Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 373 Be honest, Xiaoyan’s strangeness

When the resentment in the heart is buffered by the false surrender, and now the sincere surrender, the process does not seem to be as uncomfortable as imagined.

after all.

In their eyes.

The target of surrender now is not a young boy who has just been promoted, but a peerless strong man who has a high probability of being closely related to the Pei family and serves as Pei Jing's protector.


Lu Zhan and others did not care about their own recovery, and slowly came to the bottom of the strange-shaped building, standing piously.

Pei Jing noticed this scene and did not show up to stop it.

Because, in order to avoid unnecessary complications, Su Qi did not inform others that these people might be able to escape the effects of the Hammer of Repentance. After all, except for him, the entire Ninth District was not able to suppress the opponent.

Most of the day passed.

The strange phenomena in the training building gradually subsided, and Lu Zhan and others watched Su Qi slowly walk out of the building with anxiety.

Then, everyone slowly leaned down.

"Lord Su Qi."

Hearing these respectful voices, Su Qi couldn't help but be a little surprised: "You didn't retreat to recover, but gathered here instead. What does this mean?"

At this time, Su Qi had actually vaguely guessed their thoughts, but he still had to make this gesture deliberately. Trust between people is sometimes difficult to establish, not to mention that before this, the two sides were still hostile. status.

If you directly point out the other person's thoughts, you will certainly create a powerful image that you are in control of everything, but this will also make the other person feel wary.

After all, after a series of difficult psychological struggles, people finally made a decision. If they don't give others a chance to take the initiative to explain the situation, they may be uneasy in the future.

As expected.

The next moment, Lu Zhan stood up and said with complicated emotions: "Sir Su Qi, actually... we have regained some sense before, but now we are convinced by you and don't dare to have other thoughts. If you are If you don’t believe me, we pray for another mind control.”

After speaking, everyone did not dare to make a sound, and lowered their heads nervously, as if waiting for resignation.

When Su Qi heard that they all said this, he finally let go of his worries. Although he had many extraordinary people under his command, there were too few destructive level powerhouses. Those below the apostle level could It is not easy to preserve oneself in this catastrophe. The only thing that can confront the strangeness head-on is the destruction-level power.

Therefore, he cherishes every Destruction Level Extraordinary.

He even thought that if these people took the opportunity to escape, even if it took a lot of effort, they would catch up and hit him a few times.

Nowadays, Su Qi has the safety of millions of people on his shoulders and must make careful calculations.

However, these people were able to take the initiative to surrender, which also saved him a lot of worry. As for the loyalty of the other party, this was not within the scope of his consideration.

In the process of recovery just now, his strength has skyrocketed and risen to a small level. He believes that if he gives himself some more time, whether he is sincere or has other small thoughts, he will have the power under his control. Stay safe and behave yourself!

This is the confidence that absolute strength brings to him.

So, after both parties expressed their true feelings, Su Qi finally sent the other party away to regain his strength.

Then he took a few seconds to go back home and comfort his family before arriving at the command post of the City Lord's Mansion.

Once inside.

I saw Xiaoyan standing at the door with a tight face, her eyes constantly looking around.

Seeing this, Su Qi stepped forward and rubbed the other person's little head, and said warmly: "The disaster has passed for the time being. Don't be so nervous. You can relax a little."

Feeling the warmth from Su Qi's palm, Xiaoyan relaxed a little. However, she seemed to have thought of something and hesitated to say: "Brother Su Qi, I... I seem to have remembered something... …”


"What is it?" Su Qi stopped moving.

Before that, he had had some doubts about Xiaoyan's physique. After all, it was quite rare for a human being who could withstand the power of pollution traits, not lose his rationality, and not become alienated.

However, the disaster was approaching step by step, and he had never had time to delve into it. Now when he suddenly heard Xiaoyan say these words, he couldn't help but feel shocked.

Xiaoyan glanced at Su Qi cautiously, and then said timidly: "I seem to have seen some weird pictures... It seems to be the memory of that big guy..."

As she spoke, Xiaoyan pointed to the huge, disaster-level beast corpse hovering over the city lord's mansion.

"It seems...this disaster was caused by it..."

"Moreover, it doesn't seem to be completely dead. I, I can sometimes see another one in a big city..."

Hearing this, Su Qi's expression condensed, but he soon relaxed.

Before this, it was not that he had not thought about it. After all, the place where this disaster first started was in the Thirteenth District. From You Chong coveting the power of the corpse of this disaster-level beast, it gradually evolved to the current situation.

If there was no connection, he wouldn't believe it.

A corpse of a disaster-level ferocious beast that will not decay and will not pollute the surroundings.

The origin of mutation.

So coincidentally, they are all in District 13, so there must be some connection.


It doesn't make much sense to delve into this now.

Because he felt that the corpse of this disaster-level ferocious beast was at best an introduction, and would definitely not be the core of this disaster. After all, this disaster now involves the power of heaven from another world, and it is definitely not something that a mere disaster-level ferocious beast can do. leading.

For this reason, it is only right to focus on the destroyed District 13.

So, Su Qi said with relief: "Don't worry too much about this. These things you discovered may or may not be important. It all depends on our strength. As long as we are strong enough, we can take them out." Ignore them and destroy them all with one fist!"

After hearing this, Xiaoyan felt relieved, then nodded heavily and replied: "Yes."

Of course, Su Qi said this, but he actually paid a little attention and waited for the disaster to pass to see if he could find something through Xiaoyan.

When Su Qi walked into the command post of the City Lord's Mansion, everyone involuntarily put down what they were doing at this moment and looked over in awe.

His eyes were a little dodgey.

It was as if he was looking at a god.

Apart from Pei Jing and the other accompanying Destruction-level extraordinary beings, they were the ones who witnessed Su Qi's battle the most.

Therefore, they felt the power of the young man in front of them the most!

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