Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 385 Big ship upgrade, a combination of machinery and weirdness

After collecting scraps from this place, Chu Qingfeng came up with an idea.

That is to remove the shell of this big ship, replace it with a special cabin made of soul crystals, and stuff a strange creature into the interlayer of the cabin. After all, the vitality of strange creatures is extremely tenacious, even if it is broken into pieces. Flesh and bones can survive.

In this way, a large ship can be built surrounded by strange creatures, covering their aura, reducing the chance of being targeted by other strange creatures, and increasing the speed of advancement.

The reason why I didn't have such an idea at the beginning was because when I was building everyone's magic weapons and the core of the detention container, I had basically used up to 70% of the extracted soul crystals.


The big ship is already loaded with enough detention container cores for use in the Eleventh District. In addition, they will continue to obtain this peerless material during the next journey. Therefore, Chu Qingfeng has such luxury for the first time. thoughts.

If other mechanical path extraordinary people knew this idea, they would probably not be able to help but send greetings to Chu Qingfeng's family.

After all, this kind of peerless material is too rare and is basically used to forge core components of mechanical bodies. What kind of talent can think of such an operation to forge the shell of a large ship.


This flirtatious operation quickly gained Su Qi's approval.

After all, they were now racing against time, and anything that improved their speed was worth trying.

So, Su Qi asked: "Is it troublesome to make, how long does it take, and to what extent can it be isolated?"

Chu Qingfeng pondered for a moment and replied: "It's not troublesome at all. It can be completed in just a few hours. After all, except for the special polishing of the core of the container, the rest is nothing more than injection molding. For me, It couldn’t be simpler…”

"It can probably isolate more than half of the breath. If we pay attention to keeping distance from other strange creatures during the flight, we can at least get rid of two-thirds of the number of strange creatures that have been chasing us before!"

Reducing it by two-thirds means that if you advance three thousand kilometers, the number of strange creatures chasing you will drop to one or two hundred.

This amount is estimated to be enough for Lu Zhan and the others in their current state, so Su Qi doesn't need to use the power of the evil god Bilaxiu.

There are two shortcomings in summoning the evil god Bilaxiu. One is that it consumes too much energy, and the other is that it will cause the world of mutation to collapse, which will lead to the accumulation of strange creatures, which may also be a small hidden danger.


Upgrading large ships is urgent.

Seeing that no one had any objections to this, Chu Qingfeng made arrangements for Lu Zhan, Nie Bao and others to capture suitable weird creatures.

"Do you have any requirements for weird creatures?" Nie Bao asked.


Chu Qingfeng was immediately asked. In the past, the detention of strange creatures in the ninth area was quite casual. After all, enough quantity could be used to make up for the quality. Now the space in the hull of the big ship is limited, and it is already the limit to imprison one strange creature.

"The stronger, the better."

"How powerful is this...?"

"It's best if the ten of you work together and not kill him at will." Chu Qingfeng said angrily, and then he took the time to devote himself to the work of refining soul crystals, not wanting to waste too much time on these meaningless things. things above.

Nie Bao said, with a clear goal in mind, he led everyone to leave the revealed real world and plunge into the crumbling world of change.

Here, Su Qi was not idle either. The task assigned to him by Chu Qingfeng was very simple. It was just to dismantle the outer shell of the ship. With Su Qi's current strength, it didn't even take a minute.

no way.

Since ancient times, there has been a distinction between closeness and distance.

Although everyone is in the same boat now and has common interests, that may not be the case in the future. There will always be some people who hold more weight in Su Qi's mind.

For this reason, Chu Qingfeng naturally sent out these unsightly guys as soon as he found an opportunity to create a space that was unique to them.


Chu Qingfeng activated the power of the mechanical pathway and started working in full swing.

When the power of the mechanical channel was released, all kinds of strange phenomena suddenly appeared all around. There was a huge furnace spewing steam, gears were slowly turning, hydraulic equipment was rising and falling, and various phantoms appeared and occupied most of the sky. Conveying all kinds of strange and powerful powers.

It was as if the most advanced factories in the world had been moved here.

This was the first time Su Qi saw an item forged by a mechanical path transcendent, and his eyes were immediately opened.

"The mechanical approach is indeed one of the two major ways for humans to resist the invasion of vicious beasts. This method of creating things out of thin air is incomparable to other mysterious ways."

Chu Qingfeng caught a glimpse of the shock on Master Su Qi's face, and couldn't help but feel happy.

It is true that just refining the soul crystals from the scraps does not require such a big battle, but he just wants to show it. If he doesn't show it, the limelight will be robbed by others. You know those guys, but it is possible anytime and anywhere. Promoted to natural disaster level.

By then, he couldn't even imagine how to compete with those people.

So, just take this opportunity to work hard.

Of course, in addition to this reason, there is another reason that no mechanical path transcendent can refuse the temptation of this pile of peerless materials.

As the saying goes, if men and women match, work will not be tiring.

Oh, it should be a combination of a man and a beautiful woman, so that the work will not be tiring.

This sentence is also applicable to mechanical path extraordinary people and peerless materials.

As the vast mechanical power was released, under the guidance of Chu Qingfeng, the refined soul crystals quickly gathered together, and then gradually transformed towards the ship shell model.

As a top mechanical path transcendent.

Chu Qingfeng could see through the various parameters of the ship's outer shell at a glance, so the injection molding process was quite smooth.

It didn't take long.

Lu Zhan and others also dragged a strange creature back.

This strange creature was not very big, and was badly damaged. It had obviously been ravaged by them for a long time.

However, this also shows how powerful this strange creature is, after all, it can survive in the hands of ten top destruction-level extraordinary beings.

Even though he was choked, there was still a cold and fierce light in his pupils.

When Chu Qingfeng finished making the outer shell of the big ship, he motioned to everyone to smash the strange creature into pieces, and then forcefully stuffed it into the mezzanine of the outer shell of the big ship.

This step was not difficult. In less than a moment, everyone ravaged the strange creature to a state of disgrace, then stuffed it into a designated location. Chu Qingfeng performed the final encapsulation, and then loaded it onto the frame of the ship.


A brand new ship has been upgraded.

Everyone looked at it carefully and felt that if they didn't see it with their own eyes and only rely on mental perception, it would really be possible to regard it as a strange creature.

At the same time, I can’t help but sigh that the plasticity of strange creatures is really good.

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