Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 412 Asking about the supernatural and detecting abnormalities


"It turns out to be a low-level natural disaster."

The man said suddenly, his tone was very calm, as if he was telling the truth.

Although there was not too much sarcasm in the tone, Nie Bao sounded extremely harsh!

If he wasn't afraid that the other party would notice his mental fluctuations, he might have started to curse loudly in his heart.

Why don't you say it so harshly?

It would be fatal to change the vocabulary, right?

Low class, low class, your whole family is low class.

Even in the Holy City, there are very few people who are so blatant in criticizing each other. After all, we have no grudges and generally do not deliberately belittle each other. After all, we are both at the natural disaster level, so we still have basic respect.

"Where's your companion's?"

"You won't be the only one here, right?" the man continued to ask, seemingly not noticing the change in Nie Bao's mood, or perhaps not taking it to heart at all.

Nie Bao thought for a while and immediately replied: "We are all trapped in this fog and are surrounded by strange creatures. The strange creatures here are very difficult to deal with and are almost immortal. Sirs, I don't know if I can do anything." Use a helping hand to rescue my companions."

Even though he felt a little unhappy, he could only beg for everyone to get out of this fog.

However, the man did not show any expression at all, and asked himself: "Did you guys encounter any supernatural things along the way, for example... some powers that you can't understand, and the ones you used to imprison me?" Where do the soul crystals of strange creatures come from?"

As he said that, the man stared at Nie Bao closely.

This made Nie Bao very puzzled and he asked in confusion: "What...what mysterious thing happened? Shouldn't our top priority now be to go to the place where the mutation originated and find a way to prevent the spread of the disaster?"

The rhetorical question seemed to anger the man directly, and he shouted loudly: "What nonsense!"

"You don't need to teach me how to do it!"

"Whatever I ask you, you just need to answer truthfully. Do you understand?"

In an instant.

Nie Bao then realized that the purpose of these people in front of him was not simple. They even treated their group of supporting pioneers like mustard grass, which made him extremely unhappy.

However, the situation was stronger than the person, so he could only endure it and tell the other party everything he knew.

"There are many things that are beyond the scope of understanding. For example, we don't know why we can't get out of this fog, and why the weird creatures here can achieve immortality..."

"As for the soul crystal, killing special weird creatures will trigger the manifestation of the heavenly law in the other world. Then the heavenly law in the real world will snipe over and destroy it, and then the scraps that can extract the soul crystal will be dropped."

Although I was a little reluctant to tell the other party, I was worried that the other party would have some means to detect lies.


I can only tell everything.

"What a special weird creature."

"A strange creature that is very similar to a human form and can express accurate emotions, anger, sorrow and joy."

"How many soul crystals have you obtained?"

"This... is all used to make a container for holding strange creatures."

After the man heard this, he turned back and glanced at the leading ship. Seeing that there were no other instructions, he waved his hand: "Okay, don't be greedy for those soul crystals. This special material is extremely precious and is a strategic material for the Holy City."

Hearing this, Nie Bao, no matter how stupid he was, could still hear the other party's intention to take away the soul crystal.

He knows it very well.

If we talk about the ownership of those soul crystals, they should all belong to Master Su Qi. After all, most of them were obtained by relying on Su Qi's power. Even many of the subsequent special strange creatures were attacked by them together. Kill, but without the support of Master Su Qi, let alone the soul crystal, they may not even be able to save their lives.

Therefore, Nie Bao said eagerly: "Those soul crystals are all Master Su Qi..."

In the middle of his words, he was interrupted by the man's cold look: "Su Qi?"

"You're talking about the guy called 'Su Shen'. Where is he?"

"He...why are you looking for him?" Nie Bao was shocked.



The man's eyes widened, and his terrifying mental thoughts rolled down from the sky, all pressing down on Nie Bao.

This sudden attack made Nie Bao feel like he was struck by lightning. His mouth felt sweet and blood welled up.

"As I said, answer whatever I ask you. This time it's a warning."


Nie Bao was sweating profusely.

This group of people is not here to support you at all!

From the beginning to the end, I never asked anything about the disaster!

"Master Su Qi... also got separated from us. He is nearby. If you can..."

At this point, he seemed to think of something, and he swallowed the second half of the words.

The man smiled coldly, turned around and returned to the ship.

Then slowly leave here.

"It's quite sensible and knows what not to say. We, Mr. Lu Ji, are not here to help them recruit people, let alone a mere destruction-level transcendent. If he can't get out of this fog, he can't even recruit people." There is no need for it.”

"By the way, Lord Luji, what should we do next?"

On the big ship, the man asked respectfully.

After Lu Ji felt it for a while, he said calmly: "This fog is indeed a bit strange, but it has not reached the level of trapping me."

"Let's leave here first and see if we can collect a large amount of soul crystals according to their method."

"In this way, even if you don't find the so-called divine opportunity, you can still make a lot of money. After all..."


Lu Ji seemed to sense something, and a trace of anger rose on his face.


"That guy just lied!"

"How can a useless thing trapped here take the initiative to provoke strange creatures?"


After Nie Bao saw the group of ill-intentioned people leaving, he wanted to go back quickly and tell everyone about the incident. However, during the process of passing by, he happened to encounter a strange creature. If you want to go back, you might as well lure this strange creature back and complete the mission.

So, he took advantage of the strange creature not paying attention and threw a sword light at it.


But he never expected that this strange behavior would fall on Lu Ji's perception.

at the same time.

On the other side, Su Qi was still swallowing up the high-quality light energy that had been transformed from the sky, and continued to accumulate himself.

Under this level of energy washout, even with his current physical strength, he could hardly sustain it. Fortunately, he had absorbed some power of rules before, and he became more comfortable in controlling energy.

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