potion?

It's just temporary.

Seeing that Li Feng was very concerned, Huang Yanyan smiled and comforted Qin:

The not-so-good thing that happened a few days ago... had such a huge impact. To be honest, many of us are still scared when we think about it now.

Therefore, in order for the future plans to proceed smoothly, it is understandable that the institute would do this.

Li Feng nodded, thinking about his 'future plan', whether it would be cooperation with Xinxing.

Oh, right.

Huang Yanyan thought of something and took out a letter from her bag and handed it to Li Feng:

“I’m on a mission right now, and there are some things that are inconvenient to know, and things that aren’t particularly important are also inconvenient to deal with.

So if you need help, just in the game world, send this letter to this person. Qin

He is also a member of the research institute and is responsible for various affairs of ordinary players. He will help you.

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