Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 396 All members are promoted and their wings are full

After nearly half a month of support, Su Qi and his team finally liberated most of the city's destruction-level extraordinary beings.

The situation in each urban area is different. The situation in most urban areas was in a precarious state before Su Qi arrived, and it was even much more severe than the original District 11.

In addition to the strength of the stationed Destruction-level Extraordinaries, what is more important is that the degree of damage is also different. After some urban areas survived the first wave of strange creature invasions, there were not many strange creatures wandering nearby.

But it can also be seen from the side that the Evolutionary Cult can defend the twelfth district. Even if there is a difference between non-human aliens and extraordinary beings at the same level, it should not be as simple as it seems.

Fortunately, even though some of them suffered from their own strange catastrophes during the fight against the strange creatures and thus died, Su Qi now has more than seventy Destruction Level Transcendents in his team.

As the team grows, the speed of support has also been significantly improved.


In the subsequent battles of imprisoning strange creatures, and encircling and killing strange creatures that have surpassed the source level, and forcing the manifestation of heavenly ways from other worlds, Su Qi basically does not need to take action, and he can completely crush them with the advantage of numbers.

Among them, there is a considerable part of the destruction-level transcendent, whose spirit is gushing out, and the power of rules begins to condense into tangible symbols, shining in them.

Especially those Nie Bao who were the first to follow Su Qi, their spiritual wills are changing all the time. They have been able to use the power of rules to drive their own extraordinary power. Their strength has been qualitatively improved, and they are only one step away from the natural disaster level. separated.

This attracted the envy of many people.

"Oh, I thought I was going to fall here this time."

"Who says otherwise? Look at Lao Nie and the others. They are extremely lucky. They were originally the most likely to die among our group. Unexpectedly, with the help of Lord Su Qi, they might be the first to reach the natural disaster level!"

Although there was a bit of disparagement in the words, Nie Bao and others did not pay attention at all, but said cheerfully: "Opportunity, apart from the manifestation of heavenly law in other worlds, meeting Master Su Qi is our greatest opportunity. "


"If there were no Master Su Qi, would we old guys be able to travel around various places and intercept the power of heaven from other worlds as easily as we do now?"

Having said this, everyone couldn't help but look solemn.

Looking back now, if it weren't for Sir Su Qi's support from various places, I'm afraid they would still be trapped in the siege of strange creatures and unable to move. Among the hundreds of destruction-level transcendental beings, it is already an unprecedented miracle that one or two can complete the promotion.

How can it be like now, when almost everyone has the opportunity to be promoted to the natural disaster level.

In the past, it would have been unthinkable.

Mr. Jiang silently watched the conversation on the side, feeling a huge wave of emotions in his heart.

In his opinion.

If these people are really promoted to the natural disaster level, even if they are the lowest level, there will be nearly a hundred of them. Except for the holy family, there are basically not many sects that can easily summon such a force.

What's more, these people had no hope of promotion earlier, and they were more devoted to family building. Each of them had a lot of energy behind them.

Nowadays, they all show their heartfelt recognition to Su Qi. Even if they survive this disaster and everyone goes their separate ways, all they need is Su Qi to raise his arms and receive a steady stream of help!

Suddenly, a word burst out of Mr. Jiang's mind.

The wings are full!

Perhaps even Su Qi himself was not aware of the support operation he planned.

It not only brings hope to the people in dire straits in major urban areas, but also brings hope of a new life to these rotten people who were originally struggling in the mud of death.

Let's rebuild!

This is no different from reborn parents!

Mr. Jiang's breathing suddenly became rapid. Even he couldn't imagine how popular Su Qi would be after this disaster!

"not good!"

"This kid is running too fast."

"When I go back this time, I must ask the ancestor who is above the natural disasters to come forward to arrange the marriage between Qingwei and him. If they are not tied up, they will go to heaven!"

After thinking about this aspect, Mr. Jiang became more impatient than ever.

And his uneasy look caught Su Qi's eyes, thinking that as the ship went deeper, Mr. Jiang sensed some dangerous aura.

"Mr. Jiang, what's wrong with you?"

"Did you discover something? If you discover something, you might as well tell it, even if it's uncertain."

"Now that we are deep into the hinterland of the mutation, we may encounter some incomprehensible weirdness. In short, it is better to be cautious. Even if we are chasing the wind, it is better than ignoring some dangers."

Hearing this, Mr. Jiang glanced at Su Qi, and then said without squinting or heartbeat: "It's okay."

"It's just that seeing everyone's great improvement makes me feel a little anxious."


After hearing this explanation, Su Qi couldn't help but touch his nose and smiled helplessly.

There is nothing we can do about it.

Among this group of people, except for himself and Chu Qingfeng, the only one left was Mr. Jiang who was unwilling to intercept the power of heaven from another world to improve.

Having said that, that's it for Chu Qingfeng. Being in his forties is still considered a youth among extraordinary people. At Mr. Jiang's age, he really shouldn't be stubborn. After all, invasions from other worlds are not common.

There are some extraordinary people that you will never meet once in your life.

As if sensing the meaning in Su Qi's eyes, Mr. Jiang became furious instantly: "What do you think?"

"I'm different from them. I still have a great chance to realize the power of heaven in reality. Hmph, don't look at the fact that they are about to be promoted to the natural disaster level. Even if some of them are successfully promoted, they may not be my opponents!"

Su Qi agreed with this point.

According to his observations, although this group of veteran destruction-level transcendental beings had improved greatly, they were far from being as powerful as he had expected.

Although they have different paths, they use the heavenly ways of other worlds to advance. At the beginning, it is at best a transformation on the life level, which is incomparable to the real natural disaster-level powerhouses. I am afraid that they can only go through the subsequent grinding of water day after day. Only by using kung fu to wash away the alien atmosphere and regain the real way of heaven can we catch up.

Even if you reach that level, there is still a big difference.

Otherwise, Mr. Jiang would not be so stubborn.

Now, the big ship only needs to go to the last two cities again, and then go straight to the former Thirteenth District, where the mutation originated.

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