Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 371 The end of the midfield, the abnormality noticed

"Master Su Qi, you are back."

"You're not hurt."

"Oh, we were really frightened when we watched you lead away that large group of strange creatures. We really wish we could regain our strength immediately so that we can help you!"

After seeing Su Qi return, Nie Bao and others felt at ease, and immediately gathered around him enthusiastically, chatting away.

I don’t know when it started.

Su Qi's figure seemed to have become some kind of pillar deep in their hearts. They couldn't see it for a while, and they all felt a little flustered.

On the other side, when Lu Zhan and the others saw such a scene, they also leaned over silently. Although they were very reluctant in their hearts, they still had a convinced smile on their faces.

At this time, they were trying their best to recall the previous state when they were manipulated, for fear of being exposed.

Seeing that everyone was fine, Su Qi also showed a sincere smile on his face: "It depends on everyone's help, otherwise the Ninth District may not be able to survive this disaster so easily. Here, I should replace the Ninth District." District, thank you!”

Seeing Su Qi making a show of saluting, Nie Bao and others' expressions immediately changed and they hurriedly stopped him: "Sir, this is impossible."

"Without you, you can imagine what our brothers would be in now." Nie Bao said, and couldn't help but look at Lu Zhan and the others, with a trace of pity in his eyes.

Take a look.

This famous subordinate of Jiuyuan Holy City.

He was so proud and arrogant before, but now, he has become disgraced.

If they were swapped with him, it's probably unclear whether they all would survive.

At the same time, although Nie Bao and others were shirking their own merits verbally, they were even more excited in their hearts than when they met the manifestation of heaven from another world.


In their opinion, this is a favor acknowledged by the future Holy Lord himself!

Su Qi smiled slightly and did not continue to be polite. After all, there were still many things waiting for him to do next.

He glanced in the direction of the Ninth District and said: "Okay, I won't say more if it's superfluous. Now we need to take a good rest. This hard-won situation in the Ninth District cannot allow us to Stop and know that the current situation is very fragile."

"These millions of people are still in a changed world. Even if they are now protected from the ravages of strange creatures, once some changes occur, the balance will easily be broken. This is something we cannot control. of."

"Next, what we can do is to copy the methods of District 9 to other cities in a timely manner, thereby liberating the destruction-level extraordinary beings in other cities and attacking the place where the weirdness originated."


"During this process, we naturally need to collect more soul crystals. Therefore, we have to go through many times of forcing the manifestation of Heavenly Dao from other worlds. I hope you can also take advantage of this opportunity to be promoted..."

Hearing this, Nie Bao and others were overjoyed. This meant that Master Su Qi would lead them to more promotion opportunities.

With this guarantee, their chances of being promoted to natural disaster level will be greatly increased!


At this time, Su Qi's eyes suddenly looked at a person in the back of the crowd.

Because he noticed the other party's abnormal trembling.

Compared to most of the joy, this tremor caused by shock seems particularly abrupt.


At this time, Lu Zhan secretly thought something bad. He never expected that after his repeated instructions, Chen Luo, who had always been taciturn, would be the first to show his flaws.

In fact, Chen Luo can't be blamed for this.

After all, most of his previous thoughts were on reuniting the divine weapons into the real world, and his strength was considered the lowest among them all.

Therefore, he was the most seriously injured in the previous battle, and the weirdness entrenched in the mysterious path penetrated even more fiercely. Now he can almost hear the terrifying murmur from time to time, so that he is the most eager for the opportunity to be promoted.

As a result, when he heard that Su Qi had a way to force the manifestation of Heavenly Dao from another world, he couldn't help but lose his mind for a moment.

Su Qi walked over slowly, looking at the other person with a straight look. At the same time, he stopped slacking off and began to be wary of his surroundings. He asked in an indifferent tone: "Your name is Chen Luo, right?"

"Yes, my lord."

Chen Luo tried his best to control his tone, constantly hinting that he was the opponent's puppet, a puppet...

Even so, under Su Qina's strong pressure, some physical reactions were inevitable.

"Just now, I saw something was wrong with you, are you okay?" Su Qi asked tentatively. Now, he had noticed the effect of the Hammer of Repentance, and something might have gone wrong.

However, he couldn't let the opponent self-destruct to verify. After all, in this high-intensity battle, although he did not use a killing move like the Seventh Ghost, his own consumption was also very terrifying.

Now, he is not sure that he can lead Nie Bao and others to complete the killing of these people!

You know, the people in Jiuyuan Holy City not only survived the first wave of attacks by the strange creatures, but also got a long period of respite during the time when he lured the strange creatures away.

in addition.

These people are also a big help to him.

After all, next he will gather other destructive-level extraordinary beings to attack the place where the mutation originated. The more help, the better. Moreover, it is not yet known how many destructive-level extraordinary beings in other urban areas will survive after being hit by the disaster. .

Therefore, Su Qi is more inclined to control this group of people again, but now he is a little powerless and can only pretend to turn a blind eye for the time being.

"Sir, my injuries are too serious and I can't control the strange calamity, so..." Chen Luo explained half-truthfully.

at this time.

Lu Zhan and others were also extremely nervous, tightly suppressing the extraordinary power that had recovered in their bodies, as if they would explode if the other party made any other move.

After all, they couldn't imagine what would happen if they fell into the hands of this old monster again.

Nie Bao and others on the side were a little confused when they saw this scene. They didn't know the inside story.


Su Qi stretched out his hand.

He patted Chen Luo's thick shoulder and said, "Well, take a good rest. Don't worry. The next time you are forced to manifest the Heavenly Way from another world, these hidden dangers in your body will be solved."

Suddenly, Lu Zhan and the others couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, under the leadership of Su Qi, they returned to the ninth district in a mighty manner.

After returning to District 9, Su Qi rejected the celebration proposed by Lin Nan and others, but turned around and entered the training building directly. Then he announced that he was too seriously injured and needed some time to recover, and deployed some ferocious beast crystal cores to Go to Nie Bao, Lu Zhan and others to help him recover.

Lu Zhan and others were completely relieved after receiving this large amount of resources.

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