Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 417 Guessing identity, furious Lu Zhonglin

"This guy came out of nowhere and blocked Lu Zhonglin's attack so lightly..."

Su Qi's appearance shocked everyone on both sides.

Especially Kong Yanji Linglong and other core disciples of the aristocratic families were almost shocked.

Even though they are not the best in the family, they can still be regarded as the backbone. They thought that traveling to a disaster-stricken place would basically be easy and smooth.

But they never expected that first the monster Lu Ji would appear, and now there would be another guy who they couldn't understand at all.

Didn't we agree that this place is an extremely barren and devastated land plagued by disasters?

Why is it completely different from what I imagined!

It looked like a gathering of geniuses from all walks of life, and they were under a lot of pressure.

"Fuck, didn't you say that there are no natural disaster-level forces in the first batch of support teams? Who is this?"

"Did other core disciples from the Holy City get the news and arrive here earlier than us?"

"Or, this is also a newly promoted pseudo-natural disaster grade..."

"It can't be a pseudo-natural disaster level. Those old top destructive level extraordinary people are all old and have exhausted their potential. Even if they are promoted to natural disasters and live another life, their vitality will be limited to bloom again. At most, they will only recover four or five times. He has a look of ten years, but if you look at him, he is less than twenty at all times!"

"And the most important point is, what level of pseudo-natural disaster level can block Lu Zhonglin's blow?"

All of a sudden.

In each large ship, everyone looked at Su Qi solemnly and began to speculate.


Ji Linglong's mind suddenly moved, and a title suddenly appeared in his mind, and then he couldn't help but murmured: "It seems that we have all ignored one person... Su Shen!"

After her reminder, everyone finally remembered this character who had been subconsciously ignored by them all this time.

I thought.

That's because the humans in this catastrophic land have not seen much of the world, so they made the foolish move of mistaking an extraordinary person for a god.

But just in case...

Is the so-called God Su himself a natural disaster-level transcendent?

Everything... seems to make sense.

With the strength of the natural disaster level, it is naturally easy to lead a group of pseudo-natural disaster level extraordinary people to guard major urban areas, and it is not surprising to collect such rare materials as soul crystals.


They haven't forgotten.

According to the words of the aborigines, Su Shen is a transcendent person born and raised here...

And in this barren land, for so many years, not to mention a native disaster-level extraordinary person, not even a destruction-level extraordinary person has been born. What's more, as a long-time resident of the Holy City, he has been vigorously cultivated by his family. For those who have been promoted to the natural disaster level, if a natural disaster level can be born in such an area, then they can all hang themselves together!

This person……

What is your identity! ?

A descendant of a certain holy city's aristocratic family...

He was also a veteran strongman who was seeking help from the Cult of Evolution when a strange calamity broke out, but ended up resurrecting his life by mistake in this world of change.

Now, almost everyone has focused on the last two options for Su Qi's origin.

Except for Gui Jia, who had met Su Qi once, his eyes were wide open now and he looked extremely frightened.

I felt that something was wrong with my whole body.

My mind was in a blur, as if it was struck by thousands of thunders, buzzing!

Are you...are you kidding me?

How could this person be at the natural disaster level? How could he be at the natural disaster level?

If he was really a natural disaster-level powerhouse, how could those archbishops under him have had a chance to escape when they blatantly broke into District 9?

At that time, I'm afraid even he didn't just lose a clone!

But the facts before us are nothing! ?

However, soon, Gui Jia seemed to think of something, and couldn't help but trembled and broke into a cold sweat.

Because he seemed to smell a conspiracy.

Somewhere in the dark, it seemed as if someone had already weaved a big net in the dark, waiting for him to burrow into it with his head covered!

Oh no.

Not just for him, but even a huge net targeting the entire Evolutionary God Cult! ! !

For a moment, Gui Jia's mind was running wildly.

It was as if I saw people like myself chasing after them without mercy, being caught in one fell swoop, being asked for the coordinates of the other world where the headquarters of the Evolutionary God Sect was located, and then being uprooted bit by bit like a cocoon.

This is a layout that starts with the large-scale circulation of perfect-grade animal meat!

At this time, the other two high-level officials of the Natural Disaster Level Evolutionary Cult had been staring at Su Qi's ship since they arrived here, because they sensed a strange aura on it and decided that the conservative faction was strong. Just inside.

Immediately, his eyes turned cold and he said: "Later, once this guy gets into a fight with Lu Zhonglin, we will find an opportunity to kill him and annihilate the conservative faction here in one fell swoop!"


After Guijia heard this, he trembled violently, and then stopped him anxiously: "Two venerables, please be patient. The situation here may have changed."

"What's changed?"

Guijia collected his thoughts and explained: "Look, this Su Qi has always been regarded by us as a spokesperson after the return of the conservative faction. They can drive a transcendent who can compete with Lord Lu Zhonglin. Just imagine Let’s take a look at what level the conservative strongman behind him will be.”

As soon as these words came out, the two senior leaders of the Evolution God Cult took a breath of cold air.

In fact, Guijia was worried that the two of them would act on their own, and continued: "I think that this time, the conservative faction that has been hidden for a long time may have all its secrets and is determined to take back the divine religion. Therefore, now that we have such strength, we rashly If you step forward, you might fall into their trap!"

Just as everyone was secretly guessing, Lu Zhonglin's eyes turned cold on the spot after being blocked from attacking.

Although he did not attack with all his strength, as a true natural disaster level, Master Lu Ji's right-hand man, the powerful attack was carried down without any damage, which was equivalent to stepping on his face directly.


Lu Zhonglin was completely angry.

"Who are you? You dare to attack our Lu family? You are simply reckless!"

Having said that, he moved very quickly.

The aura on his body boiled to its peak in an instant, and the entire sky seemed to be affected by some kind of power, and was instantly coated with a layer of bright red.

Fingers spread wide.


Pulled back sharply.

Ten extremely thin red lines were pulled out in the void.

In an instant.

The entire void was shattered into several pieces, as if it was torn apart by something, and the other end of the red line was frantically burrowing towards Su Qi like a poisonous snake.

Even though the attack had not yet come, even Su Qi felt as if his soul was about to be penetrated in the next second. The rest of the people seemed to have their whole bodies qi locked, their bodies trembling crazily, but unable to move away.

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