Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 363 Everything is ready for the final battle

"Fortunately, there are enough soul crystals left to replace a large part of the mechanical structure. Otherwise, it would be simply impossible to build so many detention containers in five days."

Chu Qingfeng looked at the towering detention towers. Although he looked very tired, as if he had been completely drained, he was extremely proud in his heart.

He is not bragging, but if such a huge fortification is to be completed in such a short period of time, it would probably not be a headache for any mechanical destruction-level transcendent.

Later, he excitedly told Su Qi about this feat. Although the other party simply said "Thank you for your hard work," he knew deeply how valuable these three words were!

Even if Su Qi asked him to betray the Supreme Court now, if he hesitated for even a second, he would be considered to have water in his head.

At the same time, in the changing world.

The power of the mutation, through the arrival of strange creatures, radiated continuously, not only stopped the collapse, but even vaguely formed a general trend, so that the ink clouds high in the sky were moving at a speed visible to the naked eye. Surge.

It seems to fall down at any moment.

At this moment, Nie Bao and others, who were rushing back and forth in the mutated world, seemed to realize that the situation was not good, and their hearts felt heavy, as if they were being suppressed by a thousand-jin lead stone.

"It seems that we have to return as soon as possible. This situation will be broken at any time. We must cooperate with Master Su Qi's plan and welcome the impact of the mutation, so as to reduce the crisis in District 9." Nie Bao said solemnly said.

On the side, Yang Rihuan, who had just escaped from the battle, nodded excitedly: "I hope we can succeed in one fell swoop. In this way, under the leadership of Master Su Qi, we will have more opportunities to touch the manifestation of heavenly law in other worlds."

Obviously, during these five days of fighting, they had completely realized the gap between themselves and Su Qi.

If they wanted to trigger the manifestation of the heavenly way from another world with their own strength, they would be extremely lucky to be able to succeed even if they risked their lives to do so.

However, if they want to truly gather the opportunity for promotion, they still need to experience the manifestation of heavenly ways from other worlds again and again. For the existing power, it is simply too desperate.

"Tell me, what level has Lord Su Qi's strength reached?" At this time, someone in the team couldn't help but ask.

Nie Bao thought for a moment and said in deep thought: "It is much stronger than us top-notch Destruction Level Transcendents. Theoretically, it should be comparable to those who are at the Natural Disaster Level in the Holy City."

"It's just that, strangely enough, I don't see the characteristics of a person of that level in Master Su Qi..."

At this moment, they couldn't help but recall that those strong men in the Holy City who did not need to rely on the laws of heaven and earth to attack the natural disaster level could walk like winds like dragons and clouds like tigers, that kind of miraculous quality where heaven and earth have the same power.

But if Master Su Qi faced off against that kind of person, Nie Bao and the others would not be able to give an answer for a while.

"Forget it, it doesn't make much sense to explore this issue. The reason why monsters are monsters is because they are beyond our cognitive scope." Nie Bao shook his head and got rid of all the complicated thoughts in his mind. Then he led everyone to break out of the mutated world and return to the ninth district.


When they saw the five extraordinary beings from Jiuyuan Holy City who were respectfully standing next to Su Qi, their hearts couldn't help but tremble.

this is not……

How could this guy who had just been captured not long ago suddenly let go of the past and get along so harmoniously with each other?

However, after catching the flash of light in the eyes of these people looking at Su Qi, Nie Bao and the others seemed to realize something and couldn't help but frown.

Why does this look more and more like the first time they learned about the existence of the monster Su Qi...

Could it be said that these guys from Jiuyuan Holy City are also going to participate in the fight for Su Qi?

Didn't it mean that Pei Jing and Jiuyuan Holy City were incompatible?

However, when thinking of Su Qi's terrifying talent, that little contradiction seems to be less important.

As a result, Nie Bao and others showed vigilant eyes. After all, now was the best time for them to establish friendship with Master Su Qi. Naturally, they were a little unhappy when someone else suddenly got involved.

However, Su Qi did not pay too much attention to all this. Instead, he immediately convened a high-level meeting of District 9 to reveal the entire next battle plan.

At this point, many high-ranking officials showed extremely shocked expressions.


What shocked them was not the ensuing battle. After all, they had been watching the changes in the world. Although they were very reluctant, they had to admit that the changes would eventually invade.

What surprised them was that five more destruction-level experts suddenly appeared to help.

Happiness comes too suddenly.

So much so that they seemed to vaguely see something called a king's halo behind Su Qi.

The tiger's body shook, and help came from all directions.

"This battle plan is actually very simple. First, five people from Lu Zhan will be deployed on the front line outside the city to attract the first wave of firepower from the strange creatures. Of course, you don't need to fight to the death. The most important thing is to do your best. It may explode with energy and blood, attracting the attention of strange creatures, and taking some of the strange creatures away from the direction of the ninth area."

"Next is Nie Bao and you guys. The same goes for you. You will sit on the second line of defense and lure away as many weird creatures as possible."

"The remaining weird creatures will be intercepted by myself, Chu Qingfeng, and Principal Pei. I will complete the detention of the weird creatures in the shortest possible time, and then I will notify you."

Su Qi summarized it again.

"This plan is of great importance, and everyone must not take it lightly. After all, everything we have arranged now is still in the theoretical stage, and it is not yet known whether it can be implemented smoothly."

"However, I think this plan is of far-reaching significance. If it succeeds, maybe we can liberate the destruction-level extraordinary beings stationed in other cities, and then jointly kill the place where the mutation originated!"

Speaking of this, Su Qi's whole aura became fierce.

It even infected everyone, as if people could see a glimmer of light in this endless disaster.

At the same time, Nie Bao and others couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after hearing Su Qi's arrangements.

Because, in their expectation, they thought that they would be the first wave of impact to attract strange creatures.

Unexpectedly, it was Lu Zhan and the others now. You must know that this position is the most dangerous. If you are not careful, you will be surrounded by strange creatures.

"It seems that we still have some weight in Master Su Qi's mind." Nie Bao lowered his voice and said to Yang Rihuan next to him.

Yang Rihuan couldn't help but feel relaxed at this time.

After all, the strength of Jiuyuan Holy City is much stronger than that of Jingxue Holy City where they are located. If they and Pei Jing can put aside their past grievances, the probability of winning over Su Qi is extremely high.

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