Chapter 227 Sleeping with her, conquering her

   Gu Qingcheng was caught the moment he fell to the ground, and was pulled directly into another car.

   In the distance, in a black Bugatti car, Huo Sicheng looked at Gu Qingcheng's location with his mobile phone, and then took another look at Gu Qingcheng, who was dragged away like this.

  He frowned, and his phoenix eyes were filled with frost.

   "Yi Shui, protect your wife."

  Yi Shui who was driving said respectfully: "Yes, Young Master Huo."

  After returning to the Huo Group, Huo Sicheng was restless and kept looking at Gu Qingcheng's position, his sharp-edged handsome face was extremely cold.

  Chu Yu reported his work carefully, seeing that Mr. Huo was not in the mood to listen at all, he left quietly.

  Huo Sicheng's face was very cold. After seeing Gu Qingcheng's position not moving for a long time, he turned his head and looked out the window. It was already evening.

   "Gu Qingcheng, you'd better be okay, otherwise I won't forgive you."

  Huo Sicheng whispered helplessly in the huge CEO's office.

   At this time, in a star hotel under the Qin Group, Gu Qingcheng was lying on the bed, her hands and feet were bound, her hair like ink satin was docilely scattered on the white pillow.

  Her eyes are closed, with slender eyelashes, a tall nose, a stunning face, and a beautiful necklace on the slender swan neck.

  The whole person is like a holy girl who is ignorant of the world, like a fairy bestowed by the gods, so beautiful that people can't take their eyes off.

  Looking at Gu Qingcheng like this, a pair of eagle-like eyes locked on her, as if she was the only firm in his eyes in this life.

  At this moment, the hotel door was opened. Qin Jun was wearing a sky blue suit, and his handsome face had obvious bruises. He walked into the room and locked his eyes on Gu Qingcheng.

  His breath was stagnant, and his eyes were full of surprise.

   I have to say that there is no more beautiful woman in Jiangcheng than Gu Qingcheng, and it is Gu Qingcheng's beauty, coupled with Gu Qingcheng's achievements, that as her boyfriend, he has been enjoying the praise of everyone.

   Every man who saw him praised him for his good vision and for being able to catch Gu Qingcheng. He is a role model among men.

  When every woman sees him, she always compares their beauty to Gu Qingcheng's. These women tried their best to trample Gu Qingcheng under his feet in front of him, and that's exactly what made him prostitute all kinds of women for nothing.

  Gu Qingcheng is beautiful, beautiful and hot, she is as pure and holy as a child when she is asleep, and strong enough to destroy the world when she wakes up.

  It was such a woman with polarized personality that made him gain the limelight in the upper circles of Jiangcheng once relying on her.

   But it was Gu Qingcheng, a stinky woman who slapped him in the face at the engagement banquet, making him lose face in the upper circles, and was even severely beaten by Gu Tianhao.

   What annoyed him the most was when he went to Diyi to coax her with flowers in his hands, but she actually hit him.

  But he also plotted against her. When he saw Huo Sicheng appearing, he deliberately kissed Qingcheng to provoke Huo Sicheng. Although he didn't kiss her in the end, he heard that she had a serious conflict with Huo Sicheng.

   In the past, when he owned her, she not only wouldn't let him touch her, she wouldn't even hold her hand, saying that they could only have a relationship after they got married.

  He is a man, he has physical needs, Gu Qingcheng won't let him touch, of course, he will not let go of Gu Mei and those women who take the initiative to him, and they all fell asleep.

  Ever since she dumped him, he thought about her day and night, and wanted to experience what she was like as a woman.

  The most important thing is that he wants to conquer her and make her kneel at his feet and be his dog.

  For so many days, she slapped him in the face again and again. What was even more annoying was that she sent someone to beat him severely a few days ago. The bruise on his face still hurts even now.

   "You did a good job and successfully tied her up." Then he looked at the man standing in the house who was in charge of kidnapping Gu Qingcheng, and took out a check from his pocket, "This is a reward of two million."

  Lu Chi glanced at Qin Jun, and he accepted the check.

  Qin Jun said: "Go out."

   After he finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Gu Qingcheng with color in his eyes, and walked to the bedside step by step, looking at Gu Qingcheng who was bound and unable to resist, he smiled very proudly.

"Gu Qingcheng, Gu Qingcheng, you finally fell into my hands." He was triumphant, "My cousin is an inhumane cripple, he can't touch you, and he can't give you the joy of being a woman. You marry He's been a widow to this day, so it's not cheap for me to get you."

  The more he talked, the more excited he became. The feeling of conquering Gu Qingcheng made him extremely happy.

   "You haven't been touched by a man yet. You were mine before, and you will be mine in the future. Your only man can only be me. Tonight I will play you to death."

  He said that he couldn't wait to stretch out his hand to touch Gu Qingcheng's Xiong.

  Lu Chi hadn't left yet, when he saw that Qin Jun was about to meet Gu Qingcheng, two **** of flames rose from his sharp eyes.

   "Master Qin, your check is missing a zero. The dignified young master of the Qin family placed an order to kidnap Miss Gu's family. He couldn't even bear the reward, and it's too slamming."

  Qin Jun reached out to Gu Qingcheng's hand and paused. He turned his head to look over, and found that the man who had kidnapped Gu Qingcheng hadn't left yet.

   "How is it possible? I clearly wrote two million, do you want to increase the price temporarily? Let me tell you, I know you old Continent Chi, if you dare to increase the price, your boss will not forgive you."

  Lu Chi was amused when Qin Jun mentioned himself. He, the ruler of the Lu family, stood in front of Qin Jun, but Qin Jun didn't know him.

"Look for yourself." He raised the check in his hand and teased Qin Jun, "You reneged on the debt, and you still want my old mainland to punish me, who do you think you are? This matter really touches my boss, you Don’t even think about losing a penny.”

  Qin Jun was shocked by the man in front of him, and immediately walked over to take the check. When he saw that there was indeed a zero missing on the check, his face was extremely ugly.

   "How is this possible? I clearly wrote two million."

   "Are you illiterate?" Lu Chi mocked, "Otherwise, how could you not know how to count?"

  Qin Jun's face was ashen when he was ridiculed, and he just looked at the man in front of him.

  The man was wearing a thin black windbreaker, with short black hair and short hair. Although there was a scar on his face, he was handsome.

  This scar reminded him of someone saying that Lu Chi, the ruler of the Lu family, had his face cut with a knife, leaving an ugly scar on his face.


  When Lu Chi's idea appeared in his mind, he immediately rejected it. Lu Chi is the boss of the Lu family, how could he personally kidnap Gu Qingcheng for two million.

  Placing an order to kidnap someone is something that only the underlings of the Lu family can do. Lu Chi is so superior that he will definitely not do it.

  He identified the wrong person.

   "Shut up!" He glared at the man in front of him, "I am the buyer, and the buyer is God. Do you treat God like this?"

   "God?" Lu Chi smiled, with murderous intent in his eyes, "There is no God with me, only the King of Hades, and I am the Lord of Hades!"

  Qin Jun saw the man in front of him change his face, he took two steps back in shock, "You...what do you want to do?"

  (end of this chapter)

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