Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 426 The truth about the cemetery, the intersection of different eras


At that time, there were not as many tombs here as there are now.

If Su Qi guessed correctly, it is very likely that every tomb here should indeed contain an alien life.

Under some mysterious arrangement, they chose to sacrifice themselves to achieve all this, or to change their own life forms!


Why do they do this?

This is likely to be the key to quelling this disaster.

So, Su Qi slowly expressed his thoughts to see what everyone thought.

after all.

Facing strange creatures of this magnitude, they must not act recklessly. Now they need a breaking point, and it is best to find the key and break through in one fell swoop.

In addition, they can't tell the extent of the strength of the strange creatures here. If they are just born, or if they are the same as those that invaded the real world in the past, that would be fine, but what if the strange creatures here are all the same as those in the foggy river? Same, if the strength is transcendent and immortal, everyone should just go to sleep.

This order of magnitude is simply not something they can compete with.

After everyone heard the secret, everyone couldn't help but frown.

"Change life form?"

"Um... I have to say, Sir Su Qi, your idea is indeed a bit dreamy. According to the information we have, the life level of strange creatures is not only much higher than that of ferocious beasts, but also involves some ancient secrets. "

"The two are almost completely opposite evolutionary paths, so if you want to do it, it is basically extremely difficult."

"So, I think we should be more inclined to use batches of ferocious beasts from other worlds to awaken more weird creatures by sacrificing themselves."

"However, the question arises again, when did the ferocious beast possess such a noble sense of self-sacrifice?"

Just when everyone was expressing their opinions.

Chu Qingfeng also controlled the fleet to rise continuously under Su Qi's instructions.

On the one hand, it is to see more of the mysterious cemetery, and on the other hand, it is to create a distance to prevent accidentally disturbing the strange creatures wandering in the vast cemetery.


As the ship climbs higher, the perspective becomes wider and wider.

But looking closely, I didn't notice anything strange in this cemetery. On the contrary, I felt the vastness of the mysterious cemetery and the boring repetition. All of this seemed to have been copied and pasted directly. For a moment, everyone felt like they didn’t know where to start.


Just when everyone was at a loss, they unexpectedly caught a glimpse of a huge hole hidden in the surging ink cloud above from unknown time!

Oh no, exactly.

It should be that huge hole, like a bloody mouth open, swallowing up the black clouds in the sky!

"I go!"

"What is this stuff?"

At first glance, everyone couldn't help but tremble. They had no choice but to be extra careful with anything unusual in this place where the mutation originated.

But some sharp-eyed people seemed to recognize it.

"That seems... to be a dimensional passage!"

"Why does it involve other worlds again? Why do I feel that this trip will not be as easy to handle as we imagined."

At this moment.

Some people have begun to feel uneasy.

And their worries do not come out of thin air. As top destruction-level extraordinary beings or even natural disaster-level extraordinary beings, their own strength is enough to allow them to ignore most of the dangers in the world. On the contrary, once they develop such emotions, , which means that the dangers they will encounter next will be far beyond their carrying range.


The fleet was hovering in mid-air, somewhat neither up nor down.

Above is a dimensional passage that leads to nowhere, and below is an endless cemetery, which also breeds a terrifying number of strange creatures.

All in all, there seems to be no good place in heaven or on earth.

"I wish I could blow all of this away." Nie Bao sighed with emotion.

If it were in the real world, with the power of a natural disaster-level extraordinary person, such a vast land could really be completely overturned. However, now this is the place where the mutation originated, and no one dares to make such a risky move.

"Let's retreat for now."

"First observe and observe what is weird about this mysterious cemetery, and then slowly explore it step by step."

Su Qi made a decision.

Soon, it was unanimously recognized by everyone.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle. Now that they have too little information about this mysterious cemetery, if they act rashly, they risk the entire army being annihilated.


The fleet turned back a little towards the route it came before, temporarily getting rid of the atmosphere surrounded by countless tombs, and the depression in its heart was slightly relieved.

After a period of observation, they finally witnessed the entire process of the birth of the strange creature.

turn out to be.

Everything here is more complicated than they imagined.

From the dimensional passage under the sky, at a certain time, thousands of strange creatures like ghosts and phantoms will float down. At this stage, they have no entity and are like ghosts in this vast cemetery. Wandering in.


In the dense tombs, red mist occasionally overflowed, and those strange creatures competed to suck it up, and then gradually gave birth to flesh and blood bodies, able to escape from the gray mist and go far away!

The whole process gives people a kind of extreme horror from the depths of the soul.

Suddenly, a series of phrases appeared in everyone's minds.

Coupling, reorganization, recovery, return...

It was as if two existences from different eras were reborn in this endless mysterious cemetery under some irresistible call!

What is terrifying here is not just the huge number of strange creatures, but the supreme power behind it that makes all this happen. Just like the will of a country, it may be able to drive the troops under its control to risk their lives, but if they want to implement It is basically impossible to apply it to everyone.

Because when the number of individuals reaches a certain level, their thoughts vary widely.

Unless... time has come to the last moment, all roads have come to an end, and there is no choice!

There are so many veteran extraordinary beings present who have experienced countless conquests and wars in other worlds. At this moment, they will be shocked by the determination burst out by the other party.

They even felt a sense of sadness in a daze, as if they saw the future fate of mankind here.

"How do I feel that even after this disaster subsides, we will still have to face countless invasions in the future?"

"When each world comes to an end, in order to continue, you have to spend all your efforts to invade and plunder the last soil, until the last piece of soil is completely destroyed..."

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