Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 401: Conspiracy against each other, precarious situation

"Do you want to take away the soul crystals in the containers?"

The man from before suggested.

Suddenly, the rest of the people on the big ship also started to get excited.

For them, the so-called divine opportunity is too illusory, but the soul crystals are now in front of them. If these soul crystals are looted, at least this trip will be successful.


Kong Yan stopped their behavior: "Don't act rashly for the time being."

"If I'm not wrong, they are using the method of imprisoning strange creatures to prevent the city from being robbed. You should also notice that after entering this area, the number of strange creatures encountered has significantly reduced, and there are also strange creatures wandering outside the city. Living things, but they turn a blind eye to such a big city."

"Of course we can take away the soul crystals, but there is a high probability that it will lead to the destruction of a city."

"Although this is not a big deal, don't forget that it's not just our Kong family who entered the land of disaster, there are also people from other families."

"Just imagine, if our robbery is discovered by other families, and one day we return to the Holy City, they will use this to criticize our Kong family. You can imagine."

In an instant, Kong Yan revealed the powerful relationship.

Everyone looked startled, and at the same time, they also remembered that they were not the first people to enter the Cataclysmic Land. The fleets of other families did not take it away, either because they did not notice it, or they also thought of this level.

The probability of the former is quite low. After all, after crossing the sea of ​​countless strange creatures, if you encounter such a safe and sound city, you will basically not turn a blind eye.

There are even some means left in secret to collect evidence of other families persecuting humans!

There is basically no doubt about this.

Because that’s what they plan to do!

Although the soul crystal is valuable, it is still slightly inferior to the leverage that can be used to catch other families.

not to mention.

If they get evidence that the idiots from other families are greedy for soul crystals and put millions of human lives in vain, they will not only catch the other families, but they can even legitimately use the soul crystals to clean up the scum. Pocket it.

The thought of it.

Everyone couldn't help but feel terrified and had chills running down their spines.

Fortunately, I was not in a hurry to take action. Who knows if there are other methods arranged by other families in this city.

You know, even if they can destroy this city in a few breaths, they still have no guarantee of escaping some special collection methods.

For example, a crystal talisman that Kong Yan took out.

This kind of crystal talisman was refined by a Tianji-level expert. It was originally reserved for the core children of the family to save their lives. When it is damaged by external forces, it can be sensed by the Tianji-level ancestor, and then it can be saved with the help of the manifestation of heaven.

Although it is very precious, there are only five of them on my body, and they are not disposable. If they are not used, they can be recovered again later. It is just right to use some as a monitoring method at this time.


Kong Yan waved lightly, and the crystal talisman in his hand shot out and turned into a stream of light that escaped into the void.


"Let's join in the fun and see who the so-called God Su is."

Say it.

The fleet restarted and galloped toward the distance.

So far.

The high-level officials in this city slowly breathed a sigh of relief. After a long time, their faces became more serious than ever.

"I go."

"It seems like these guys are not good people."

"Well, there's something wrong with that man's eyes. He looks like a wolf cub. I always feel that he seems to be very interested in the strange creatures being imprisoned..."

"That's not right!" Someone looked sharply and disagreed with this view.

He glanced around the container, and finally his eyes stopped at the core component hovering above the head of the strange creature: "There are many strange creatures outside the city. What they are really interested in is the container itself that can hold the strange creatures!"

"If I'm not wrong, that thing must be priceless!"

"Otherwise, it would never have entered the eyes of people of their level!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help but take a breath.

Are you kidding me?

The detention container is the lifeblood of their city. If it is taken away by force, then their city will be on the verge of life and death! ?

You know, if the other party wants to take it away, they will not be able to resist at all.

"Huh, luckily they still know the severity, otherwise we would be in disaster." Someone suddenly felt scared.

"That's not necessarily the case."

"We cannot place the lifeblood of the city on other people's consciences. Money touches people's hearts and we have to guard against it!"

"Not everyone can be like Su Shen and be able to take out this kind of treasure that even the strong men in the Holy City covet for the sake of our lives!"

"But how to prevent this?"

Soon, someone made a proposal to reinforce the outer shell of the container. Although this could not block the perception of those powerful people at all, at least it would not be nakedly exposed in front of them.

However, in this case, they need to increase the frequency of inspections.

After all, the original shell made of special glass material is convenient for the extraordinary beings stationed here to observe the behavior of strange creatures from a distance.

In desperation, they only thought of this method.

But before they had time to make any move, everyone's bodies froze again.


They saw another wave of fleet at the end of the sky, heading here quickly!

Scenes like this were also staged in other cities. At the same time, a destructive-level extraordinary being called Su Shen by everyone, although his true appearance was not seen, he walked into the group of core children of the Holy City families. In sight.

Some people are very interested in Su Qi, while others are dismissive of him.

But in the final analysis, in fact, no one connected the so-called "Su Shen" with the divine opportunity.

for them.

Destruction-level transcendent beings are simply too weak.

Mortals are so ignorant. Some people think that God is a being who can call upon the wind and rain, some think that God is a being that controls rules, and some think that God is an immortal being.

But in their cognition.

God is the supreme existence that transcends the Supreme Holy Lord in a certain period of time.

Otherwise, there is no need for the Supreme Holy Lord to talk about the existence of ‘gods’ all the time. Only those families with Tianji-level ancestors can know about this.

Even the Supreme Holy Lord has come into contact with ordinary forces, and the understanding of 'god' is at best a vague concept.

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