Weapon Master

Chapter 1458

Na Ji Qingtian was a powerhouse of Emperor Dragon Tianfu 10,000 years ago, and also the Lord of Tianfu at that time.

It is said that after Ji Qingtian was promoted to the sacred Heavenly Workmanship, he left Chimang Tian for nine days, and then no news came, and he did not know his life or death.

Not only Ji Qingtian, but also the overwhelming majority heavenly craftsmanship of the inheritance left in the Heart Hall of Qi, and finally went to the middle eighteen or upper nine days.

The same is true for other powerhouses in Tianfu.

The situation in Emperor Long Tianfu is not just a small epitome of the Chi-man sky and even the next 36 days.

Cultivated to a certain point, it is almost the only way to go to the middle eighteen days, or even the nine days, to follow the Supreme Realm and the secret of immortality. If you keep it, even if you haven’t encountered any accidents, there will be a time when the time will come.

Only when you enter the last nine days and attain the position of God, you can truly gain eternal life.

“God’s position?”

These two characters flashed in his mind, and Tang Huan’s eyes moved slightly.

If he guessed right, the Divine Dragon from the Great World with him should be the immortal powerhouse that has achieved the status of God. His partner Jiucai, perhaps also.

“Everyone, there is the inheritance of the Qingtian Sect Founder.” Du Star River looked up, his face was full of remembrance, “The Qingtian Sect Founder is the strongest in the history of our Emperor Long Tianfu. The big Shengpin Tiangong. Don’t underestimate the four words “Shengpin Tiangong”. In the next 36 days of that year, Shengpin Tiangong was only the Sect Founder. Even in the upper nine days, Shengpin Tiangong also exists as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns…”

“If you can get the inheritance of Qingtian Sect Founder, you can imagine the glory!”

Du Star River retracted his gaze and looked at everyone, “If you are interested, you can go up and try. However, every time you enter the Hall of Apparatus Heart, you have only three attempts. If you fail three times, you will be teleported. Go out. If you want to come in again, you can only wait for five years.”

“Before you try, you must be prepared for this.”

“Now, Does anyone want to try first?”

“Lord Que, I’ll come first!”

A deep voice suddenly sounded, but Lu Zhitao clenched the teeth fiercely, soaring into the sky After a short while, it appeared at the height of several dozen meters, standing in front of the blue sky Sect Founder statue, and then breathes deeply, raising the palm and pressing it on the right palm of the statue, and a bright red flame emerged from the palm and then flowed like water. It spread quickly on the surface of the statue, and after the flick of the finger, the entire statue was covered by this flame.

In this heart hall of the device, it is difficult to say that it is difficult to say that it is simple and simple to get the inheritance of the Senior Heavenly Craftsmanship.

Each statue here contains a soul seal that Senior Tiangong has completely separated from the soul, and its inheritance is in that soul seal. Promote Daohuo, penetrate into the statue, if it can trigger the soul seal resonance, you can immediately obtain the inheritance of that Senior Heavenly Skill.

If it cannot trigger the soul seal resonance, it will trigger the rejection of the statue.


After an instant, a beep oscillated from the statue within the body, and then, there seemed to be a huge invisible force spreading out. The flames on the body surface opened and shredded, and Lu Zhitao was pushed back ten several meters by that force to stabilize his body.

With an annoyed shot on the back of his head, Lu Zhitao slowly sank and fell among the Heavenly Grade statues, feeling a little bit depressed in his expression.


At the bottom of the space, many low grade workers shook their heads and sighed.

However, this is also expected by everyone. The inheritance of Qingtian Sect Founder’s tens of thousands of years has not been successfully obtained by anyone. Lu Zhitao’s attempt ended in failure, not surprising . This time, it must be the same as before, all attempts at the inheritance of that instrument will fail.

But even so, everyone still be eager to have a try.

“I will try too!”

“Replace me!”


one after another silhouette Going up high in the sky, urging Dao Huo, and then repelled by the statue of Qingtian Sect Founder and forced to retreat.

It didn’t take long. Among the 64 low grade laborers, as many as 50 have tried, and the other 14 chose to give up, or in the hundreds Wandering between the top grade Tiangong statues, or aiming at the dozens of Heavenly Grade Tiangong statues.

As for Du Star River, Liu Tiangang and He Azure Bamboo, the three middle grade natural workers, they stayed at the bottom of the space and did not act. They have long acquired inheritance in this heart hall, and even hit a wall at the statues of the Sect Founder and those Heavenly Grade Seniors, so there is no need to try again.

“weng! ”

The agitated trembling sound suddenly sounded, and immediately attracted everyone’s eyes, but saw the dozens of Heavenly in the middle of the space. Within Grade Tiangong’s statue, there was a red glow bursting out of incomparably splendid red glow, which enveloped a silhouette standing in front of it.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely condensed red aura the size of a walnut rose from the head of the statue and slammed into the center of the man’s eyebrows at a speed within the reach of naked eye.

“Senior Brother Lu?”

“Lu Tiangong!”


In this space, Suddenly, there were repeated exclamations, and the person covered in red glow above was surprisingly Lu Zhitao.

After a short while, the red glow receded, and that was the statue calming down. Lu Zhitao stood still for a while and then woke up, actually dancing and dancing, to be wild with joy and laughed loudly:” Haha, I succeeded! Heavenly Grade Tiangong Xiazhi Senior’s inheritance! I succeeded…”

Heavenly Grade Heavenly Grade inheritance!

Many low grade Tiangong have an expression of envy in their eyes.

In the Temple of Qixin, the best is naturally the inheritance of Qingtian Sect Founder. However, the inheritance is beyond reach for almost everyone. Under such circumstances, being able to obtain a Heavenly Grade inheritance has become everyone’s greatest expectation.

However, overwhelming majority people will continue to bump into the walls at the statues in the middle of the space, and in the end they can only get the inheritance of the top grade Tiangong.

Among a hundred people, those who can get Heavenly Grade inheritance are just one or two people.

Take the sixty-four low grade heavenly workers like today, except for Lu Zhitao, none of them have the Heavenly Grade heavenly grade inheritance.

Lu Zhitao’s success has stimulated many people.

Many of the low grade Tiangong that originally wandered at the bottom has been transferred to the middle of this space, while Lu Zhitao fell to the ground triumphantly.

When the two line of sight glanced at Tang Huan, his eyes were unabashedly provocative, and the suffocation that had accumulated in his heart for a long time had already followed the inheritance of the path of acquisition. The success was swept away, and there was even a feeling of exultation, and the body and mind were much more relaxed.

“Little Brat, go try it?”

Du Star River smiled and looked at Tang Huan, pointing his finger at the statue of that Qingtian Sect Founder floating on the highest point, in his eyes She was expecting.

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