
Mo Yu also hurriedly shouted when he saw this situation.

But Mo Feng can no longer control the violent movement of that kind of power in his body, where is the power to fight against his opponent?


His opponent was the sturdy young man, taking advantage of his kung fu, he punched it and directly smashed Mo Feng's breast bone!

At the same time, Mo Feng's body also flew upside down in an instant, slamming under the ring fiercely.

Suddenly, people around rushed forward to check the situation, and Mo Yu was the first to be next to Mo Feng and hurriedly checked.

But when she checked, she was shocked in her heart!

Mo Feng is poisoned!

And the toxicity is fierce, and it is constantly eroding the heart of the ink wind!

If this continues, the ink wind will die within ten minutes!

Suddenly, Mo Yu panicked. After all the hardships, she finally found her brother Xiaofeng, but it didn't take long for the two brothers and sisters to meet each other. Are they going to make a difference between life and death?

Tears flowed across Mo Yu's face, holding the ink wind and looking helplessly at Jiang Xiaobai.

"Please, help him!"

Mo Yu cried.

Jiang Xiaobai also appeared next to Mo Feng in an instant. After the inspection, his complexion instantly became gloomy and cold. Mo Feng was poisoned by someone!

But the situation is critical now, and it is not the time to pursue this.

He was about to take out the pill now to stabilize Mo Feng's heart.

After all, this kind of poison is relatively rare and has strong effects, and Jiang Xiaobai himself does not have the antidote that can cure him.

But when Jiang Xiaobai was about to save people, a dark sword light appeared from nowhere, aimed at Jiang Xiaobai's back vest.

At that moment, Jiang Xiaobai only felt his hair tied up, and the threat of death enveloped him!

He threw the Seven Treasure Linglong Tower without thinking about it, and it happened that the golden tower was hit by the sword light, which was considered to have resolved the attack.

However, the Qibao Linglong Tower was knocked into the air and hit Jiang Xiaobai's back fiercely, knocking him out.


In midair, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly spouted a mouthful of blood.

There is no way this is a sneak attack by the opponent, and this attack is extremely powerful. Based on Jiang Xiaobai's experience in the God of War space, he immediately judged that this was a sneak attack by a person in the peak state of the late stage of the Tribulation!

And at the moment Jiang Xiaobai was knocked into the air, Ao Yan instantly drew out her long sword and came to Jiang Xiaobai's side. While asking about the situation, she looked around with murderous expression on her face.

Ao Cheng and others also rushed over, surrounding Jiang Xiaobai and Mo Feng Moyu in the middle.

The people around were already shocked and at a loss, all backing back to make room

At this moment, Li Licheng sitting on the high platform suddenly burst out laughing.

"Hahahaha, Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaobai, I didn't expect you to escape this blow!"

As soon as this remark came out, several people looked shocked.

Jiang Xiaobai also frowned, and stood up from the ground, clutching his heart.

He has only one idea now!

That's how Li Licheng knew?

At this time, Feng He appeared behind Li Licheng, and he looked at Jiang Xiaobai and others with a gloomy smile.

"I didn't expect it, Jiang Xiaobai." Feng He sneered sarcastically.

Suddenly, the killing intent in the eyes of a few people broke through the sky, and the good guys were actually sold!

And it was Mo Feng’s former right-hand man who sold his teammates, Feng He!

Even the ink wind from the serious injury was short of breath, and a black blood spurted out.

"Damn it, Feng He, I'm not treating you badly, and it saved your life in the first place. Why did you do this!" Mo Feng gritted his teeth and roared.

Wen Yan Feng He's face was full of cold smiles.

"Why do you do this?"

"Mo Feng, are you confused? As the Young Master of the Xuanmen Branch Rudder, you naturally know how concealed the Xuanmen is, but you actually want to leave here and choose to betray the Xuanmen!"

"Do you know that if you leave, the lives of tens of thousands of people in this Qingxuan city may hang by a thread!"

"Because of your selfish desires, so many people from the Profound Clan can help you bear it, who do you think it is?"

"How about Mo Feng, isn't it a good pill?"

Hearing this, Mo Feng had understood everything instantly.

When Feng He came to him that day, he was sincere, but deliberate!

He hates, hates himself for being cheated by the villain!


With grief and anger in his heart, the ink wind sprayed out another black blood.

Mo Yu's heart was about to break, and he hurriedly took Mo Feng's hand and kept crying, begging Mo Feng not to die.

And Jiang Xiaobai didn't care about his injuries, and stuffed a pill into Mo Feng's mouth.

It's a pity that this poison is too strong, even if the heart-protecting pill is eaten for him, it won't have any effect.

Mo Feng's heart vein has long been eroded by that poison pill. If Jiang Xiaobai took the pill the moment he took the pill, Jiang Xiaobai would still be saved, but the current situation is completely hopeless!

After all, no one would have thought that Mo Feng would eat a poison pill.

After feeling this, Jiang Xiaobai was also stunned.

It's too late, it's really too late.

The current situation is useless even if Daluo God is here!

"Uuuu Xiaofeng, don't die, you can't die."

Mo Yu grasped Mo Feng's hand and shouted in pain,

At this time, Mo Feng also realized that his life was not long before, and a miserable smile appeared on his face.

"Sister, don't cry...I'll be fine, I can see you before I die, I'm already content..."

"No, you can't die, you can't die, Mo Feng, sister please!"

Mo Yu cried bitterly, and looked at Jiang Xiaobai: "Ouuuuu Jiang Xiaobai, I beg you, I know you are great, please save my brother Xiaofeng!"

But Jiang Xiaobai was also helpless. In this situation, he had no choice.

Not only that, Li Licheng did not give Jiang Xiaobai a chance to breathe.

Another black sword light burst out, aiming at the center of Jiang Xiaobai's eyebrows.

However, he had already prepared for this, raising his hand with a sword and smashing the sword light on the spot, but this was not over yet, suddenly more than a dozen figures appeared around him.

Among them, there are actually three powerhouses at the peak of the late stage of the Tribulation!

The rest are also in the later stage of the Tribulation.

Everyone is wearing a black robe, and there is a blood-red magic word on the left chest.

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly understood where he had felt this kind of breath, it was Heavenly Devil Mountain!

He was also shocked, why did the other party do something to himself?

"Jiang Xiaobai, you said, what can't you do when you go to the secret realm, you have to take away the treasures that are of great use to my Heavenly Demon Sect."

"Forget it, you still rushed to the power of my Heavenly Demon Sect. I have never seen anyone give a head like this in my life."

"But don't worry, you are not alone on Huangquan Road. Tens of thousands of people here died because of you. After going down, I hope they won't swallow you alive."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in this Xuanmen underground city was panicked, and some of them just wanted to escape without saying a word.

It's a pity that those masters who cross the catastrophe period will not give them this opportunity, the black sword light and spiritual power continue to reward, and there is a scream in the dungeon!

Not only that, the three peak masters in the late stage of the Tribulation also rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai with their swords!

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